A Final Answer to One Continuous 2P2P Demand


New member
Jesus was a socialist, donchaknow. Christian Barack Obama's Christian pastor Jeremiah Wright sez so, in correct Christian fashion.

Goes to show Obama's "understanding" is nothing more than the same old one gospel - the so called "social gospel" error of "Churchianity."


Well-known member
That verse is talkin' 'bout Socialists.

In the mid first century setting, to be the meek was not to be the zealots, who were virtually terrorists for Judaism. Jesus was saying they would lose everything, the meek would still have a place to live after the conflict was over.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
In the mid first century setting, to be the meek was not to be the zealots, who were virtually terrorists for Judaism. Jesus was saying they would lose everything, the meek would still have a place to live after the conflict was over.


Nah, read Matthew 25.

LORD, when did we see thee hungry, and feed you?