a whore for the republican party


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
what do you call a person who is against everything and everyone?

Everything and everyone? Hardly...I am however not aligned with you & the RINO's. I am very excited about the conservative field of candidates that are shaking up the GOP establishment and lets be clear I am for everything & anyone that destroys the old guard republican leadership...call it a purging.

what do you call a person who can't tell you what or who they are for?

I just told who & what I want to see above...

what you can do about what they are always complaining about?

Keep bashing RINO's & take every chance to vote them into extinction.

A question for you Chrys, what do you call a person that is watching their corrupt empire getting shaken?

a whiner at best

Yea, that is what I would call you too.

at worst they are misrepresenting themselves they are a shill for the democratic party

On the contrary, I have been quite clear about what I detest throughout this entire thread...your beloved RINO establishment...which has been gaming the American electorate since Reagan left office. I bash them and call them for the corrupt liars that they are and you just don't like it, you on the other hand will back the corrupt evil RINO empire just as the democrat backs the corrupt evil liberal empire and given they are pretty much the same at this point just to maintain the corrupt status quo that makes you a shill for the democrat party.

Thanks for allowing me to confirm your post...you may go now.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
that is really clever delmar
do you know what you are really saying?

your fans don't

you are really saying you don't really care
a democrat gets elected

anyone who thinks
knows that
Not even close!

I am saying. I am saying that any Republican, who is likely to win the nomination, will make matters worse than Hillary would!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Not even close!

I am saying. I am saying that any Republican, who is likely to win the nomination, will make matters worse than Hillary would!

When you say republican do you men RINO or do you mean any of the current candidates running under the republican banner? I mean really Del, there are some choices this time that are better than Hillary or the socialist Sanders don't you think? If not, who would you want to see?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Keep the faith brother, it really looks like the jig is up, Trump, Fiorina, Carson, Cruz, and others are capitalizing on the anger of the American public, the old RINO establishment stooge will not gain them the white house and they are losing control...it is an awesome thing to behold. The way I see this shaking out is a conservative (not a RINO) will go against a self proclaimed socialist in the general...It will be up to the people in the end to pick between the two ideologies, hopefully liberty will prevail over tyranny.
Just in case you believe the RINO power brokers will let go of the party reins just because the people demand it, here is a little blast from the 2012 RNC past...



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Just in case you believe the RINO power brokers will let go of the party reins just because the people demand it, here is a little blast from the 2012 RNC past...

Listen Del, I do not believe that they will let go of anything willingly, I do however believe that we are watching the same shake up we saw when Reagan took the party by storm, and make no mistake Reagan was hated by the establishment RINO's. They will not let go but, I think they will have the reins taken from them by force, just as we saw during the Reagan phenomena...in fact you can see the anger in the electorate that it is happening now. What I would hope to see a clean sweep of all the old guard on both sides by the people in 2016. I am not convinced Del but, I am hopeful that a great majority of my fellow Americans have woken up from their slumber and are ready to take this country back. I am trying to stay positive anyway given I am seeing positive signs. :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Not even close!

I am saying. I am saying that any Republican, who is likely to win the nomination, will make matters worse than Hillary would!

so you don't care who is on the supreme court?

it has decided abortion, same sex marriage, and obomacare

go ahead

tell everyone here that you do not care who is on the supreme court


Well-known member
Just in case you believe the RINO power brokers will let go of the party reins just because the people demand it, here is a little blast from the 2012 RNC past...


Hey I remember that, that essentially blocked Ron Paul. I think your right here though. The RNC will rather have the party blown away than to hand the reigns over to a Tea Party candidate.


Well-known member
so you don't care who is on the supreme court?

Of course.

it has decided abortion, same sex marriage, and obomacare

Abortion, Republican Supreme Court
SSM, Republican Supreme Court
ObamaCare, Republican Supreme Court.

I just blew you pathetic argument back to the stone age.

tell everyone here that you do not care who is on the supreme court

We do care, obviously you don't.


what do you call a person who is against everything and everyone?
what do you call a person who can't tell you what or who they are for?
what you can do about what they are always complaining about?

a whiner

at best

at worst they are misrepresenting themselves
they are a shill for the democratic party
- a whore

- a whiner

- a shill for the democratic party

Why are conservatives so quick to lower the moral tone of any discussion by resorting to "name calling?"

Apparently they lack the verbal skills and/or self-control to articulate their ideas without taking the "low road!"


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Of course.

Abortion, Republican Supreme Court
SSM, Republican Supreme Court
ObamaCare, Republican Supreme Court.

I just blew you pathetic argument back to the stone age.

We do care, obviously you don't.
I have nothing to add.


I have no idea Chrys but I can assure you it won't be an establishment candidate...they are unelectable. Whoever wins it will be the one that taps into the anger the American people are showing against the status quo, and there are quite a few that are riding the wave of this anti establishment sentiment which the electorate is showing.
Whatever happened to the "Tea Party" - weren't they supposed to represent angry conservatives?

If you want to tap into real American anger, what about the Republicans being rewarded with a 23 seat majority in the House of Representatives, despite receiving 1.4 million few ballots in the popular vote than their Democratic counterparts.

Such an outcome is a virtual statistical impossibility, but the result of GOP "gerrymandering" of congressional boundaries based on their sense of entitlement despite the popular vote.

If the conservatives were serious about tapping "into the anger the American people are showing against the status quo," they could start by passing legislation appointing impartial commissions in each state to realign congressional boundaries to best reflect the popular vote.

Such an approach has already been implimented in California in an attempt to make every vote of equal value.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
so which one do you think will win?

which one do you want to win?

I like them all and would be pleased to vote for any of the non-establishment candidates. I really don't have a favorite at this point , I am enjoying them all, for me in California it is a wait and see who is left to vote on given our primary is very late. I'll answer when I know what I have to work with...fair enough?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
then stop wasting time and space here

get out of our way

we care
we want to do something about it

Ditto...you are a distraction Daniel. You don't believe in the process, we get that, so go in the corner and color while the adults talk...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Whatever happened to the "Tea Party" - weren't they supposed to represent angry conservatives?

This phenomena is the same thing without the brand name which was shouted down by the media, establishment RINO's, and progressive liberals. The difference this time around is that the tactics of smear & shouts of racism aint working anymore...refreshing isn't it?

If you want to tap into real American anger, what about the Republicans being rewarded with a 23 seat majority in the House of Representatives, despite receiving 1.4 million few ballots in the popular vote than their Democratic counterparts.

Sounds more like liberal sour grapes than an actual point of anger. The anger is that the RINO majority has been nothing but be a rubber stamp for the failed Obama policies ...that has got the electorate more riled up than anything, or haven't you noticed your president & his policies are unpopular with a majority of America?

Such an outcome is a virtual statistical impossibility, but the result of GOP "gerrymandering" of congressional boundaries based on their sense of entitlement despite the popular vote.

:blabla: Quit your whining about voter fraud & gerrymandering unless your willing to back voter I.D.laws which would cancel a large part of the illegal voting activities that the liberals rely on to get elected in this country.

If the conservatives were serious about tapping "into the anger the American people are showing against the status quo," they could start by passing legislation appointing impartial commissions in each state to realign congressional boundaries to best reflect the popular vote.

They don't have to do any such thing, they have already tapped into the anger of the electorate and the message is resonating. I don't like gerrymandering any more than you do but, that is small potatoes to voter fraud.

Such an approach has already been inplimented in California in an attempt to make every vote of equal value.

I live in this liberal toilet called California and it is as corrupt as any state as far as voter fraud & gerrymandering is concerned, you don't know what your talking about.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
And her I thought this thread was going to be about chrys finally admitting what he is.

The Barbarian

If the conservatives were serious about tapping "into the anger the American people are showing against the status quo," they could start by passing legislation appointing impartial commissions in each state to realign congressional boundaries to best reflect the popular vote.

Such an approach has already been inplimented in California in an attempt to make every vote of equal value.

The liberals want everyone's vote to count the same for the same reason that the conservatives don't want that to happen. And you've already told us what that reason is:

If you want to tap into real American anger, what about the Republicans being rewarded with a 23 seat majority in the House of Representatives, despite receiving 1.4 million few ballots in the popular vote than their Democratic counterparts.

If democrats were out of step with the majority, but they had the power to cheat the republicans, I believe they would do the same thing. The answer isn't to crucify the republicans, its to take redistricting out of the political arena, and make it as fair as possible.