like marbles on glass
chrys, you're disillusioned with FOX News, and I'm looking around for flying pigs. :chuckle:
Non-politicians Trump, Carson and Fiorina command 58% of the vote, and that piece of the pie is only growing larger.
trump isn't interested in the white house
he wants hillary in the white house
it is strictly a business deal
A Heritage forum designed to wreck him. Indeed, as Jeff Deist points out, Trump should skip future “debates,” also designed to wreck him, and program live TV in competition. At the least, he would cost the MSM a lot of money in advertising, and show he does not need the hostile Republican apparatus running the debates with the MSM, except for ballot access. |
Writes Murray Sabrin: The second Republican presidential debate was a horror show. The debate format with 11 candidates on the stage was awful. Insteof eliciting responses from all the candidates on issues such as the size and scope of the federal budget, the overbearing regulatory state, protecting the American people’s civil liberties, and the Federal Reserve, the questioners thought they were doing the viewers a favor by trying to get the candidates to “debate” personal attacks and other inconsequential statements they have made about each other. Incredibly, there was no discussion of the $220 trillion of unfunded liabilities of the federal government. But what was most troubling aspect of the candidates responses’ was that virtually all the candidates were in favor of confrontation with Russia, Iran, China, Syria, etc.–in other words, any country that stands up to the US Empire. Virtually all of GOP candidates for president want to “lead” the world. What nonsense. Our government cannot go around the world trying to remake nations in the political elites’ image. Carly Fiorina stood out for her hawkish views. She made several outlandish statements, but the one that was over the top is that our military is underfunded. The United States spends more on the military than all the major nations in the world combined. An Empire is indeed expensive to operate, and Fiorina wants to expand the military-industirial complex. And Jeb Bush gets the Pinnochio award for asserting that his brother President George W. Bush kept America safe. Didn’t 9/11 happen on Bush’s watch? How did he keep us “safe” when the hijacked planes that crashed into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon killing thousands occurred when he and Cheney, Rice and were in charge? Currently, virtually all the presidential candidates from both major parties are offering the American people more of the same, an entrenched welfare-warfare state. |
That's actually a pretty food idea!
This is an even better pretty food idea:
I'd be surprised if Hillary made it out of the primary.
I see you voting for hillary
you will complain about not having any real choice
orielly is carrying trumps water
fox can't accept the fact that cnn had a better debate
orielly made a big deal over the fact that trump did not ask jeb about casinos in florida
jeb never said that he did
the truth which orielly conveniently ignored
that trump did give jeb money
trump did want casinos in florida
he didn't get them
I wouldn't vote for any of them.
Trump Skips Neocon Event
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
A Heritage forum designed to wreck him.
Indeed, as Jeff Deist points out, Trump should skip future “debates,” also designed to wreck him, and program live TV in competition. At the least, he would cost the MSM a lot of money in advertising, and show he does not need the hostile Republican apparatus running the debates with the MSM, except for ballot access.
That's actually a pretty good idea!
Trump Increases Lead in Post-Debate Poll
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Also: Ben declines, Carly increases. John Nolte:
In this same poll, prior to Wednesday night’s debate, Trump sat at 33% support. Dr. Ben Carson sat in second place with 17% support. Today Trump enjoys 36% support. Carson is still in second place but with just 12% support.
Trump’s lead increased from +16 points to +24%. That’s an +8% jump.
With their shared status as outsiders, it appears as though Carson’s support went to Fiorina. Prior to the debate the former-Hewlett Packard CEO had just 3% support. She now sits in third place with 10%, only -2 points behind second place Carson.
Overall, the Republican Establishment is the Big Loser here. Non-politicians Trump, Carson and Fiorina command 58% of the vote, and that piece of the pie is only growing larger.
they are being so mean to trump
he will have to run as an independent
hillary is 6/4
jeb is 9/2
trump is 8/1
so you idiots can make a lot of money
you really think trump can win
trump isn't interested in the white house
he wants hillary in the white house
it is strictly a business deal
hillary is 6/4
jeb is 9/2
trump is 8/1
so you idiots can make a lot of money
you really think trump can win
trump isn't interested in the white house
he wants hillary in the white house
it is strictly a business deal
when the pope talks about income distribution and climate change
it belongs in the politics forum
I don't think that is his job
it is my job to suggest he should be talking about
respect for life
religious freedom