Why limit it to mosques? Just surveil everyone.
Pretty much what needs to happen but, it needs to happen from the citizenry. People need to ditch this ignorant political correctness and the notion that it is racist, or bigoted to report suspicious behavior that fits the radical islamist profile. This is what is most maddening about this situation Rex, is the total lack of acknowledgement that there are terrorist among us by this country's leadership, a call for vigilance from the citizenry and educating them on the behavior to look out for. The absolute obtuse dereliction of this administration to educate & inform the people of this nation of this very real threat is surreal and makes the entire nation a soft target.
You're the one who wants to profile these people. But you can't even clearly define who you want to profile.
See above, I have been as plain as I need to be on this subject.
There are a few violent sects. But more often, you have radicalized individuals living within mainstream churches. So, do you watch the whole church?
I believe that if all Americans are vigilant, and know what to look for these radicals will be flushed out wherever they are hiding, and if it turns out that a whole mosque is preaching radical ideals, I would say yes, report the mosque and allow law enforcement to surveil & assess whether the group is a credible threat.
If you can figure out what it is, perhaps. No one that I'm aware of had any information about this, other than that he was Muslim, which, as noted, isn't suspicious in itself.
That is simply not true Rex, the neighbor did tell officials that she thought suspicious activity was going on but, did not report it because she didn't want to be labeled a bigot, or a racist, or any other mindless pejorative that the political correct crowd uses to ignore the obvious under the guise of someone, or some sub-groups feelings getting hurt...it is absolutely absurd. You are correct, being muslim is not suspicious in itself, I personally work with muslims which I do not see as a threat but, I would report them in a second if I detected that they were, try to be honest with yourself if not with me.
Have you ever read the entire document? If you had you wouldn't be posting it, I read it long ago when my father gave it to me in an e-mail, he gets many of these publications given he is a West Point graduate and is on their mailing list. This document does not slam dunk your assertion, nor can you prove that there are
more Christian terrorists in the U.S. than muslim using it, I am not even sure how you would quantify that statement. If you're going to impugn Christians in the same light as muslims for killings then quantify the sect of Christians killing "in the name of God" in this country along with how many have died due to said sect. The murders at abortion mills are about the only examples I can think of, and they are remote in scope.
Because they haven't been hit by terrorism?
No because they have, and they would be dealing with far more outside of profiling, it is a matter of self preservation not bigotry that they do.