The 1st coming as the suffering servant is past.
The 2nd coming as the Lion of the tribe of Judah is future.
Sounded like what she said.
(1st coming- Spring)
Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
(2nd coming-Fall)
Day of Atonement
Nope. Reformed Theology does not hold that all prophecies have been fulfilled.
Heck, even IP does not hold that.
Thus, his Matt. 24B / 1 Peter 3.
Try being a bit more objective.
I know that. But what she said sounded like preterism.
She'll say anything to oppose MAD wackos.
We should never take the word of one of her books OVER the Holy Bible...which she does.
This is the point I was ultimately making.
She is if she thinks all prophesies were fulfilled in history at the death burial and resurrection of Christ.
When you read a magazine or a newspaper in order to be informed, are you placing that exercise over the authority of the Bible?
Your accusation is unfounded and silly . . .
You've read that out of it's context.
They had believed He had been the One Prophesied to redeem Israel from their enemies one day, see also, Luke 1.
He shows them He is just That - their Prophesied Christ.
His point being that their timing is off.
First, His sufferings, then, His coming throne of His glory over that Nation, see Matthew 19 and 1 Peter 1.
What happened?
See Romans 11.
As both those two, and the Lord in His response to them proved in Luke 24, there is no point in believing the Scriptures absent of their right understanding via the whole of any matter.
Isaiah 8:20
The 1st coming as the suffering servant is past.
The 2nd coming as the Lion of the tribe of Judah is future.
Please read the Scripture references upon which I based my remarks. You will not find anything futuristic in them. Instead, you will find the Gospel message related totally to the person of Jesus Christ.
In fact, Christ's entire witness and purpose, is to give revelation of the Gospel of God.
It does, and then she backs off a little.
As if she were trying to make it as close to that as possible without outright saying it.
There are several prophesies that are still future.
Now's as good a time as any to clear up that you do not hold to Preterism, by the way.
Rom. 5:8
Nope, Acts 13 indicates a singular promise.
You advised me to read books to figure out why it's wrong.
I have already posted that I am not a Preterist. I fully believe the promise of Hebrews 9:23-28.
His future reign upon the earthly throne His earthly father, David, ruled upon.Two differents symbols to describe the Christ of God. The lamb who was slain, and the Lion who rules over all creation.
The Lamb sits at the right hand of God, resurrected to His throne, in full heavenly authority and glory at this present time. Giving His people access to the heavenlies through His intercession on their behalf.
He is both Lamb and Lion. There is no reason to make His reign future, for He is King of Kings NOW.
His future reign upon the earthly throne His earthly father, David, ruled upon.
Heavenly throne and earthly throne are not the same throne.
The irony.It is just ignorant to so quickly label others.
It really is.
It shows such know little beyond their own narrow view of things.