Neither would I suppose such a thing. But, if you think evidence suggests there may be an eternal energy, then you should likely be open to evidence suggesting an energy source with intelligence, and creative power.
The difference between us is that I don't pretend to know either way, never mind conclude that a very specific creator did it and that I should adhere to an ancient scripture.
I simply don't know and neither do you so I suggest that you stop the mindless YEC nonsense, but by all means believe away that a deity of some kind exists if you want to or if you just feel that there is such a being. You may be surprised that I do myself sometimes, but unlike you I try to incorporate it with some falsifiable scientific reality rather than pretending that I do.
My own more usual feeling though is that there is no such intelligent supernatural being running the show, it just doesn't seem rational in an apparently hostile, natural, often cruel and harsh world/universe. However I also accept that I don't actually know and that I could be wrong.
However the likelihood of any human based religion being correct seems so vanishingly small to me that Earthly religions can all be disregarded as equally ignorant and pretentious, pending specific evidence otherwise of course whatever the ultimate truth is.
If otoh a supernatural creator were somehow implied from astrophysics and hard logic then believing in the inerrancy of a particular ancient scripture isn't.
Alwight...... it seems you are trying to move goalposts rather than address the actual argument. I didn't mention Christianity or Genesis in this argument. *Anthony Flew was an atheist who followed evidence to a supreme being.*
You don't have an argument 6days, Flew was an old man when he saw some comfort in deism at the end, I see nothing wrong with that. One thing he didn't become was a mindless adherent to a literal Genesis and YECism.
If anyone else wants a similar perhaps comforting belief in a supreme being/deity of some kind then you won't hear me complaining, but please take away all the stupid stuff like spontaneous creation 6000 years ago, lakes of fire, eternal torment, original sin, vicarious redemption, a global flood that evidentially never happened and all the bald arrogant assertions of people who claim that they do know when clearly they do not.
