

Yes, Quip, I understand. I am seeking clarification on the reasoning behind the divergence.

Why do you think a fetal child's life should not be protected by the law, but an infant's life should?

What is it about an infant that makes his life worth protecting by law?

The fetal child IS protected by the law, just not to a degree sufficient to your ideology. As for "my opinion" on the matter, I concur with the (successful) constitutional challenges brought about by Roe.


Well-known member
The fetal child IS protected by the law, just not to a degree sufficient to your ideology. As for "my opinion" on the matter, I concur with the (successful) constitutional challenges brought about by Roe.

Why shouldn't an infant lack the same legal protections that a fetus lacks?


I don't get it - if the police break down the door to someone's house to prevent them from killing their infant, hasn't the government intruded?

I fail to see any relevance here.

Womens 14th amendment right was likewise violated by the then existing abortion laws.


Well-known member
I fail to see any relevance here.

Womens 14th amendment right was likewise violated by the then existing abortion laws.

The government can and must intrude upon the private property of a citizen, in order to prevent the killing of another human being.

Why is an intrusion of privacy perfectly permissible in order to protect an infant, but not a fetus?


The government can and must intrude upon the private property of a citizen, in order to prevent the killing of another human being.

Why is an intrusion of privacy perfectly permissible in order to protect an infant, but not a fetus?

This is not about property right but rather personal rights. You're comparing apples to oranges.


Well-known member
This is not about property right but rather personal rights. You're comparing apples to oranges.

Has the government abrogated my personal rights if they, without my consent, put my body in prison? That is, after all, what they will do if I attempt to kill an infant.


Has the government abrogated my personal rights if they, without my consent, put my body in prison? That is, after all, what they will do if I attempt to kill an infant.

Seems you've effectively 'abrogated' your own right in such a case.


Well-known member
Seems you've effectively 'abrogated' your own right in such a case.

How so? You have not been able to answer, Quip.

Why do you find it acceptable for the government to take away a woman's rights (ie, by invading her private property, putting her body in prison) when she seeks to take the life of an infant, but not if she seeks to take the life of a fetus?


How so? You have not been able to answer, Quip.

Why do you find it acceptable for the government to take away a woman's rights (ie, by invading her private property, putting her body in prison) when she seeks to take the life of an infant, but not if she seeks to take the life of a fetus?

Because she's not simply "taking the life of" in relation to the fetus...rather she's refusing to sustain the fetus via her body; there's no legal precedent that a fetus entertains the same level of protection to that of birthed individuals....


Well-known member
Because she's not simply "taking the life of" in relation to the fetus...rather she's refusing to sustain the fetus via her body; there's no legal precedent that a fetus entertains the same level of protection to that of birthed individuals....

A circular argument:

1. A fetus does not have the right to live because it would invade a women's privacy, to keep the fetus alive.

2. We cannot invade a women's privacy to keep a fetus alive, because a fetus doesn't have the right to live.


A circular argument:

1. A fetus does not have the right to live because it would invade a women's privacy, to keep the fetus alive.

2. We cannot invade a women's privacy to keep a fetus alive, because a fetus doesn't have the right to live.

There's no expressed right denying the fetus any right to life. This is a straw-man.


Well-known member
This line of reasoning paints a pretty grim picture. You seem to think the governments of the world have no duty or moral obligation to protect the lives of their citizens, but rather hold their citizens' lives hostage, demanding a ransom - in the form of charity and taxes.
Charity? Oh no...... not charity!!
What a disgusting cop out. So, let's take one example in hundreds..... a couple discover that their unborn child has hydracephalus, spina bifida and with clubbed feet at, say, 18 weeks. But they do not terminate the pregnancy and the child is born. And you think they're trying to hold you to ransom over its care each day for the rest of its life?
And with no apparent further interest you now tell me that they're going to have to ask you to pay out in extra taxation for that person's total care for life? And all the other disabled folks?
hmmm...... Now I begin to see the hypocrisy in all this.

"If you won't pay for 'free' healthcare, we will allow these children to be killed! Pay up, or else!"
Nope! We are following the ProLife code, and now we expect you to have the courage of your convictions, who make demands upon others in hypocritical self righteous judgement with absolutely no apparent intention of lifting a finger towards supporting your beliefs and moral code...? Hypocrisy! That's more like it.

The protection, by law, of human life should be contingent upon nothing. The right to life is unalienable.
Well then...... support that tenet and pay for the care of all children in every way..... Pro-Life!
Until you can suppoort that you're not Pro-Life, just Pro-hypocrisy.

Any government that cannot or will not protect the right to live, of innocent human beings, is unfit to govern.

So every government should introduce National Medical support for all children, not as a charity but as a human right, and it should be payed for by the people.

So don't hide, because you have aleadty said that a +11 day baby is as important as a -11 day baby. ime to be Pro-Life.


Well-known member
Charity? Oh no...... not charity!!
What a disgusting cop out.

Such folly.

I never said charity was a bad thing. I never even said that universal healthcare was a bad thing. I did say (and continue to say) that my right to be alive should not be contingent upon "free" healthcare or charity.

Do you agree or disagree?

So every government should introduce National Medical support for all children, not as a charity but as a human right, and it should be payed for by the people.

And if free healthcare is not provided by the government, then those children have no right to live.

...that is what you're saying, right?
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