thats odd though if this is so because in the scripture there are those who are killed for not worshiping the image of the beast. Also though the wrath of God is poured out on those who receive the mark/worship image ect. ,,,,,
So if it is so that they(the Jews in the siege)"did not" use the money of the beast,and did not worship the image why are they having the wrath of God poured out on them when they refused the mark/image?
I'm asking this because if they refused the money of the beast and refused to worship the image of the beast that would mean they were obeying God,not disobeying.
I don't expect everything in the Rev to settle out (I've calculated personnel and materiel in %s and stopped when it got to -275% in ch 9, as I recall...). It is written to pastorally care for those who have lost friends, families in the trauma.
One option, however, in this case, is that the 'beast' in mind is the zealot leader in his rebellion against Rome, making everyone use his money. There are a number of labels used by the NT for this guy: the abomination that desolates, the son of perdition, the wicked one, etc. I dont' know why the beast would be beyond the pale.
Ie, it is not the "Jews in the siege" and their not using the Roman money. It is the Christians during the siege and their not using the wicked one's money. That is, the ones who did not get out.
The title for Mt24A is often 'the Little Apocalypse.' That's fine. But if a person switches tracks between Christians and Jews, it can get murky. I don't see how Mt24A (like Mt10) can be about the Jews in general. That would be a 2P2P mistake, and popping its head in at the wrong time too.