a whore for the republican party


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
when I said

your people

what did you think I was referring to?

You would obviously be speaking of the silent majority that have not gotten out of their easy chair to vote for your milquetoast RINO candidates for going on at least three elections now. I do find it funny that you establishment types will torpedo any candidate that is not one of their own cronies and continue to lose... It really is pathetic... There are some great candidates that are not RINO's this go around yet you establishment types reject them all for another establishment loser...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I was speaking of the mad crowd


you are part of

just look at your rep

anyone can see that

Oh, I see you judge national support for anything but an establishment candidate based upon the reputation on an Internet discussion forum? Your really out there...wake up there is a world outside TOL.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Oh, I see you judge national support for anything but an establishment candidate based upon the reputation on an Internet discussion forum? Your really out there...wake up there is a world outside TOL.

do you think christians should vote?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
In fact TOL is just a snippet of society... Your support for the establishment anointed candidate is in the minority and the polls prove it. In the minority here & nationally...deal with it.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
even if they vote for a lesser evil?

Who would that be Chrys? The establishment anointed? Or the man/ woman that will change the status quo? Bush ain't that guy... So no, I will not be voting for Bush in this primary. The lesser of two evils in this race will be the first loser, I intend to back the one that can win...that ain't Bush.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You probably didn't read the article but for the edification of others following the Trump campaign and how his detractors were the same detractors as Reagan had and the rhetoric is almost the same.

Hmmm. Where have we heard this kind of thing before? To be specific? Right here when Ronald Reagan ran for president. Let’s start with the media first.

• New York Times: Reagan’s candidacy is “patently ridiculous.”

• New York Times: “The astonishing thing is that this amusing but frivolous Reagan fantasy is taken so seriously by the news media and particularly by the President (Gerald Ford). It makes a lot of news, but it makes no sense.”

• New Republic: “Ronald Reagan to me is still the posturing, essentially mindless and totally unconvincing candy man that he’s been in my opinion ever since I watched his first try for the Republican nomination evaporate in Miami in 1968.”

• New Republic: “Reagan is Goldwater revisited…He is a divisive factor in the party.”

• Harper’s magazine: “That he should be regarded as a serious candidate for President is a shame and an embarrassment for the country at large to swallow.”

• Chicago Daily News: “The trouble with Reagan, of course, is that his positions on the major issues are cunningly phrased nonsense — irrationality conceived and hair-raising in their potential mischief… Here comes Barry Goldwater again, only more so, and at this stage another such debacle could sink the GOP so deep it might never recover.”

• Time: “Republicans now must decide whether he represents a conservative wave of the future or is just another Barry Goldwater calling on the party to mount a hopeless crusade against the twentieth century.”

• Newsweek: Ronald Reagan is “a man whose mind and nerve and mediagenic style have never been tested in Presidential politics and may not be adequate to the trial.”

• National Review (a conservative magazine): “Reagan’s image remains inchoate.… At the outset of his campaign, his image is largely that of the role-playing actor — pleasant on stage, but ill-equipped for the real world beyond the footlights. Reagan does not yet project the presidential image. He is not seen as a serious man.”

• Manchester Union-Leader (a conservative New Hampshire paper): Reagan “lacks the charisma and conviction needed to win.”

• Pravda, the official newspaper of the Soviet Union: Reagan is a “dinosaur from the ‘cold war.’… It is strange that there are still fish in the sea that are tempered by this putrid bait.”

And then the rhetoric from the establishment ruling class RINO's:

And that’s just a sample from the media. Then there were the views of those stalwarts of the Republican Party Establishment:

• The Ripon Society: “The nomination of Ronald Reagan would McGovernize the Republican Party.”

• Vice President Nelson Rockefeller dismissed Reagan as “a minority of a minority” who “has been taking some extreme positions.”

• New York’s Republican Senator Jacob Javits: Reagan’s positions are “so extreme that they would alter our country’s very economic and social structure and our place in the world to such a degree as to make our country’s place at home and abroad, as we know it, a thing of the past.”

• Illinois Republican Senator Charles Percy said Reagan’s candidacy was “foolhardy” and would lead to a “crushing defeat” for the Republican Party. “It could signal the beginning of the end of our party as an effective force in American political life.”

• Former President Gerald Ford: “I hear more and more often that we don’t want, can’t afford to have a replay of 1964.” If the Republican Party nominates Ronald Reagan “it would be an impossible situation” because Reagan “is perceived as a most conservative Republican. A very conservative Republican can’t win in a national election.” Asked if that meant Ford thought Reagan can’t win, Ford replied to the New York Times: “That’s right.” The Times story went on to observe that Ford thought “Mr. Reagan would be a sure-loser in November” and that Reagan held “extreme and too-simple views.”

Much of this is recorded, it is ironic to note, in volume one of a massive two-volume history titled The Age of Reagan: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order 1964-1980 by historian Steven F. Hayward. Hayward’s second volume is titled: The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution 1980-1989.

and to summ it all up:

In other words Hayward’s massive two-book history is about the man all those fancy media people of the day, not to mention those Establishment Republicans, named above — and they were far from alone — insisted could never, ever win the presidency. A Reagan presidency was a “fantasy” of a “simple-minded” too “extreme” man who was a “minority of a minority.” If Reagan were ever nominated it would “signal the beginning of the end” of the Republican Party not to mention he was “ill-equipped for the real world beyond the footlights” and was not a “serious man.”

Now? Now every Republican candidate out there kneels at the altar of Ronald Reagan, mumbling his name like a version of a conservative rosary — yet once done with that they move on in the fashion of what Reagan himself disdained as “fraternal order” Republicans.

And now once again a candidate has appeared that is drawing the same reaction that Reagan once drew. That would be, of course, Donald Trump.


Did you also hate Reagan Chrys? The rest of your RINO brethren did...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Who would that be Chrys? The establishment anointed? Or the man/ woman that will change the status quo? Bush ain't that guy... So no, I will not be voting for Bush in this primary. The lesser of two evils in this race will be the first loser, I intend to back the one that can win...that ain't Bush.

will you vote for the republican nominee?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
will you vote for the republican nominee?

Will you? If it is Trump? It really doesn't matter in the general for me because a republican will not carry California anyway but you can bet I won't vote for any RINO in the primary...period.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
a whore for the republican party

I asked you a question Chrys, you are really good at throwing out questions but, horrible at answering let's try again...

Were you one of the establishment types that hated Reagan? Did you vote for Bush in the primary? Did you back a loser then too. Sorry got ahead of myself but, did you also vote for Ford against Reagan?
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
will you vote for the republican nominee?

Will you? If it is Trump?

thank you for another opportunity to answer this question
I have answered it many times
the answer is still the same
I will vote for the republican nominee
do you understand that?
why can't you
others like you answer that question

I will give you another chance

will you vote for the republican nominee?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
thank you for another opportunity to answer this question
I have answered it many times
the answer is still the same
I will vote for the republican nominee
do you understand that?
why can't you
others like you answer that question

I will give you another chance

will you vote for the republican nominee?

I answered your question, did you answer mine? again...no. Will you vote for Trump when he is nominated on the republican ticket?

Will you? If it is Trump? It really doesn't matter in the general for me because a republican will not carry California anyway but you can bet I won't vote for any RINO in the primary...period.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I answered your question, did you answer mine? again...no. Will you vote for Trump when he is nominated on the republican ticket?

yes I will vote for trump
he is the republican nominee

will you vote for the republican nominee?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
yes I will vote for trump
he is the republican nominee

will you vote for the republican nominee?

For all the good it does in California I would probably inclined to, yes. A lot of time between now and Nov.2016...fasten your seatbelt, I'll bring you a tissue when Jeb gets squashed.


New member
• New York Times: Reagan’s candidacy is “patently ridiculous.”

• New York Times: “The astonishing thing is that this amusing but frivolous Reagan fantasy is taken so seriously by the news media and particularly by the President (Gerald Ford). It makes a lot of news, but it makes no sense.”

• New Republic: “Ronald Reagan to me is still the posturing, essentially mindless and totally unconvincing candy man that he’s been in my opinion ever since I watched his first try for the Republican nomination evaporate in Miami in 1968.”


so we see how liberals are not too far-sighted and can insult people with abandon

ho hum.... What else is new?



New member
I answered your question, did you answer mine? again...no. Will you vote for Trump when he is nominated on the republican ticket?

geez... yet another reading comprehension failure. How many times does someone have to answer you before you say

Gee... I think he answered...?




Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Have you given thoughts to what a Trump cabinet might look like yet Chrys? who he will run as a VP? Given he needs Ohio it might be Kasich? or Florida maybe he'll tap old Jeb or Rubio for that...see Jeb might have a purpose after all...:chuckle:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
For all the good it does in California I would probably inclined to, yes. A lot of time between now and Nov.2016...fasten your seatbelt, I'll bring you a tissue when Jeb gets squashed.

why can't you just say yes?

you have never clearly and directly answered a question