Contradictions cannot exist PureX, not in physical reality. The universe (i.e. reality) will fight you if you attempt to live your life based on a lie because reality doesn't care whether you agree that it is real or not.
The point being that your positive results, assuming of course that they are objectively positive, is further evidence, if not proof, that the presuppositions upon which you've built your worldview are true.
This is true even of atheists who reject the existence of God but still base their lives on the truths that are implied by His existence. Again, contradictions cannot actually exist. The fact the the atheist's beliefs are in tacit contradiction to the precepts upon which they live their lives, doesn't change the validity of the precepts. To whatever degree a man's life is working, it is based on the principles of rationality (i.e. reality) and to the extent a man's precepts are irrational, his life will be self-defeating, self-immolating and self-destructive.
In short, it is the fact that man's mind is capable of rational thought that proves God's existence. The atheist BELIEVES that the human mind came about through mindless, random chaos but a thing cannot be greater than its cause. A mind cannot come from its opposite.
Resting in Him,