You might call it dancing around if that is what you think I was doing.
And that is your perogative.
It is obvious in the above that the Lord revealed some things through Paul to James, Peter, and John concerning Paul's work among the Gentiles and as a result, the Lord's delay in His return until some point after the fulness of said work.
And there is another aspect of this.
When did the Lord call the Twelve Apostles? Before, or after His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension?
Per Matt. 10, it was some three years or so before the Cross.
And when did He call Paul and his fellow laborers?
After He ascended up on High and then descended to appear unto Paul, Acts 9; Eph. 1; Eph. 4.
Ephesians 3 is also a reference to those Paul mentions in Eph. 4.
The household of God being comprised of two agencies: Believing Israelites ON Earth, and formerly lost Jews and Gentiles in A New Creature IN Heaven, this side of Unbelieving Israel's fall and temporary setting aside, Eph. 3:15, Rom. 11.
This is not about alot of dancing, as you put it.
Rather about where we are each approaching things from.
Thus, round and round we will go to no end.
Because our approach differs.
Personally, bro, I don't need you to come over to my side of the fence.
That is on you, whenever you come to a place where you are fully persuaded in your own mind to do so.
So, no...I have no need to dance around.
I don't think that is what you are doing.
Rather, you are where you are at this point in your understanding, and look at things from where you do, and likewise on my end.
If this too is dancing on my part from your perspective, then so be it.
We will both find out one day who lost what reward.
I'm fine with that. I was merely relating my understanding.
The best toward you all the same, bro![]()
Hi and you NEVER responed to post # 878 and will never , answer as you are the DANCING GRASSHOPPER !!
dan p