a whore for the republican party


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
trump is a jerk
only an idiot could support him

there are not enough idiots in the republican party for him to get the nomination


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Hall of Fame
:chuckle: Your refusal to answer the question has been duly noted.

your support of the democratic party is also noted
they support unions
somehow you can ignore their support for abortion

how do you do that?


Hall of Fame
how do you do that?

How do you support the thrice, married Republican adulterer known as Trump?

You don't think everyone sees what you are doing. Making a claim that only an idiot would vote for Trump because he will not be the nominee instead of admitting you, by your own standard, are an idiot who would vote for him.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How do you support the thrice, married Republican adulterer known as Trump?

I don't
even with your outrageous hypotheticals, you haven't been able to show that I do
it has nothing to do with how many times he has been married

he is a jerk
only an idiot could support him


New member
I have a better idea. Send a message to all of the Republican candidates by not voting for any of them.

We did this in the last two Presidential elections, but the morons in the Republican Party didn't get the right message.

The morons somehow got the idea that the liberal Republican Presidential candidates were not elected because they were not liberal enough, when the truth is that a lot of Republican voters saw no reason to vote for a liberal Republican President who won't represent their interests.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Seven Reasons Libertarians Will Use to Justify Their Vote in the Republican Primaries

Laurence M. Vance

All of the reasons can be boiled down to these:

1. My candidate is not as bad as the other Republican candidates.
2. My candidate is better than the other Republican candidates.
3. My candidate is a lesser evil than the other Republican candidates.
4. My candidate deviates less from libertarianism than the other Republican candidates.
5. My candidate leans more libertarian than the other Republican candidates.
6. My candidate is more conservative than the other Republican candidates.
7. My candidate has a better chance of beating Hillary than the other Republican candidates.

Not because his candidate is a principled conservative or libertarian. Not because his candidate is great on a particular issue. Not because his candidate is great on most issues. This means that libertarians who vote in their state Republican primaries are no different from the mass of Republicans who hold their nose in every election and vote for what they perceive to be the lesser of two evils. They are not actually voting for anyone, just against everyone else. But since voting for the lesser of many evils is still voting for evil, I have a better idea. Send a message to all of the Republican candidates by not voting for any of them. And you can do this from home with no effort whatsoever.


I would agree with this assessment up to a point, and that point is that republican is just a label anymore, a vehicle (except to chrys of course). People are on to the RINO, crony crapitalist, & the U.S. Chamber of Crony Crapitalism agenda....If you have noticed the 4 top people on the republican ticket are not politicians & one is an outcast...that is encouraging. I believe we will see an effort like none other to destroy any candidate that is not part of the "club" going forward, the people seem to be on to that tactic as well...again very encouraging. I don't think a RINO will capture the republican ticket this go around and it is terrifying the rank & file to death..(i.e. Chrys).


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Trumpians Shiver in Fear

As Jonah Goldberg proclaims, “Count me out!” of any conservative movement that includes Donald.

Who gives a rip what Goldberg or his publication sees as conservative...he and his publication are a crony crapitalist rallying point...he is as irrelevant in this election cycle as ever. His publication has been as wrong as the New York times about most everything conservative...His bias is well noted.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
20 million idiots voted for perot in 92
today we have more idiots
their man is a jerk
only an idiot would support trump

Betcha Jeb doesn't even get that 20 million voters that Perot got...He is as good as finished in this race. Oh! I am aware he will stick around because he has a bunch of RINO money but, he is pretty much considered irrelevant by the majority...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
the odds that hillary will be our next president
are better today
in spite of the email scandal
trump has damaged the republican party

Waaaa! :baby:

Your RINO panderers did that long ago...they stand for nothing.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So ... will you be voting for Hillary, an independent or staying home?

:chuckle: Pardon Chrys he still believes Jeb has a chance in this thing...He may be right, it might not be Trump but, I can assure you it will not be Jeb Bush.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
How do you support the thrice, married Republican adulterer known as Trump?

You don't think everyone sees what you are doing. Making a claim that only an idiot would vote for Trump because he will not be the nominee instead of admitting you, by your own standard, are an idiot who would vote for him.

I don't
even with your outrageous hypotheticals, you haven't been able to show that I do
it has nothing to do with how many times he has been married

he is a jerk
only an idiot could support him

Game, Set, And match Rusha...:chuckle:

Though Rusha, I must say I really don't care about Trump's personal life, if the man manages to get a nomination, I will back him, I agree with him vehemently on the illegal immigration issue. I am hoping to see more of Carson, I really like the man and would love the chance to vote for him...Jeb only excites the irrelevant country club republicans...just like Romney, McCain, Dole, et al.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
why does this remind me of trump?

thomas wolfe in 'you can't go home again'

"What was important, perhaps, was not that the beggar was drunk and reeling, but that he was mounted on his horse, and, however unsteadily, was going somewhere."


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hillary is still the odds on favorite
jeb is in second place at 4 to 1
trump is 3rd at 6 to 1

you trump supporters can make a lot of money
you put your money where your mouth is