Because Trump is undermining the republican party. So Chrys is furious with him.
Even suspects Hillary put Trump up to it, them being friends and all. He might be right.
Though rare, I also believe he may be right on this ...
Because Trump is undermining the republican party. So Chrys is furious with him.
Even suspects Hillary put Trump up to it, them being friends and all. He might be right.
Though rare, I also believe he may be right on this ...
It may well be the case but, what do the RINO's do with that? they double down on a candidate who inspires nobody...Jeb. Either the establishment will change course and back someone that base can palate or they will lose just as they did with Romney & McCain...All the signs are there that they are yet again pushing a milquetoast unelectable candidate.
Why does not backing Jeb mean backing Trump? Please do not take this as an insult, but I am rather surprised that so many of you would willingly defend someone such as Trump. Trump is extremely liberal insofar as his family values and has defended Planned Parenthood.
Because Trump is undermining the republican party. So Chrys is furious with him.
Even suspects Hillary put Trump up to it, them being friends and all. He might be right.
Though rare, I also believe he may be right on this ...
talk about rare
you know how I hate to agree with the likes of you
I am not defending Trump per se, I am fascinated with why he has appealed to so many. I believe it is two fold...
One: Trump is an anti-establishment candidate i.e.. people are done with the Bush's, Romney's, and McCain candidates forced upon the electorate because most of the other candidates (some very good) cannot receive the establishments financial blessing/backing...Trump doesn't need their blessing nor their money to compete against them ergo he is the only candidate which can break the stranglehold of the RINO establishment which the people are fed up with.
Two: Trump has taken a highly divisive issue that has been ignored by both party establishments and vowed to fix it. This issue whether you agree or not has touched a greater portion of America in a negative way so, you are seeing a great amount of support from people who would never vote republican as well as rank & file that are willing to support his vision.
Trump is not my pick, he is the majority's pick at the moment and I believe that whatever the man says, does, or has done is secondary to what he is promising to do, you can thank Republicrats & Demicans for the advent of Trump, their inaction & failure to listen to the people made him what he is, and gave him a platform to sell it. IMHO of course...
I understand perfectly well that much of Trumps appeal if fueled by anger and negativity because of the current state of the nation. He is the Towering Inferno and his appeal is the backdraft.
The thing is ... Trump IS negative and angry and when all is said and done, he is just not a decent person. IMO, the way a person treats their family reflects on how they will treat society.
While I may not care for some of the other candidates on the Republican side, the one thing that can be said is that they value and honor their family.
It doesn't seem to matter to many...We will see if that ever comes into play going forward, it is still a long way till the nomination, anything could happen.
I realize that ... but don't you think it should matter?
The poll displays the political benefit, at least for now, of not being part of the Republican establishment. When their totals are combined, Trump and Carson -- two men without any elected experience -- are backed by more than 4 in 10 likely caucus participants. Add in former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who also has never held elective office, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who is running an explicitly anti- establishment campaign, and the total reaches 54 percent of the likely electorate. |
Jeb Bush, who continues to face major headwinds in Iowa, scored below Walker and Cruz. The former Florida governor is backed by just 6 percent, has one of the highest unfavorable ratings among the 17 Republican candidates tested, and has the support of just 16 percent of those who consider themselves business-oriented establishment Republicans, the group most central to his brand. |
Trump's running does not do a thing to help Hillary unless he runs 3rd are an idiot
you don't think this is helping hillary
you are an idiot
you think trump can win
trump can't win
he doesn't want to win
he wants a president in his pocket
that can only be hillary
wake up you idiots
Trump's running does not do a thing to help Hillary unless he runs 3rd party.
every time hillary speaks
she says trump speaks for the republican party
every time trump speaks
he attacks jeb
smart money says hillary will win
smart money says jeb is the only one who can beat her
many here are not smart
A new Quinnipiac Poll has revealed that disapproval of Congressional Republicans has reached a record high and voters will blame the GOP if the government shuts down.
According to the Quinnipiac poll, “Voters disapprove 81 – 12 percent of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their job and give the Republican Party a negative 31 – 58 percent favorability.” Democrats are also in negative territory, but they are more than twice as popular as Republicans in Congress (27% approval), and a net 17 points better than the Republican Party (40%-50% approval/disapproval).
The Congressional Republican disapproval rating today is 14 points higher (88%) today than when they shut the government down in October 2013 (74%). Republicans have managed to register their lowest approval rating since the question was first asked in February 2009. The previous low for Congressional Republicans was 76% disapproval in January 2014.
Boehner and McConnell could drive their party even deeper into the hole if they don’t prevent a government shutdown at the end of September. The Quinnipiac poll found that by a margin of 41%-33% Republicans will be blamed if the government shuts down. Independents will blame Republicans 37%-33%.
Mitch McConnell and John Boehner’s leadership has taken the Republican Party to new lows. Voters are not supporting the Republican agenda, and they have little to no confidence that Republicans in Congress will do the right thing.
Republicans have long treated the American people like they are not paying attention, but results like this demonstrate that while the vast majority of American voters don’t follow the day to day details of politics, they have a general sense of what is going on.
If Boehner and McConnell believe that they can survive a government shutdown by blaming President Obama, they are in for a big surprise. A Republican-caused government shutdown could be the tipping point where a fed up electorate takes control of the Senate away from the Republican Party.
I hope Trump (or someone else) from the republican side runs as a third party candidate. I also hope Bernie Sanders does the same. We desperately need people to challenge the two parties and interject some actual public representation back into the electoral process.Trump's running does not do a thing to help Hillary unless he runs 3rd party.
That is how primaries work! Have you not noticed the way Jeb and the others attack Trump? If Trump gets the nomination he will attack Hilary plenty.
I hope Trump (or someone else) from the republican side runs as a third party candidate. I also hope Bernie Sanders does the same. We desperately need people to challenge the two parties and interject some actual public representation back into the electoral process.
bill didn't call jeb
he called trump
can you explain that?
Bad Trump News, If True
According to Politico, he will sign the loyalty oath to the GOP. (Thanks to Floy Lilley)