Cookies and Conservation Laws
Cookies and Conservation Laws
Belated as it was, yet I appreciate
Reverend Enyart’s formal response to this thread , and the
refined version..
For what are probably strategy reasons he elected to encapsulate that response in a new thread, rather than append it here as would normally be expected. The strategy I mention is that he managed to barely admit he was wrong, and then followed that by an enormous amount of obfuscatory material, as though that made his scientific nonsense less so. Separating his response from this thread makes that finesse less obvious.
Here is the opening of his response:
ThePhy criticized me for stating that based on the law of the conservation of angular momentum, Venus and Uranus “cannot be spinning backwards if they coalesced off a spinning cloud… They can’t be spinning backwards.”
I was wrong. That is, I was wrong to leave the rest of my argument unstated (an argument I make repeatedly), that retrograde rotation of Venus, et. al., undermines the condensing gas cloud hypothesis because the law of conservation of angular momentum yields the prediction that the Sun and planets would be spinning quite differently than they are, unless one makes unsubstantiated, extraordinary secondary and tertiary assumptions.
Once again the Reverend, like an errant child, is caught with a hand in the cookie jar. And once again true to form, the response is to try to direct attention to anywhere but where that errant hand is. The kid instantly tells mom to “Look at the pretty picture I drew for you in school today”, while trying to innocently sneak his hand out of the jar with the renegade cookie hidden inside. And the Reverend would dearly like us to look away at any perceived weakness in astrophysical theory, but please don’t notice that one of the most fundamental principles in physics is still being crushed in the Reverend’s impulsive grip.
I particularly enjoyed his attributing to me the need to invoke “secondary and tertiary” assumptions, when it is he, not I that is trying having to divert our attention to secondary issues. In this post I address only the Venus - angular momentum issue. I refer the reader to the thread Bob started in response for my reply to the side issues he wants to distract us with.
In considering his response to my OP Bob probably anticipated, and wanted to deflect, my likely answer back to him. So he preemptively says:
ThePhy could have put my brief Venus segment in context with the full argument I’ve repeatedly made over the years in Battle Royale VII against Zakath, in Does God Exist seminars, in my Age of the Earth Debate (which ThePhy attended in person) against a leading geophysicist, and on TV and radio, etc. ThePhy would have taken on a far greater challenge if he had criticized me for truncating my argument (since that could mislead people, especially someone who doesn’t know my whole argument), and then he could have gone on in an attempt to refute my full argument. But he didn’t. Perhaps he will make that attempt here.
The Cookie Jar defense. :Mommy, look at how nice I am to you.” (aka “My full argument”). Let me be perfectly and absolutely clear. When I happened to listen to the BEL program that caused the Abp thread, it was very specifically the nonsense about Venus’s spin and the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum that Bob spouted that prompted me to respond and create this thread. Bob himself summarized his fallacious argument in saying this:
It’s the Conservation of Angular Momentum. Well there is a problem for the atheists who believe in the big bang. The problem is this -- It’s that Venus is spinning backwards.
Bob, having been caught with his hand deep inside the scientific cookie jar, is desperate to divert our attention to other astrophysics issues that are less cut and dried.
To be very sure, I just reread my OP in this thread. In it I clearly identified the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum as the specific scientific principle that was being misrepresented. And the Reverend has now directly admitted that he “was wrong”. His belated attempt to caveat that admission by trying to embed it in the context of a larger question – that of the credibility of current theories about how the solar system was formed does nothing to mitigate his demonstration of not understanding of the conservation law in question. And that fundamental misunderstanding of this core principle of physics presents a big problem.
If an astrophysicist actually studying the larger question Bob tries to divert us to – the formation of the solar system – if that astrophysicist were to emulate what the Reverend has done, what would happen? With his fundamentally flawed understanding of angular momentum it would make no difference if he were passionate about clarifying parts of the process of forming a solar system that were not well understood. For him, even the parts of that process that are firmly known would make little sense, since he lacks an understanding of the underlying conservation laws. Bob, having once again failed Freshman physics, wants to argue Graduate level issues.
Bob mentions the 2004 Age-of-the-earth debate. I remind the readers that Reverend Enyart’s opponents in that debate approached that event as an opportunity for Christians of differing ideas to discuss and look at the underlying ideas and try to find common agreement. But Bob came charging out in full battle armor determined to mercilessly hew down those God-mocking apostate heathen old-earthers.
In the OP of this thread I specifically asked if Enyart could find a scientifically qualified person (hopefully a good Christian) who would be willing to go on record as supportive of Enyart’s original claim. (That Venus’s currently observed spin and the theory that the solar system formed from a contracting nebular cloud are mutually exclusive if the momentum conservation laws are true). Later in the thread I extended that invitation to OEJ, and then bob b, and to anyone else. That invitation has sat without takers for nearly a year now. Is DBC bereft of scientifically qualified people who can defend their pastor? Is he the epitome of scientific knowledge in that religious group?
Bob’s desire to turn the conversation from what he actually said about Venus and angular momentum to the Suns angular momentum is shown very clearly when we note that of the 7 numbered questions he asks me to answer NOT A SINGLE ONE is about the OP of this thread. WITHOUT EXCEPTION they are about the sun, not Venus.
So unless Bob has some as yet unrevealed reservoir of technical knowledge that he is willing to present, Bob has suffered a 10 seconds into the first round flat-on-his-back KO on the question of Venus’s abnormal spin violating a conservation law. Get out the smelling salts.
This time the College Dean and the University President need to jointly and personally see if they can get the idea of ABP over to that fundamentalist Denver anachronism.