9th Annual TOL-A-THON Starts now!


Eclectic Theosophist
Good points in why to support

Good points in why to support

See linked word "Why?" in my sig at bottom right below. :AMR:


If that's on ok doser's intellectual comprehension level, he just might get it :)

It also comes down to "put your money where your mouth is", and how much you value and support a forum where you are free to speak your mind, voice your opinions, enjoy features on the forum, etc.

I find just renewing my basic bronze level subscription DURING Tol-a-thon (September/October-ish) is the most intelligent and thrifty way to contribute annually to the Tol-a-thon. This is LESS than a measly $3 a month. Its very easy,....not rocket science.

Give :surf:


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Way to Go Bright Raven!