Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, and repealed the Glass-Seagall Act. The result of which has been that millions of Americans lost both their jobs AND their homes. Meanwhile, he set records for the amount of corporate money he took in.
And now Hillary is being set up to do the same.
Democrats don't realize that the democratic party is just as corrupted by corporate money as the republicans are, because the republicans are so shameless about it. And because the republicans are so blatantly obstructionists of anything the democrats propose.
But democrats should remember this: when Barrack Obama had a 'super-majority' of democrats in both the house and the senate, he could still not get them to reform health care, as he had promised. All those democrats just sat on their hands, and obfuscated, and mumblyspoke, and in the end the best they could do was pass a republican generated band-aid and attach Obama's name to it. Because all those democrats in the house and the senate were just as bought off as the republicans, by the insurance, the pharmaceutical, and the hospital conglomerate lobbyists.
I doubt that Bernie Sanders can do much of anything to stop all this blatant corruption, but I have no doubt that Hillary will not even try. In fact, she appears to be wallowing in it.