Active shooter near San Bernardino, CA

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Muslims are violent maniacs. You here me Loretta Lynch? You can go to hell. Of course, you are anyway you Godless heathen harlot.


Well-known member
I think the jihadists are just loving all this media attention

I myself am sick of seeing these hideous people on the screen

yeh, we can talk about this and should but why do we have to see these disgusting murderers while listening to news reports?

So that one of these days people will see that not all Muslims are Arabs, Middle Eastern or swarthy. One of these days something like this will be pulled by converts as white as anyone else, just as has happened in Russia.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Well that shows you for the fool that you are...

I already consider you, Alwight and Artie as Muslims. Just a matter of time before y'll are developing some fine prayer bruising on your foreheads.

As much as I disagree with Totton Linnet, I suspect she'll take the knife first.


Well-known member
From 2011. Between that trend and your government paying many of them to outbreed you, it's a matter of time.

Demographics is destiny. When people go Muslim they cease to be entirely British as you have known it. When enough of them go over, Britain as you have known it ceases to be and becomes something else entirely. People like you, generationally betrayed by false Christendom and seduced by secularism, will go along with it because you will have nothing else to cling to.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
You do know that most UK ethnic Muslims are becoming secular?

From 2011. Between that trend and your government paying many of them to outbreed you, it's a matter of time.

Demographics is destiny. When people go Muslim they cease to be entirely British as you have known it. When enough of them go over, Britain as you have known it ceases to be and becomes something else entirely. People like you, generationally betrayed by false Christendom and seduced by secularism, will go along with it because you will have nothing else to cling to.


Well-known member
You do know that most UK ethnic Muslims are becoming secular?

So? As if that's a good thing? All it takes is a team of a dozen nonsecularists to kill a hundred...a thousand if they are well prepared. And the 'secular moderates' you appeal to don't seem to be going out of their way to report suspicious activity or publicly calling out the true Mohammedans among them...the ones doing the wetwork.

Your nation is doomed to become Islamic. Ours is doomed to a different fate, but at least we can go down fighting. You can't. Even if you could, you wouldn't. Your men, most of them, no longer have it in them.


"...Your nation is doomed to become Islamic. Ours is doomed to a different fate, but at least we can go down fighting. You can't. Even if you could, you wouldn't. Your men, most of them, no longer have it in them."

Lk 19:13

Ragged Old Flag ~ Johnny Cash
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Well-known member
The mentality of those that make the highest profile is that Islam itself needs to be purged--not to mention the nation they live in before it is caliphate.

There is a recent doc (by CNN at that) about terrorism in the 70s and how the decade started with religious terrorists (mostly PLO or PA) and then the middle of the decade was secular (Baader-Meinhof) but the decade ended decidedly with religious (the Iranian Revolution and a raid on the Grand Mosque). I don't recall the 2nd of these at the time, but 'several hundred' went on a shooting rampage at the Mecca mosque and the intention was to purify the religion of people like the Saudi royalty etc. The moderate Muslim leaves in as much fear of such purgings as the rest of us do.

"Paradise is under the shadow of the sword" say the Hadiths, so these tormented followers have to live with and around that every day.

Never trust a person who demands trust that they are peaceful. You can only trust those who are pluralist (non-theocratic) and will agree to be lawfully arrested, incarcerated or deported for failing to be so. I don't know of any Muslims who will. They will call that racism, at which point you must report them to police authority.


Well-known member
Never have been. That's one of the advantages of living in a free (relative to yours) society where criminals can never be sure* who's packing...a liberty you despise on principle.

*outside of leftist population centers


Well-known member
Never have been. That's one of the advantages of living in a free (relative to yours) society where criminals can never be sure* who's packing...a liberty you despise on principle.

*outside of leftist population centers

That's right. The highest rates of violence (ie, per million population) are socialist countries where gun laws are strictest. Norway and Finland lead, last I checked.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
So you are claiming that you would make a fight of it even though you have no evidence of personal bravery in that situation?

I'd assumed that such macho posturing was based on some personal, experience which showed bravery in the face of adversity.

On a few points of order, the freedoms in the UK and the US are pretty similar, we don't have anywhere near as many guns and as a result are place are much more laid back, but apart from that much the same.

The stat's on gun violence show your risks of being involved in a gun fight 40 times higher than mine. Gun homicides in the UK 0.25 per 100,000. gun homicides in the US 10.4 per 100,000. It would seem its safer when criminal don't get guns.

Never have been. That's one of the advantages of living in a free (relative to yours) society where criminals can never be sure* who's packing...a liberty you despise on principle.

*outside of leftist population centers


Well-known member
There are never guarantees but my and my family's armed and trained odds of survival are FAR better than your unarmed, helpless odds. That's all that counts, so you are dismissed.