a whore for the republican party

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Is that supposed to matter?
He made a blanket statement about democrats that was, at best, misleading. I think that's important and that sort of thing makes the next distortion inevitable. By way of:

it makes town feel better when he votes democratic
That's what I'm speaking to...chrys also knows that I mostly vote conservative, much more often than not for the party he mistakenly believes is the singular defender of public virtue. But his first distortion leads him to a comfort zone for the next, where he speaks for me and gets it wrong. I don't feel better voting for democrats or I'd join the party and pull the lever...at least pull the lever for them more often than not, which isn't and never has been the case with me.

town will remind you that he didn't vote for bammy
all a smokescreen to attempt to divert attention away from the fact that he did vote for bammy in 2008
I only address my not supporting the President in his current term when someone, like Sod here, attempts to concentrate on the first vote as though it encompasses my opinion, neglecting the second altogether and what it says about my nonpartisan context.

-how do we know that?
You asked me I told you. Unlike this bit of unsupported fiction:

because after a great deal of equivocating, he finally admitted it
Quote me being anything less than clear to anyone ever asking me that question. I'll wait while that never happens. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Quote me being anything less than clear to anyone ever asking me that question.

nah - it's long gone in the thread deletes

even if it wasn't, it's not worth looking for

enough of us remember it

much like the thread where zippy was trying to nail you down on gay marriage, you equivocated for a long time before you finally admitted that

You Voted For Obama

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The very first time you asked me who I voted for I told you.


in a discussion about the presidential election, chrys asked you who you voted for

your response was to describe how you voted in your state and local elections


because you're a dishonest scumbag

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
-we know how many threads have been deleted
I think you're counting on it. I think you and Sod are, sadly, so blinkered and blinded by personal animosity that it impairs you.

I was never obligated to answer you on my vote. What we have here is a clear present record of me being unambiguous on my vote, both for Obama in his first run and against him in his second.

Set against that we have a couple of allegations by people who can't produce a quote to the contrary and a clear history of being less than objective when it comes to me.

-it is your word against mine
Not really. Supra.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think you're counting on it. I think you and Sod are, sadly, so blinkered and blinded by personal animosity that it impairs you.

I was never obligated to answer you on my vote. What we have here is a clear present record of me being unambiguous on my vote, both for Obama in his first run and against him in his second.

Set against that we have a couple of allegations by people who can't produce a quote to the contrary and a clear history of being less than objective when it comes to me.

Not really. Supra.

take notice chrys (and others who are following along) how his language changes when he's on the ropes, realizes he's been bested and isn't willing to admit he's wrong :darwinsm:

it becomes supra dupra!

and as far as "personal animosity" (which just a fancy way of whining "Mommy! Make them stop being mean to me!) goes, why shouldn't i feel animosity towards a lying scumbag who voted for bammy?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What we have here is a clear present record of me being unambiguous on my vote, both for Obama in his first run and against him in his second.

-we now have
-bernie on the left
-trump on the right
-because you
-others voted for obama
-voters have never been more angry