Sorry for the disruption to the conversation.
It's not your fault. This is what I have come to expect of any thread he participates in.
Someone else is always to blame.
Sorry for the disruption to the conversation.
Stop bringing him up. If he wants to discuss the thread topic, fine. I don't want to discuss him with you OR with him.
Yes. I am. I don't think that when a pervert steals or harms a parent's child in a Wal-Mart or at the beach that it's the parent's fault.
Even if they were comparing prices at the time of the snatch, or stopping to tend to another child's sunscreen under the umbrella instead of peering suspiciously around at all times like a watchdog.
When are you gonna be red for the garbage you pull?
Yep, a call out thread. A call out thread about sex and lust and whatever else you can come up with to suck in CS, so you can get him talking about sex.
It's not a call out thread. It could only be indirectly linked to you because of your theology and OD's as well.
It's a thread being derailed by you, attempting to make it about another poster.
It's not even a thread that had to mention you, but you just couldn't help yourself, you had to jump in with the slander against my good man.
Youre right, and I was a sucker for taking the bait.
I surely know something is wrong with your thinking process. It worries me. I don't know what happened but I don't see a person here using his noggin.
That's as bad as blaming the victim. You've just shifted to blaming the victim's family, now. So if he sneeks through an open window at night that my daughter forgot to lock, I'm an accessory? Or if he bypasses the locks because I was too busy to install a burglary system in time to stop it from happening?
Are you telling me you would have held your wife culpable in any way for your daughter's rape or death because she fell asleep while watching her child?
Just walk away, CS. Toxic gossip. Nothing to see here.
Its all about intentions. What purpose is there in doing any of these activities in the nude?
For some, it's for the glory of God.
What possible glory could God get from it?
Ask a naked prophet sent by God. (Or ask God why some prophets are sent naked) There was at least one in the Bible.
If that were true, then why was Ham cursed for his degrading treatment of his father? Or David's wife who mocked him for dancing publicly for God without his robes on? Or the laws against uncovering the nakedness of others?
It's degrading treatment, and degrading treatment is traumatic for real people who feel things when hurt by others. Otherwise God wouldn't make such a big deal over it.
How about the PARENTS checking the doors and windows before they go to bed at night? "I was too busy" ...."to stop it from happening".
Okay, fess up. You aren't really a mother of're the babysitter. One who should be fired on the spot no less.
So......... if some go naked "for the glory of God" (according to 1PM), why did she call it "degrading" in the glamour model thread? Why say God made a "big deal" out of nakedness?
I know why? :idea:
She just like hearing herself talk.![]()
It's not a call out thread. It could only be indirectly linked to you because of your theology and OD's as well.
It's a thread being derailed by you, attempting to make it about another poster.
It's not even a thread that had to mention you, but you just couldn't help yourself, you had to jump in with the slander against my good man.
Apparently you've never had a 12 year old open a bedroom window at night to get fresh air after parents have closed them and forget to lock it before falling asleep. (kids are actually people who sometimes feel overheated when nobody else does) ...It's no fun finding out in the morning but it's not fair to blame the parents, either. Nobody deserves any bad consequences for it, either.
And we don't need a window-locking law, as though it's immoral to get a little air at night.
Just having fun with more mud-slinging?
Just walk away, CS. Toxic gossip. Nothing to see here.
Can't you tell the Biblical difference between shameless nudity and stripping a person naked to sexually humiliate them?
So you are Elo's wife ? Do you swing ?
Actually, I CAN tell the difference...."shameless nudity" would be what a STRIPPER does. Thank you for making my point for me. :chuckle:
Just as there are some innocent rape victims, there are some things a parent cannot stop.
On the other hand, there are those who do suffer the consequences for their bad behavior, and being too busy or distracted to watch your kids, means you WOULD BE AT FAULT if something happened to them.