Okay, so you're a cross between a Don Quixote (imagining things in the posts of others they never asserted) and the Wizard of Oz (some little man hiding behind some purported higher wisdom) demanding you be kow towed to before you'll share your supposed gems :chuckle:
You remind me of a nevertheless favorite old guy I once knew, who I got yo know after he was up in his years.
Often I'd drop in on him after he'd returned to his home from a Sunday service he was a loyal attendee of.
Without fail, the first thing out of his mouth would be an "I'll bet you don't know why" this; that; or the other "in the Bible."
That's you, DanP - God luv ya
Nevertheless, Rom. 5:6-8.
Hi and what not help him out and answer the question ??
If you can answer 2 Cor 3:13-16 or Rom 5:14 you will never advance and will stay in your HYBRID FANTASY HOLE !!
I learn from many here !!
dan p