Clear explanation of the Trinity....
1. We are made in the image of God.
2. We consist of a body, soul, and spirit, and we are only one being.
3. Therefore God also consists of a Body, Soul, and Spirt, and is only one being.
4. Our body is the only way in which others can communicate with our soul.
5. Jesus, God's Body, is the only way in which we can communicate with the Father, God's soul.
6. Our soul contains the complete truth of who we are.
7. The Father, God's soul, contains the eternal truth of who God is.
8. Our spirit, found in the blood, gives physical life and cleanses us from physical impurities.
9. The Holy Spirit gives spiritual life and cleanses us from spiritual impurities.
10. We (our soul) can withhold information from our bodies (i.e. stop it from feeling pain), and the body only relays what our soul shows it.
11. The Father (God's soul) can withhold information from the Son (God's body) (i.e. Jesus said that even he doesn't know the day or the hour of his return), and Jesus only does (relays)what the Father shows him.
12. Our bodies can be said to have a will of their own (i.e. it can refuse to move though we are telling it to run, or drive places as if on autopilot)
13. This is how Jesus (God's body) could pray that the Father's will be done instead of his.
Hope this clears things up a bit...