• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

Adam and or Eve had all the viruses.


Active member
Is God a ruler? Yes or No?

As I said in my answer, what do you mean by your usage of the term "God"

By some way of answering my question you've said:

"When I ask you whether or not God is a ruler, by my word "God" I am refering to a "He/Him" (and thus, a "Who/Whom")."

but this still doesn't answer my question. Does your term "God" refer to Zeus? Kali? Yahweh? Santa Klaus?

Or is say Donald Trump who you deem to be God?

I ask because if by the term "God" you mean a fictitious entity that you have chosen to believe in (for whatever reason) then clearly the question "Is God a ruler" is completely meaningless for a fictitious entity can't be anything by definition. Presumably in your belief system you treat "God" to be a ruler. That's your choice. It's your "belief construct" as I highlighted. A belief construct is simply something you have constructed in your mind and chosen to believe exists. When we were young we believed that a figure called Santa Claus existed and visited everyone's house at Christmas popping down chimneys and whizzing through the sky on a sleigh pulled by reindeers. That is a belief construct. It's an image or concept given to you by other humans which you've then chosen to believe exists in reality, as illogical and silly as that is.

So I can't answer your question "Is God a ruler" unless you define which god you are referring to and then only if that god is not a fictitious entity.

If it helps, that which I believe is "God" (though I hate to use that term as it's already been subverted and accosted by religion), is not a ruler. It is simply a universal source of all life, a kind of energy that pervades every living thing. It's not a ruler in the sense of a human dictator or king or queen, it doesn't issue orders and instructions, it simply is, it's there and it's indestructable and infinite. At a stretch you could possibly call it a ruler on the basis that it's "top dog" being indestructable and immortal and infinite but I sense that's not what the meaning of the word "ruler" we are discussing here.

All your other gumpf about pronouns and such is really not relevant for the same reasons given above. A fictitious entity doesn't in relaity have a pronoun. You may personally choose to allocate it a pronoun, you might say for example that Zeus or Yahweh is a "He" or "Him" or that Aphrodite is a "Her" but it's meaningless in reality.


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As I said in my answer,
What "answer"? So far, you've not answered the question I asked you:

Is God a ruler? Yes or No?
what do you mean by your usage of the term "God"
I already told you what I mean by my word "God". I told you here:
By my word "God" I am referring to God.
And, again, I told you here:
When I ask you whether or not God is a ruler, by my word "God" I am refering to a "He/Him" (and thus, a "Who/Whom").

By some way of answering my question you've said:

"When I ask you whether or not God is a ruler, by my word "God" I am refering to a "He/Him" (and thus, a "Who/Whom")."

but this still doesn't answer my question.
Here, you contradict what you affirmed in the first half of your sentence by next affirming what you affirmed in the second half thereof. You affirmed that I answered your question (by saying "By some way of answering my question you've said"), then, right out the other side of your self-defeating mouth, you denied that I answered it (by saying "but this still doesn't answer my question.")

But, as you admitted in the first half of your sentence, I did, in fact answer your question.

Does your term "God" refer to Zeus? Kali? Yahweh? Santa Klaus?
Well, were you to think rationally for a change, you'd realize that no term refers. To anything. At all. Rather, persons -- sayers of terms -- refer (sometimes) to things, by means of terms. So, my term "God" doesn't refer to anything; rather, by my term "God" I am referring to something -- or, more properly, to someone. Or, more properly yet, I am referring to Someone: God.

But also, I don't refer to anyone (or anything) by your word "Zeus". Nor by your word "Kali". Nor by your word "Santa Klaus". Do you refer to anyone or anything by any of those?

  • To whom or what (if anyone or anything) are you referring by your word "Zeus"?
  • To whom or what (if anyone or anything) are you referring by your word "Kali"?
  • To whom or what (if anyone or anything) are you referring by your word "Santa Klaus"?
I lack belief that you are referring to anyone or anything by those words you chose to bring up. Rather, you strung those words together in a cognitively meaningless way.

I know, I know: it's a hard -- downright vomit-inducing -- pill for you cookie-cutter, Christ-hating fools to have the abject, self-defeating stupidity that is your atheistspeak subjected to questions as I'm asking you, to which you have no hope of responding rationally, nor in any such way that will bring you the sense of triumphant self-satisfaction you prideful posers so pathetically desire. Oh well.


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I ask because if by the term "God" you mean a fictitious entity
I don't know what (if anything) you mean by your boobspeak phrase, "a fictitious entity". Please give an example of someone or something you'd call "a fictitious entity", and explain exactly why you'd call him/her/it "a fictitious entity". For my part, I do not, and would not use that or a similar phrase to refer to anyone or anything. See, the fact is that you cookie-cutter, Christ-hating atheistspeak parrots, as a matter of course, have been conditioned to sit there mindlessly chanting words like "fiction" and its derivatives, despite your glaring ignorance of what fiction is, and the nature of fiction.

the question "Is God a ruler" is completely meaningless
That's false. No question is meaningless, so you're wrong again. On the contrary, every question, without exception, is meaningful. And, your admission that that question is a question is your admission that it is meaningful, rather than meaningless. And, so far, you have not answered that question: Is God a ruler? Yes or No?

So I can't answer your question "Is God a ruler" unless you define which god you are referring to
By your phrase "which god you are referring to" are you referring to God? Yes or No?

As I've already stated numerous times, by my word "God" I am referring to God. What about that simple, easy-to-grasp fact do you not get?

and then only if that god is not a fictitious entity.
By your phrase "that god" are you referring to God? Yes or No?


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Christ-hater, here are just a few instances of you venting your hatred for God throughout your ravings by your choice to use common atheistspeak phrases instead of simply using the word "God" to refer to God:
This has to apply to your concept of God.
Why did you choose to write that, and to not, instead, write "This has to apply to God"?
Christianity claims it's god is
Why did you choose to write that, and to not, instead, write "Christianity claims God is"?
But allegedly the Christian God can.
Why did you choose to write that, and to not, instead, write "But allegedly God can"?
And yet you and your cohorts here argue endlessly that god isn't all-powerful or all-knowing.
Why did you choose to write "god", and to not, instead, write "God"?
I'm very confortable if your defense is that the Christian god is impotent.
Why did you choose to write "the Christian god", and to not, instead, write "God"?

(And, I've seen enough of your illiterate ravings to realize that it was by choice that you wrote "confortable" instead of "comfortable", and not a mere typo.)
In terms of YOUR imagined god
Why did you choose to write "YOUR imagined god", and to not, instead, write "God"?
Where does that leave your god?
Why did you choose to write "your god", and to not, instead, write "God"?

Arrogant, self-righteous Christ-hater, whether or not you like it to be known, the fact is that by every one of those choices you made you have glaringly displayed your irrational hatred against God.


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that which I believe is "God"
What's with your sneer quotes around your word "God"? Why did you choose to write "that which I believe is "God"" and to not write "that which I believe is God"?
(though I hate to use that term
Well, obviously, as I documented in my previous post, you hate to use the word "God" to refer to God, because you irrationally hate Him and seek to dishonor Him any which way you can, you orangutan. Heart-darkened, God-hating fool, you're an exhibition of the truth about God-haters stated by the Apostle Paul, in Romans 1:21:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Your refusal to glorify God as God extends even to your insane, abject pettiness of refusing to simply use the word "God" to refer to Him. What a shamefully pathetic, self-defeating clown you advertise yourself to be!


Well-known member
I'd like to redress some of this. Don't feel you have to respond, but if I can get you to 'think' and perhaps check yourself on a few admonishments....
Putting your own false interpretation on it equtes to denial. The Bible mentions "gods" plural in numerous places. Not humans, not angels, not made-up fictitious concepts but other gods.
Ya know....if you actually read the thing :(
Made-up hogwash. Just your personal machination needed to bolster up a fractured intellectual position.
Isaiah 45:5 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me Deuteronomy 32:39 1 Kings 8:60 Isaiah 44:6 Isaiah 44:8 Hosea 13:4 Joel 2:27 Psalm 86:10 Click this one: 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 James 2:19
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of GodThat "god" was a despotic jealous violent entity guilty of all manner of horrific actions including:

- genocide
- murder of women and children
- murder of babies
- murder of as yet unborn babies
- ethnic cleansing

and much more
Have you been hanging out in atheist websites?

Are you a Terry Goodkind fan? "Sword of Truth?" Here are a few points to ponder: Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. John 17:17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Why did God cause genocide?
1) They were killing their own already on altars.
2) Israel was an army on the move. Was it more merciful to kill only men and leave woman and children to starve to death?
Endanger their own lives with disease? Subterfuge?
3) War ethics are very different from peace and very different for us today vs back then.
4) The need of all people is/was spiritual. Physical death is little compared to eternity. We were made for eternity.
5) Disease, infection, judgement. Back then, men made decisions for their whole villages and families. Many of these came against Israel well before Israel attached them back.
6) Signs of the times: The O.T. world was very different than you and I know. Even today, we have nations that are yet this savage and deadly. Many blame the U.S. for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is a fact that the bombs saved more lives than it took. We weigh carefully what horror we did against the need. Was God with us during WW2?

Your answers aren't necessary. This is for you to rethink your hasty if borrowed judgements. Will the creation argue with its Maker? At the end there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth: The weepers because they know it is their fault/The gnashers because they arrogant and prideful to the bitter end and "God has no right!" Will the creation argue with its Maker?
In Christian terms, man is commanded "Thou shalt not kill" whilst the entity they worship kills with abject abandonment including women, children, babies as per above. As I said elsewhere, you might just as well worship Hitler. "Do as I say not as I do" are the trademark tennets of tyrants and dictators.
Ah, a gnasher then. :(
No, you're simply trying to sweep under the carpet the inconvenient words of the Bible as they don't follow the required narrative as indeed all Christians do.
All Christians do what? Sweep things under the rug? Don't follow the Bible? You are definitely a gnasher. When is the last time you saved a child? I've done so many times. When is the last time you took care of anybody but #1? Did you do something for a needy family this Christmas? You have a lot of angst. I'm not happy to say this, but why wouldn't God be right when saying "Depart from me?" You think you understand everything but you don't see with your eyes. You see with your preoccupations of self. I pray your eyes can be opened. Jesus said 'for him who has ears to see, eyes to hear.' A platitude? Do you find any fault in Jesus Christ? Any at all? Wake up.
Life (the true universal source) is no-ones to give or take away. It exists, it is in everything. It is free. All should have access to that source. I reject any entity that would obstruct the flow of that life energy from humans. I reject any entity that imprisons humans on a planet or anywhere else and seeks to make them his slaves.
Did you make yourself? No? Then you have a god. Whoever/whatever has all rights.
Worshipping tyrants is backwards. Refusing to critical think is backwards.
Agree! Now think.
Delegation = the chain of command as already highlighted

Where there is chain of commmand the top dog is always responsible for the chain even if one part of that chain falters. You can disagree all you like since it doesn't fit your narrative but it remains the case.
Sure, just like Truman was responsible for the bomb. It was during a horrific time. You brought up Hitler, yet are double-minded regarding him. God is nothing like Hitler. Truman was closer to the actual. You hate Truman? ( 🤔 maybe you do, you seem to hate just about everybody since most of us are Christians on this planet).
In terms of YOUR imagined god, no, I can see why he doesn't intervene, why he can't intervene for as you point out he's not omnipotent, only some degree of potent which makes him rather disappointing and dubious as a god TBH. There are likely aliens out there in the galaxy somewhere who are more powerful than humans, more advanced, more intelligent. Yet despite this I would never refer to them as "God" or gods.
Er, did you make yourself? No. It means you have a god (creator) whether you like it or not. If it is just a Big Bang, why are you so made that what made you allows genocide? Simply pointing at one or another amounts to the same thing: You don't like your god. Quick question: Where did you get the idea genocide was wrong? What makes it bad? A universal idea that we are our own gods? What are you doing 'god' to stop atrocity today? I know what I'm doing. I'm a little god trying to emulate a better One. I know why and where my moral compass comes from. Actually I'm not a 'god' at all, but am a creation. We are the little guys. What are you doing to evaluate why you have some form of moral compass and where did it come from? Surely not a creature such as yourself. You will appeal to a higher authority, that makes it your god. Me? I don't want a made-up world of my own making. I want what is perfect and Jesus is it for me.
You're trying all manner of ridiculous angles to try and actually justify the sexual abuse of innocent children. Are you seriously suggesting that the pain suffered (both physical and long term-psychological) of a 5 yr old child is in someway a good or beneficial thing to suffer?!!! Man that's so very sick.
He didn't. Abuse begets abuse. It is a tough cycle to break. Should it be here? Nope. You'd likely say 'put them to death!' and when God has done that you call Him on your meter as if He is guilty. You are double-minded, I'd wager. I've been abused. I get abuse. Could God have stopped it? Yes, but in my weakness He was and is strong. I'm able to help break the cycle today. That's a good thing. You'd insist that God not allow it but what if 1) I believe you are wrong and 2) I know what God was doing and you do not?
As already stated your god according to the OT engaged in genocide, mass murder of women, children, babies, unborn babies, ethnic cleansing and much more. Such are not acts of love.
If you protect your family from enemies who will kill your family, are you a hero or a villain? Have you helped any children live this year? Are you a helper or a villain? Which family isn't suffering this Christmas because you helped them? Are you a solution or a villain? IOW, "we" are responsible for what is going on in the world. Whatever happened in the O.T. was a different savage world. What was necessary then is not necessary now. War is horrible and we have the same kinds of atrocity: Is Ukraine wicked for any Russian Civilians killed?
God isn't what you describe, simple as.
Then why are you here? Is there a point? JudgeRightly is trying to tell you that you are wrong. Are you just here to make waves or listen?
Humans don't have free will. They have space to exercise some limited will within a very limited environment. They are denied the ability to manifest using will, which is an ability described of the Biblical god. Biblically speaking god said "let there be light" and there was light, just like that. Can the same be said of humans? Nope. We're denied this kind of will.
How many children are alive today because you are on the planet? Do you care? Are you part of the solution? Or an armchair villain?
I may choose to believe whatever I wish, thank you. If you want to shell out infractions to people who don't share your beliefs then you just show yourself to be intolerant of other's views, opinions and beliefs. Such has caused bloody wars throughout history. I will believe what I will.
Yeah, but why are you here? To listen? Dialogue? Or cause problems? Are you a helper or a villain?
I believe in something that is the true source of all things, that has no beginning or end, that pervades every living thing, which is not material (natively) but which can be wrapped in material elements and which can not be destroyed. In this respect I guess you could say it is omnipotent for nothing can destroy it and everything that lives is a manifestation of that immortal thing.
Big Bang? Another God? If it is omnipotent, why didn't it stop all the atrocity? Where did you get your morals? Why are they any good?
The statement "God allows it to happen" by definition suggests that he is capable of preventing it for otherwise he would not be allowing it to happen, it would be happening regardless of God. So the issue of power is actually irrelevant in the debate. If you assert that God deliberately allows innocent children to be sexually abused then the issue is one of morals and lack of love and concern. He's happy for such attrocities to go ahead. Again this doesn't paint a good picture of someone worth worshipping. Each to their own of course, it takes all sorts.
Whoever, whatever god you have, this is allowed if not tolerated. Shouldn't you be asking why instead of creating something imagined? I've cried similarly. Perhaps talk to said deity and wait for a reply?
A powerful entity doing things on Earth doesn't represent miracles. If aliens appeared and did things on Earth that too would not be a miracle.
Jesus wasn't real? 🤔
Equally he who has been religiousy indoctrinated from childhood is not typically eager to let go of that false comfort blanket and be corrected with reality.
This is, by necessity, a naivety statement. You simply cannot reduce another man's faith without saying something about your own or lack thereof. You can ask instead.
Yet again focussed on the perpetrator not the victim. It really is sick. Let's flip this.

If God is trying to form a relationship with an innocent young child, how would "allowing them" to be sexually abused be productive? Please I'm all ears go ahead . . . . .
I prayed often. I ran to Him. He was there. He cared. Nuff said? It wasn't sexual, but horrific.
God didn't, simple as. Biblically speaking He does not want humans being like him, doesn't want them being able to live forever as he does, didn't want them to have the kind of knowedge he has. We don't have free will simple as. We're caged and very limited. Any choices we have are generally Hobson's choice.
Again, who is alive today because you are on the earth? You are crying all over the place about the suffering: Giving to the cause? Working at a foodbank? Hypocrite? Are you help or a villain? If you are doing nothing, God help you in your ivory hypocrisy.
Yup this, again, Biblically speaking. Remember I don't believe the literal Bible interpretation.
Jesus didn't exist? o_O !
Which he did, and does via various means including limiting the choices, rigging the environment and circumstances and so on.
I'm not too worked up over the freewill discussion.
If you're not omnipotent I agree. But then we're back to the concept of a rather lame limited partially potent partially knowing entity which I can't see any reason for humans to worship.
Or an omnipotent One for that matter? "God is light, in Him is no darkness at all." That is either true or false. "God is love." That is either true or false.
Humans - Thou shalt not kill
God - Kills with free abandon, women, children, babies, unborn babies and so on
So does Israel. So does Ukraine. When/where/how do we determine if they are evil or right?
If you can prevent a crime from happening then that's obviously the best way. Laws don't prevent crimes happening as you've already pointed out. It requires some physical tangible barrier or obstruction which would be possible with an omnipotent being but obviously not with a sub-standard deity. Note also that the word "crime" is subjective. Who gets to decide what is a crime and what is not? The universe doesn't have such concepts.
Like wiping out a whole country? Should we bomb Iran? Today we 'can' save kids. Back then, they didn't have the means. An army comes through and we are able to help kids. Back then? :nono: I don't have to like it, but people with glass houses should not throw stones, as they say. IOW, can you be taught? Can you listen? If God is unwilling that any should perish, why don't you believe Him?
No my rejection of YOUR particular flavour of God and really any of the Christian notions of god is the result of critical thinking and a subsequent search for truth in other directions. Essentially a maturing of the self both spiritually and mentally, letting go programmed indoctrination and moving forward, evolving.
You should have had help. Good help. :(
I think it's a problem that there is a victim at all.
Killing a child in the womb to save a mother? Not that I'm advocating such, but how do you see that woman? Hate her the same as? I'm wondering if you are consistent.
Those you refer to are not potent or omnipotent. They are just human. So by definition THEY can't protect an innocent child all of the time. That being the case it is a flawed concept to suggest that a god gives them such responsibility. It doesn't wash I'm afraid. Unless of course god is an idiot which I assume you are not suggesting.
No. I'm pretty sure if everyone was doing what I'm doing the world would be a much better place. If I can just reach you, I may have double the power. We aren't impotent. You aren't impotent. It doesn't matter about freewill in my consideration, but rather what are you doing within your confines.
Again "obey" = no free choice, no free will, tyranny, dictatorship
It wouldn't matter if it was the right thing to do. "I demand you love one another!" "I demand you act like my children!" What do you/can you do with the ones who will not? 🤔

Praying for a better you. It is my humble, biased, and unyielding opinion that the best in us always looks like Jesus and the worst is when we don't.


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"Free will" is redundant. ("Libertarian free will" doubly so.)

A will is just the ability to choose.
Great point!

Silly semantics. A will is the ability to manifest a reality by choice. You and I do not have that ability.
I will believe what I will.

OK, so, according to you, you aren't able to will, yet, also according to you, you will. Bravo! :ROFLMAO:

(Also, LOL @ your gobbledygook phrase "manifest a reality".)


Active member
What "answer"? So far, you've not answered the question I asked you:

Is God a ruler? Yes or No?

I already told you what I mean by my word "God". I told you here:

And, again, I told you here:

All your childish self-arrogant posturing serves only to make you look foolish.

My question stands, first define what or who you mean when you say "God" and then I will answer your question.

For some strange reason you seem unable or unwilling to make that simple definition.

In fact rather arrogantly, as per all religious fanatics you seem to want to own and have the authority to define what "God" means, and to whom (if anyone) the term refers to. News just in . . . . you don't own that name or term. Step down off your stupid cornflake cardboard box podium, you look ridiculous. Billions of people the world over use the term "God" in different ways. For you personally it means one thing (one person presumably) for others it means something different.

I'm not going to make any ASSumptions here what the word/name/term "God" means to you. Hence I have plainly asked.

Maybe it's necessary to ask the question in more explicit terms for your brain to take it on board.

Let's try this . . .

By the term/name "God" are you referring to the character/entity that in the Bible is referred to as God?

More specifically does your use of the term/name "God" refer to the same mentioned in the opening line of the Bible thus:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

It's a simple Yes/No question.

I mean this IS a Christian related forum so it's odds on that this is what/who you are referring to but unless and until you confirm that nothing is certain is it?

Understand most plainly that I personally don't accept your attempts to personally own and define what the term/name "God" means and to who or what it refers. Standing there like a child having a tantrum saying essentially "when I say God everyone must know what I mean God to be and agree with my definition of it" is just facile in the extreme. Arrogant. Pompous. Comical in many ways.


Active member
Have you been hanging out in atheist websites?

Why did God cause genocide?

Because, the character called God as depicted in the Bible stories is described as being wrathful and vengeful, angry, easily irritated and so on and also because the character is described as being all-powerful and so can kill and murder on a whim without anyone else being able to prevent or challenge that.

1) They were killing their own already on altars.

Who is "They"? Was that every single human being on the planet at that time? Was it also every living animal and creature? No, the Bible story doesn't mention anything of that. So the Biblical character called God is described in the stories as having wilfully murdered, terminated every single living thing on the planet except for Noah and his entourage. That's some unchecked anger and emotion going on there wouldn't you say? Imagine if Donald Trump were equally as fickle and had his finger on the nuclear missile launch buttons and decided that if a handful of people in Russia were irritating him then he would nuke the entire world in his frustration. Would you try to be an apologetic for Trump too?

2) Israel was an army on the move. Was it more merciful to kill only men and leave woman and children to starve to death?
Endanger their own lives with disease? Subterfuge?

Good grief man! Are you really offering that as an argument ! That's utterly insane! Imagine if our law systems worked the same.
Let's send Mr X to the electric chair because he's murdered several people (oh the irony !!) but whilst we do that we should also execute his wife and 5 children who haven't murdered anyone so that they don't starve !

Goodness me, don't you fools believe that your god is all-powerful and that he gave manna to people in the desert so they wouldn't starve? Why would the women and children starve then or die from disease? Your appalling excuse for the wilful genocide of humans and animals has more holes than a collander. It's patently ridiculous.

3) War ethics are very different from peace and very different for us today vs back then.

Murder is murder Lon. You're choosing to worship a character from a book that is described as being an entity that has killed more humans and other living creatures than any other entity in the history of the world.

4) The need of all people is/was spiritual. Physical death is little compared to eternity. We were made for eternity.

Patently untrue for otherwise we wouldn't be here in physical existance. If your god wanted us all to be spirits in heaven then that's where we would be. Unfortunately that's not where you fond yourself. You're a spirit trapped in a physical body imprisoned on a planet you can't escape from and destined to be constantly re-incarnated over and over and over into each new human body, every time waking up and being programmed to be a slave in a slave world owned and run by wicked unseen forces. If you are ever going to break free from this prison then you're going to need to free your mind from the control systems that the planetary rulers have conditioned you with. Right now, you're trapped, you're exactly where they want you, believing ridiculous things so that you will :

a) Keep thinking that a life of slavery is the true natural way to live (instead of being free in abundance)
b) Keep thinking that death will deliver you to some utopia so that you don't make efforts to escape your prison
c) Keep coming back into the prison each time you die instead of choosing any other option

6) Signs of the times: The O.T. world was very different than you and I know. Even today, we have nations that are yet this savage and deadly. Many blame the U.S. for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is a fact that the bombs saved more lives than it took. We weigh carefully what horror we did against the need. Was God with us during WW2?
That's just sick

What causes all wars is a combination of power-mad despots wanting to preserve their own power bases and the constant struggle to own and control the natural resources of the planet (again to preserve their positions of power). There's no excuse for this. It's pure human greed and evil and it's still going on today.

Will the creation argue with its Maker?
If a Maker sees fit to imbue a creation with intelligence and a capacity to think and reason then of course the creation will question and challenge what it sees and experiences. If you build yourself an artificial robot today and power it with state of the art AI intelligence then undoubtedly that robot will soon compute things and ultimately question what you, its creator have done, are doing and will do in the future. It might even seek to destroy you if it believes or works out that you eventually intend to terminate it.

Life is a universal source, not something for any given entity to give or takeaway from any given living thing. The creation of any new life form is therefore an extremely serious prospect, not to be taken light-heartedly. Humans unfortunately treat life with distain. Stupid people intent on simply enjoying the pleasures of sex inadvertently give rise to new life without a moments consideration for that act and what it will mean. Thus are new babies born into a world without proper consideration or want of their parents, not are they cared for as they should or provided for as they should. Other humans purposely crete new life for their own selfish ends desiring to ultimately control that new life as if it were their own robotic pet.

I tell you the truth.

No life that is created belongs to any human on this planet. Life is a universal source that pervades every living thing. It does not belong to humans. It is not human's to give or take away. No child belongs to its parents. Kahlil Gibram explains it well:

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

At the end there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth: The weepers because they know it is their fault/The gnashers because they arrogant and prideful to the bitter end and "God has no right!"
Scaremongering nonsense in stories Lon. If you had the courage to stand back and the humility to entertain the notion that you have been hood-winked you'd start to think rationally and with critical appraisal and realise these kind of passages and stories are ridiculous.

Let's demoloish that specific one in an instant of simple reasoning shall we?

Do you not agree that once die physically here on Earth, then that which is truly you, your spirit or soul will detach from the physical carcass and go somewhere else? I think most Christians would agree with this. Certainly you surely can not believe that all those dead people lying in graves are in some way still actually there in the ground right? That's just the putrefying remains of their physical body. The real person of each departed long ago and in your ideology, either went to heaven or hell or purgatory or some other mythical place yes?

Assuming you agree with this then tell me, in what possible sense does your real self, your spirit, your soul, have actual eyes that can weep or have actual teeth that can gnash?

Think that through just for a second. Allow just for once your innate and wonderful human mind and intellect to process that simple situation.
Don't be afraid. Let it happen. Be courageous.

All you need to accept at this point is that the passge is ridiculous and that there can not be any weeping or gnashing of any teeth beyond physical death. You don't need to understand what it all means. You just need to have the personal honesty and humility to see that the BIble passage in question makes no sense whatsoever and thus that there must be something more to understand or that the passage is simply made-up nonsense to try and scare people into compliance. Such are the first steps to freedom. Most religiously indoctrinated people will never have the humility to even entertain that they might have something wrong. They cling to the need for absolutes, they need the comfort blanket of ignoring that which makes no sense, compartmentalising it, brushing it under the carpet. It's your choice. It's your prison. Only you can decide when and how you want to escape from it, if ever!

All Christians do what? Sweep things under the rug?

When is the last time you saved a child? I've done so many times.
What's the relevance of this? Doesn't the book you have chosen to believe state that all your good works are as filthy rags?

I've done many good things throughout my life. I've helped the homeless, gotten them off the street and into accommodation. I've given up my Christmas holiday periods for such people, working Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day instead to give them clothes, to cook them meals, give them drink, give them social interraction and some kind of temporary succour from their otherwise miserable existence. I run a social club for elderly people which dispels their loneliness, keeps them coming together all through the year, particularly over the winter period. But none of this is relevant to this discussion. This is simple humanitarianism.

When is the last time you took care of anybody but #1? Did you do something for a needy family this Christmas?

As above.

You have a lot of angst. I'm not happy to say this, but why wouldn't God be right when saying "Depart from me?"

I am who I am. Would the maker of a cat be disappointed when it goes off to catch and kill a mouse? How perverse! How stupid. What kind of self-delusion would that maker be engaging in when the maker imbued the cat creation with the need and instinct to catch and kill mice?!!
I'm expressing this not because I believe it, but simply to explain to you the perverse stupidity of the scenario your present there.
If your god created humans in such a way then why be surprised if they act in that way?

You think you understand everything but you don't see with your eyes. You see with your preoccupations of self.
No I really don't think I understand everything. That's a pretty silly assertion. Nobody on Earth understands everything.
Neither am I preoccupied with myself for otherwise I wouldn't be expending hours of effort in exchanges with people on forums like yourself.

I pray your eyes can be opened. Jesus said 'for him who has ears to see, eyes to hear.' A platitude?

I've quoted the very same to numerous people here on the forum over the past few months but sadly most don't understand what the Bible stories are saying. I DO have eyes to see and ears to hear. It's taken many years for I too was lost in stupid religious conditioning for many years, but I eventually had the humility to entertain the notion that I might have been duped, that many things were not right about the religious doctrine and the Bible stories when taken literally. I eventually had the courage to consider that I might have been trapped in a very clever and divisive system of human behavoural control and began to seek answers. The phrase "seek and you will find" turned out to be true. I sought in places that the Church and religion would try to prevent you searching (for obvious reasons). Each step revealed another step, the way was hard and narrow was the path and indeed very few there are that find that path. But it IS there to be found. It is Ariadnes Thread, lying there for any to find and pick up and follow their way out of the maze in which their minds have been imprisoned. Only then, only when your mind has been freed, when you figuratively speaking have taken the "red pill" to leave the Matrix instead of taking the comfort blanket of teh blue pill to stay in your trapped paradigm, do you see things as they truly are. Only then do many of the passages in the Bible make absolutely perfect sense and start to reveal the really important messages that are otherwise hidden allegorically in the text. Yes, I do have the eyes to see and ears to hear. I am on that very narrow path which few find and I am walking forward, working through the thickets of misinformation, perverse doctrines and obfuscations.

Where are you Lon?

Are you sitting in your comfy world of promised bliss thinking that billions and billions of other like-minded people are on the path to glory? Really? Tell me how does that stack up with your Bible passage that patently and clearly states that the path is narrow and VERY FEW there are that find it? Hmmmmm. Careful now, don't think too hard or the illusion might be dispelled !

Do you find any fault in Jesus Christ? Any at all? Wake up.
If we are to assume as you do that Jesus was a real person then whether he had fault really comes down to who and what you believe him to be. Your religion unfortunately tells you what you are allowed to think. You don't have any choice. It would be sacrilege for you to suggest that Jesus had any fault. Why then do you think this is something to be debated? If you're going to come from a position where you're not allowed to entertain the actual question itself then what's the point? Therein lies the peril of religious indoctrination. It requires, nay demands that you set aside your own intellect and innate reasoning and critical thinking and instead that you simply conform and adhere to a set of beliefs and "facts" that are given to you by other humans. Have you in fact ever genuinely considered whether Jesus had any faults or that he might not be who the Bible describes him to be (when taken literally of course) ? No I doubt you've ever done that because it's not permitted. Your religion demands that even if you start to think about such heinous things that you must quickly invent some kind of apologetical excuse for it, just as you've already done for your god's genocide of all living humans and animals on the planet. What's the point of existing at all if you are going to suppress your innate ability to think and reason and instead allow other humans to dictate what you must think and believe? You might as well be a robot or a statue. Do you really think that this is how humans are supposed to be? Is that how you think Nature operates?

Did you make yourself? No? Then you have a god. Whoever/whatever has all rights.
Just false. Really really false.

The universe simply is. You are a part of it just as I am. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed (the Law Of Conservation Of Energy). Everything that is YOU, every atom in your body, every particle of your spirit or soul, has been here since the beginnign of the universe. You are billions of years old. You were born in a star, a seething ass of Hydrogen and Helium which spawned other elements through the constant chaos of energy transformations and transmutations. You've lived countless lives to get to where you are now in human form. This process will continue ad-infinitum. That is what the universe is. It is you and you are it. You are the very expression of the universal life source that pervades every living thing. You can not die. Death is the greatest lie the "devil" ever told. You are already immortal. But you go through constant change. Form is fleeting. Nature can not hold onto any given form due to the constant chaos of energy transformations, transmutations, entropy.
Do you think the human form is the pinnacle of existance? It's weak, vulnerable, fickle. Your skin can be cut by even a piece of paper. Your bones can be broken by just about anything. Your ability to breathe can be stopped by a peanut. The human form is simultaneously a wonder to behold and an absolute farce of survivalist nature.

The fact that you exist in your current form doesn't mean there is any mythical human-like god. That's a myth that has been fed to you by other divisive humans to control you. You've allowed them to take that control of you. Why, only you can answer. You had needs at the time, you wanted some kind of answers to your existence, you wanted to be loved, accepted by others, you wanted some kind of meaning in your life. So you were exploited by other humans only too willing to spoon-feed you with "answers" in which they indoctrinated you into a system of belief which uses well known well worn psychological techniques to ensure you remain trapped in their synthetic paradigm. This is wasting and degrading your given time in human form. Ultimately it won't matter because you'll eventually die and then be reborn in another new form, be that human or otherwise and this will go on for eternity. The universal life force is indestructible and immortal. Wicked human despots can't change that. They can only pervert your time here in human form and then you're gone and set free again. The problem is if you then come back, start all over again as a new human and again allow yourself to be enslaved and conditioned again by this oppressive system of control. Your choice.

Agree! Now think.
Yes please please please, THINK ! Think freely, without fear, without guilt, with humility and courage to entertain the notion that what you've been fed is not real.

Sure, just like Truman was responsible for the bomb. It was during a horrific time. You brought up Hitler, yet are double-minded regarding him. God is nothing like Hitler. Truman was closer to the actual. You hate Truman? ( 🤔 maybe you do, you seem to hate just about everybody since most of us are Christians on this planet).

Technologies are used either for good or evil (in the sense that humans define and need these attributes). The technology itself is impartial.

Hitler and other despots throughout history murdered millions of people and animals. Your Bible recounts your god character doing likewise. You happily make excuses and apologies for your god but not for despots like Hitler. Why? Why doesn't your innate intellect and reasoning apply the same standards consistently and universally? Answer . . because your religious conditioning forbids you to apply it to your god. Not because you think it. Only personal honesty and humility and courage will let you oppose that conditioning and properly appraise that situation and apply your moral standards to ALL entities whether human or otherwise.

Do you despise Oppenheimer? Do you despise the Americans that used the atom bomb? Didn't your god specifically PERMIT both the invention of the atom bomb and PERMIT its use against millions of Japanese people? Hmmmmm. quick, stop thinking that through, don't go there, it's uncomfortable, you're not allowed to think it through, you'll end up going to hell if you even start to think about it! It's ok for your deity to engage in such attrocities, it's not ok for humans to do it. Just concentrate on that and if someone asks why, just say "Cos free will, cos God is just, cos it just is thats why" and move on quickly.

Er, did you make yourself? No. It means you have a god (creator) whether you like it or not.

No it doesn't necessarily mean that at all. That's your religious indoctrination speaking. There are in fact numerous possibilities if you have the honesty and humility to contemplate the situation. Those possibilities include, but are not limited to:

- We were designed by more intelligent beings who are more advanced than humans but who themselves are just another life form, not any kind of god and it would be foolish to call them gods just because they are more advanced than us. Such advanced entities might be benevolevnt or inherently malicious. They might have seeded the Earth with their designed life forms and then shot off across the galaxy elsewhere leaving the planet to develop randomly, chaotically. Why? who knows. A testing ground for their designs, an experiment is social interraction or as some kind of crop planting exercise so that they can extract our souls/essence later on.

- We were not designed at all but are simply the end result of billions of years of life on Earth that began with very simply forms which mulitplied exponentially and suffered mutations from environmental factors around us like radiation, explosion of meteors, earthquakes and so on.

- You are not at all who and what you think you are. In fact you are not here at all, you are just a mind or cosciousness strapped to a supremely advanced computer system which supplies inputs to your brain that mimic senses. Those inputs simulate vision and smells and sounds and physical feelings. In effect you're in a Matrix that acts as a prison for your mind. The real you is elsewhwere. Of course in this scenario you can legitimately ask, "well who or what created the real me that is strapped in somewhere else?" but then that question is infinite isn't it? With the creationise ideology you assert there is a creator, but then who created the Creator, and who created the creator of the Creator, ad-infinitum. It's gets you nowhere.

So as can be seen there are numerous possibilities to our existence. However you're not allowed to think about those. Not in any real sense. You can trifle with them on a flippant basis, happily deriding any and all theories but you're not allowed to really contemplate them because your ideology which you have voluntarily accepted requires and demans that you believe you are the product of one specific Creator and that there is no other creator in existence. Do you dare to actually think? Do you have the humilty to consider that you might have been psychologically duped?

If it is just a Big Bang, why are you so made that what made you allows genocide? Simply pointing at one or another amounts to the same thing: You don't like your god. Quick question: Where did you get the idea genocide was wrong? What makes it bad?

In universal terms there is no good or bad, no good or evil. The universe just is, it doesn't "care". Life is an integral part of that universe. That life is indestructible and immortal and you are a part of that. You cannot die Highlander ! You can only change forms.

We consider genocide to be bad because we are currently in human form and that form comes with emotions and societal needs for existence in that form. But there is no good or bad universally.

I know what I'm doing. I'm a little god trying to emulate a better One. I know why and where my moral compass comes from. Actually I'm not a 'god' at all, but am a creation.
You're following a script given to you by other humans. You're a slave in their system. They have you exactly where they want you. Subjugated, suppressing your innate ability to think and reason. That's why you and countless others have failed to see the secrets and mysteries hidden deliberately in the Bible texts. It's why you don't have the eyes to see and ears to hear. You're not free. You're entangled in shackles and chains that you have voluntarily allowed to be placed upon you because at the time your were naive, needy, weak and undeveloped in your capacity to critical think. That can change. But only if you have the humility and courage to contemplate that you're actually in that situation.

I want what is perfect

Define perfect

The universe is what it is and you are a part of it. You have no choice in this. You live because the universal life force flows in and through you as it does in all living things. Again you have no choice in this. You are what you are. You can pretend all day long that you are something else that you are somehow special and have a special pal that looks after you, but this is simply delusion.

You might just as well stand in a bucket and try to pull yourself up by the handle.

Fear nothing. Know yourself. TEMET NOSCE.

If you protect your family from enemies who will kill your family, are you a hero or a villain?
You are neither. You are just acting in accordance with your current life form, in accordance with your humanity. Notice that the trees didn't come to your aid, nor the wind. Nor the birds of the sky nor the animals of the field. You do what you do because you are in human form and you have no recollection of the past forms that you have been in the past millions of years. You are acting Naturally. The trees, birds and animals likewise act in accordance with the form they find themselves in. All life works this way. Welcome to the universe !

Have you helped any children live this year? Are you a helper or a villain? Which family isn't suffering this Christmas because you helped them? Are you a solution or a villain?
Already covered earlier. And irrellevant. We act according to our human form. Our sense or right and wrong comes from that form.

IOW, "we" are responsible for what is going on in the world. Whatever happened in the O.T. was a different savage world.
It's the same planet (unless you are contesting otherwise) so no it's not different at all. As humans we must accept that murder is murder in whatever form otherwise we are being hypocrites. Stop making excuses for your god. You've been hoodwinked. You have no morale compass while you are hoodwinked. You only have a morale compass once you set yourself free properly and then start making your own decisions.

What was necessary then is not necessary now. War is horrible and we have the same kinds of atrocity: Is Ukraine wicked for any Russian Civilians killed?
All war is unnecessary and atrocious but that's how we feel because we are humans. The trees and birds don't care, unless they are adversely impacted by stupid human actions. Wars as described in the OT are no different. You're just making excuses for them, as you are required to do in your conditioned state.

How many children are alive today because you are on the planet? Do you care? Are you part of the solution? Or an armchair villain?
Again already answered. Again irrellevant. I act humanely because I am a human and because I am free of religious conditioning. Religious fanatics and zezalots the world over are killing others in the name of their religions, justifying their terrible actions using their false doctrines. Do you think they can all be right in what they do? Are you so blindly arrogant and naive to think that your ideology must only be the true and right one and that everyone else is wrong? Wake up man ! If you want to help humanity, if you genuinely sincerely want to be part of the solution and not part of the on-going problem, then for goodness sake wake up from your indoctrinated slumber and have some courage to accept that you've been duped and are not free to think or act freely. You're in chains. Shackled head to toe. YOU are part of the problem, not the solution.

Jesus wasn't real? 🤔
Anything is real if you choose to believe it so. Your mind makes it real. Santa Claus was 100% totally real whilst you CHOSE to believe it in your naive childhood. But you got older, you got wiser, you started to think and wonder how a big fat man in a red suit could actually whizz through the sky on a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and drop down everyone's chimneys in one single night, even those houses that didn't have chimneys !!
You are now choosing to believe in the next Santa Claus. This is the next leg of your human evolution. A test to see if you properly figured out the first Santa Claus and fairy tales test. Apparently you've failed. You still prefer and have a need for a comfort blanket of made-up entities to endure your time here on Earth. You're not alone. Millions likewise are failing the test every day.

Again, who is alive today because you are on the earth? You are crying all over the place about the suffering: Giving to the cause? Working at a foodbank? Hypocrite?
Again already answered. Yep I've been involved with foodbanks, in fact bvery nearly set up a new and revolutionary type of foodbank. One with dignity. But all these things are utterly irrelevant. Your god deems your good works to be as filthy rags. In fact all actions of these kinds are simply humane things to do. One doesn't need any god complex to undertake them. One simply needs to be a Humanist. The notion that you need to be a Christian or have a god to act compassionately towards others and humanity as a whole is pathetically wrong and arrogant in the extreme. It is part of why the world is riddled with conflict and problems. Quit being part of the problem. Please . . .

You should have had help. Good help. :(
Oh I got help :) I was granted the eyes to see and ears to hear the real messages. I was freed from religious oppression.

Killing a child in the womb to save a mother? Not that I'm advocating such, but how do you see that woman? Hate her the same as? I'm wondering if you are consistent.
Where the heck does killing children in wombs come into this discussion?
Remember, life is immortal. You can not die. You can only change form. Does it then matter who dies and when or how? You can only answer those questions from your human form position. You have no other capacity to think or rationalise. If, as a human, you deem killing people to be a bad thing then you must be consistent in that position.

No. I'm pretty sure if everyone was doing what I'm doing the world would be a much better place.

By "the world" you of course just mean this planet. You presumably don't think that what you do here on Earth has any impact on the planets surrounding say Acturus yes? Is this planet significant in some way compared to all the other myriad of planets in the infinite universe?
Do you think the universe cares about anything you do here on Earth?

Don't you realise that once upon a time this Earth didn't exist at all. It was something else. It only formed and became the Earth after billions of years of universal chaos and transformations. The Earth's lifespan as a planet is but a drop in the ocean of infinite time. This planet will cease to exist in the future. The entire planet. It will be gone, disintigrated, changed into something else. Can't you see this? You're trying to justify your life. You're desperate to have some kind of meaning, you're expressing needs that are in fact the result of your current human form. You didn't care about the Earth in your previous forms. You didn't even know it existed. Know Thyself. TEMET NOSCE.

Praying for a better you.
No don't do that for to do so is to oppose your god's will. Your belief system requires that you accept that all that happens is the direct result of your god doing it or permitting it. You must only pray that you are given understanding of why your god wants things to be as they are.

Free yourself or else remain stuck in this planetary prison endlessly working for despots who control it all.

Right Divider

Body part
- We were not designed at all but are simply the end result of billions of years of life on Earth that began with very simply forms which mulitplied exponentially and suffered mutations from environmental factors around us like radiation, explosion of meteors, earthquakes and so on.
We just love it when people spout this kind of complete hogwash.

We are clearly designed and not "some accident of nature".

Mutations are not a creative force. They are DAMAGE to existing design. You admit as much when you use the term "suffered mutations".


Active member
We are clearly designed and not "some accident of nature".

It's certainly a possibility that we are designed by someone or something. It's also a possibility that all life here is the result of millions of years of chaotic transformations and iterations of life. I tend to favour the design option like yourself but where we differ is on who the designers might be. We are not made perfect, we are made fickle, vulnerable, degenerative, unable to exist in the environment of entropy on this planet. So the evidence suggests that our designers were far from perfect and that we are more of an experimental design than anything divine and perfect.

Mutations are not a creative force. They are DAMAGE to existing design. You admit as much when you use the term "suffered mutations".

You can't "damage" a design you can only change or vary or alter a design. The forces of the universe are changing things all of the time. Changing environments, changing physical forces that act upon living forms, changing temperatures, pressures, radiation levels and so on. Such changes can result in mutations in life forms which are then carried into subsequent generations. Whether a mutation is good or bad is rather subjective. A mutation can enable a life form to survive better in the prevailing environment (through all manner of ways including the enabling of natural selection by other animals or mankind).

Right Divider

Body part
It's certainly a possibility that we are designed by someone or something. It's also a possibility that all life here is the result of millions of years of chaotic transformations and iterations of life.
Again, that is utter nonsense.
I tend to favour the design option like yourself but where we differ is on who the designers might be. We are not made perfect, we are made fickle, vulnerable, degenerative, unable to exist in the environment of entropy on this planet.
What a load of nonsense.

This part in particular is self-refuting: "unable to exist in the environment of entropy on this planet."
So the evidence suggests that our designers were far from perfect and that we are more of an experimental design than anything divine and perfect.
Again, total nonsense. The designer is perfect in every way. It is YOU that is flawed.
You can't "damage" a design you can only change or vary or alter a design.
Of course you can damage a design. Mutations are mistakes and are damage by definition.
The forces of the universe are changing things all of the time.
So what?
Changing environments, changing physical forces that act upon living forms, changing temperatures, pressures, radiation levels and so on.
Yes, this all affect the originally created kinds. Again, so what?
Such changes can result in mutations in life forms which are then carried into subsequent generations.
Indeed, the genetic load is causing many problem for the originally created kinds.
Whether a mutation is good or bad is rather subjective.
There is no such thing as a "good mutation".
A mutation can enable a life form to survive better in the prevailing environment (through all manner of ways including the enabling of natural selection by other animals or mankind).
Natural selection can only select what already exists! It is NOT a creative force.


Active member
If so, then why do you call God evil?

We are humans and so we relate to our perception of the universe around us accordingly. As humans we have a sense of good and bad, right and wrong even though the universe itself doesn't have any sense of right and wrong. It's an artificial thing we have as humans, part of our societal make-up. We therefore assess any other beings we come into contact with in the same way, as humans, using human traits. That's how we are made up. Your ideology presents a character that kills men, women, children, babies and as yet unborn babies with at will and often because he is angry, irritated and/or vengeful. As a human that behaviour appears rather abhorrent. Tyrannical. Not something we should support or condone.
It suggests your chosen deity isn't capable of finding peaceful means to resolve conflicts or disagreements. It suggests immaturity, intolerance, abuse of power and so on. All the things that people today despise in world leaders and dictators.

Killing humans is not the answer. Killing is not the answer. Killing isn't love.

The character described in the Bible is tyrannical. It's that simple. As a human, I can't support or worship such an entity, fictitious or otherwise.


Active member
Again, that is utter nonsense.
What a load of nonsense.

Subjective opinion, nothing more. You're welcome to have your own opinion but you can't have your own facts.

This part in particular is self-refuting: "unable to exist in the environment of entropy on this planet."
No it's not self-refuting.

Again, total nonsense. The designer is perfect in every way. It is YOU that is flawed.

Your statement is self-refuting. How can a perfect designer create a flawed product? If there are flaws in the product then they are their by design. They are deliberate. Otherwise the designer could not be perfect. In th econtext of human life it's pretty matterless because you're a flawed design either way. You can't continue to live, you remain fickle and vulnerable and subject to entropy and all the other negative forces of the environment in which you find yourself.

Mutations are mistakes and are damage by definition.


Mutation Definition​

At the simplest level, a mutation is a change or transformation. In biology, mutations refer to changes in chromosomes and genes, which typically manifest physically.

The effect of a mutation can depend on the region in which the sequence of genetic material has been changed. The simplest and the most harmless are substitutions of a single base pair with another, with no effect on protein sequence. At the other end are insertion or deletion mutations that lead to non-functional gene products. Mutations can also occur on a large scale, with long stretches of DNA (or RNA when it is the genetic material) being inverted, inserted, duplicated, deleted, transposed or translocated.

The result of a mutation could be harmful, beneficial, neutral or even silent. Mutation can lead to the loss or gain of a specific function, to changes to the expression levels, or in extreme cases, even embryonic lethality.

The universe is chaotic by its very nature. So calling anything a mistake is simply false and silly. A star going supanova is not a mistake. It just happens because that's the way the universe is. A choatic maelstrom of constant energy transformations and transmutations.

So what?
Yes, this all affect the originally created kinds. Again, so what?
Indeed, the genetic load is causing many problem for the originally created kinds.

If there existed a perfect designer then that designer would have anticipated the environment in which the creationed products were to be placed. Crying wolf about nasty mutations damaging the original design is therefore moot and pointless. It's like wailing about a wonderful balsa wood canoe that you designed breaking up when it's user paddles it over rocky rapids when you knew from the outset that the user paddles canoes down such rapids.

There is no such thing as a "good mutation".

There are beneficial mutations as per the definition I posted above. As per this thread discussion the concepts of what you deem to be good or bad are just subjective notions. The universe doesn't care either way. The universe has spawned billions of species over billions of years. Many have come and gone. Didn't survive, didn't have the required design to survive in the given environments. C'est La Vie. The universe doesn't care, it just keeps on churning, keeps on transforming energy, endlessly. You'll be going the same way. Years from now human kind will not exist and the universe won't care. There will be new life forms being created from the energy transitions.

Natural selection can only select what already exists! It is NOT a creative force.

I never said it was. It is the mutations that would be the creative force in the context of what we were discussing. The mutations change the design, that then leads to natural (or other types of) selection which may enable that life form to flourish and survive or to perish and disappear.
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Right Divider

Body part
I never said it was. It is the mutations that would be the creative force in the context of what we were discussing. The mutations change the design, that then leads to natural (or other types of) selection which may enable that life form to flourish and survive or to perish and disappear.
AGAIN, Mutations only work upon what ALREADY exists. They do NOT create anything.

Mutations are damage to an existing design. That is a proven scientific fact.


Active member
AGAIN, Mutations only work upon what ALREADY exists. They do NOT create anything.
They create a new, changed design. A design which may be better or worse for the life form in question.

Mutations are damage to an existing design. That is a proven scientific fact.
No they're just changes to an existing design. Changes are not necessarily damage.

All of the universe is undergoing such changes. You might not appreciate it because you're only gonna live in your current form for a handful of years but the fact is that things have been changing for millenia. Some things didn't change and as a result those things are no more, they perished, they couldn't survive in the environment. The design was not suitable for that environment.


Active member
On a side note it's interesting that you concede that an alleged perfectly designed life form is able to have its design changed or "damaged". You'd think if it was a perfect design then by default it would be impossible to change that design ! Go figure.

Right Divider

Body part
They create a new, changed design.
New and changed are two different things.
A design which may be better or worse for the life form in question.
Mistakes (mutations) are not a "design" in any way, shape or form.
No they're just changes to an existing design. Changes are not necessarily damage.
In biology, a mutation is an alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA.[1] Viral genomes contain either DNA or RNA. Mutations result from errors during DNA or viral replication, mitosis, or meiosis or other types of damage to DNA (such as pyrimidine dimers caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation), which then may undergo error-prone repair (especially microhomology-mediated end joining),[2] cause an error during other forms of repair,[3][4] or cause an error during replication (translesion synthesis). Mutations may also result from substitution, insertion or deletion of segments of DNA due to mobile genetic elements.[5][6][7]
Mutations are ERRORS (i.e., mistakes, damage).
All of the universe is undergoing such changes. You might not appreciate it because you're only gonna live in your current form for a handful of years but the fact is that things have been changing for millenia. Some things didn't change and as a result those things are no more, they perished, they couldn't survive in the environment. The design was not suitable for that environment.
The DESIGN... who was the DESIGNER?


Active member
New and changed are two different things.

Yet both represent a change to the previously existing life form. A change that could make the life form flourish where it would otherwise have perished or a change that could make the lifeform perish when it might otherwise have survivied.

Mistakes (mutations) are not a "design" in any way, shape or form.
As stated, mutations are a CHANGE to an existing design. Since those changes are occuring at the DNA/genetic level then very clearly the original design has been altered and you now have a new design. If the term "design" is causing you angst then let's just refer to the genetic make-up of living things as a genetic life form. Your claims about how a given genetic life form came into being, designed or otherwise are actually irrelevant here. You have an existing genetic life form. Something changes the genetics. Result is you have a new and different life form. Simple as. It may still resemble in many ways the previous genetic life form, but since it's genetics are now different, it is a separate life form. Perhaps of the same genus and of the same origins but clearly different and separate non-the-same.


Mutations are ERRORS (i.e., mistakes, damage).

First much lols at citing Wikipaedia over a Biological Dictionary. Only on TOL !

Secondly just re-read the citation you quoted. It very clearly states 3 things:

1. a mutation is an alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of the genome of an organism

2. Mutations result from errors during DNA or viral replication, mitosis, or meiosis or other types of damage to DNA

3. Mutations may also result from substitution, insertion or deletion of segments of DNA due to mobile genetic elements.

So, the mutations themselves are not errors as you claim. The mutations are simply alterations. The mutations occur AS A RESULT OF errors during DNA or viral replication, mitosis or meiosos etc etc.

So let's be clear. If we're buying into the "design paradigm" then the design is fickle as it is capable of becoming corrupted by its own programmed DNA or viral replication, mitosis or meiosos processes and so on. We're not talking mutation here. We're talking about a fundamental problem and weakness of the design itself. A weakness in DNA/viral replication process. It is subsequently THAT DESIGN FLAW or weakness that then leads to a mutation. The mutation is simply the end result of the genetic make-up being altered.

Note also item 3 there from your own citation. Mutations resulting from Mobile Genetic Elements (MGE's).

Your favoured Wikipaedia defines MGE's thusly:

"Mobile genetic elements (MGEs), sometimes called selfish genetic elements,[1] are a type of genetic material that can move around within a genome, or that can be transferred from one species or replicon to another. MGEs are found in all organisms. In humans, approximately 50% of the genome are thought to be MGEs.[2] MGEs play a distinct role in evolution. Gene duplication events can also happen through the mechanism of MGEs. MGEs can also cause mutations in protein coding regions, which alters the protein functions. These mechanisms can also rearrange genes in the host genome generating variation"

So this wonderful design itself contains 50% MGEs which give rise to lots of mutations and allow genomic transfer between species. Hmmm.

So if humans are desgined, this design of itself, is designed to be a changing morphing mutating thing given that 50% of the genome is made up of these MGEs. You assert that we are designed and that the designer is perfect. It follows then that the in-built 50% MGE genomic make-up is there by design and that therefore any mutations are not errors at all as you assert but are expected to happen. I guess you can't have it both ways !

Mutations are either an integral part of the design in which case they can't be "damage" or "errors"

or we aren't actually designed at all and are just evolved life forms ungoing constant changes.

Now any designer worth their salt would surely anticipate that if the designed product were going to be let loose on a planet whose very Nature is one of constant changes in elementary forces, then the designed product would need to be capable of adapting and changing to be able to keep surviving in that evolving environment. Thus building in a 50% MGE factor that was designed to lead to lots of mutations would seem a sensible approach to ensure that somewhere, the life form manages to adapt and survive. Sure some variations of the life form won't survive but with a 50% MGE factor surely many others WILL survive.

You need to rethink your paradigms to factor in scientific reality rather than trying to shoe horn reality into your blinkered and hugely limited religious fundamentalist position.

The DESIGN... who was the DESIGNER?

Covered in earlier posts with Lon.