I thought the first one was too vague to endorse singularly. Alcohol should be restricted to those twenty five and older, who have a fully developed prefrontal cortex and enough of a start at life experience to drink responsibly...also being removed from college environments and the juvenile temptations to abuse the substance wedded to those institutions too often.
There's a poll :noid:
I was joking around about the poll not being posted, yet, yet... I'm not joking by saying there is an attempt to profile posteres in the questions posed.lain:
it's excess. yes, anything in excess can be bad. except God. we all have access to alcohol, don't do it in excess. amen ! -![]()
What is the importance, or point of this thread?
About this:
Alcohol should be restricted to protect children.
This is ok in itself but I think there is an unfortunate tendency to make the state responsible for how we bring up our children. Making a law to protect children from alcohol will not help children and only cause friction with parents who want to introduce their children to alcohol im moderation. Allowing children to have this in moderation has one big benefit. It teaches them discipline and realism. An outright ban only reinforces children's curiosity and the moment they are old enough they will go on a binge. Parents are key to the proper raising of children, not laws. This is what we in Britain call the nanny state. We get too much of it here because we are a relatively small country and it is easier for laws to control its citizens. Many of us don't want this any more. So be warned. Where there is too much health and safety law, people grow up unable to face real dangers and ignorant of what to do when they have to think for themselves.
My parents drank alcohol in moderation. It was considered unseemly to drink too much. I was allowed a sip of wine if I asked. It tasted horrible to me. It was not a mystery and not something I desired.
As an adult I drink in moderation if at all.
Then you are saying drinking is not a moral issue, but being drunk is a moral issue. I will concur.
Yes, thanks. I'm exactly the same. I had my first tipple for about 3 years at New Year.
Amiel's points are valid. Some people abuse sex, a reward of marriage. Because some men commit rape doesn't mean sex is wrong.
Jesus drank alcohol
I am a recovered alcoholic, so I do not drink any alcohol at all. And I am keenly aware of it's dangers.This is a poll to examine views on the use of alcohol, and being this would be your position, I feel it would be best as an open poll. Pick as many as apply to you, if none apply, state why. Please leave comments and try to stay on topic.