Fixed that for you.
I am asking you very nice
to correct your quote of me
Fixed that for you.
I am asking you very nice
to correct your quote of me
Oh, you feel you are being misrepresented?
It's a very funny request, given his practice of late. And by funny I mean, well, there's chrys for you. What's he going to do, report sarcasm/satire noted with a heavy hand? Put me on ignore? Hit me with a scathing series of one point negative liner notes?Oh, you feel you are being misrepresented?
No, it isn't. Changing your words without noting the change would be. Noting it and placing the change in bold is satire. No one reading it would think it was meant to portray what you wrote, though what I wrote in bold is absolutely true and could as easily be said in rebuttal, which remains the is a very dishonest thing to do
It's a very funny request,
correct your misquote of me
If you don't correct the "correct your misquote" part before the thank you I'm going to put it back, because however you feel about it that wasn't a misquote, wasn't an attempt to deceive anyone and you're waving a victory flag over it in that fashion is about to change my mind again.thank you
If you don't correct the "correct your misquote" part before the thank you I'm going to put it back, because however you feel about it that wasn't a misquote, wasn't an attempt to deceive anyone and you're waving a victory flag over it in that fashion is about to change my mind again.
Your choice.
Blah blah blah :blabla:
This is some thread. Did we decide who won the debate yet?
Then I suppose you should be reported for lying about Kennedy and without disclaimer?town and arthur have been reported for misquoting me
we will see what happens
Fixed that for you.
Fixed that for ya, and stop whining.
town's misquote of me
arthur's misquote of me
both have been reported
I will wait to see what happens
You mean this:town's misquote of me
Fixed that for you. Which, for those who might not understand it, means that the bold part is not set out as an actual part of the quote but in rebuttal to the words that were there in the original.there he goes again bringing up what a conservative Court did that is still causing death and destruction?
This is just chrys lying again, like when he said I wrote something about Kennedy he couldn't reproduce....he wants you to ignore what is happening now
he is okay with what is happening now
Don't look at the hand he's waving in the air. Look at the hand he's playing. That's where the cards are.
See how he tied in jobs?he won't admit that democrats are now killing babies and jobs
Chrys wants to kill the Dem party, but it isn't just because they support the abortion mill his party set in motion. He has a range of issues tied to his ideology. That's why instead of staying on point he drags in jobs, which is debatable as an issue, but terrific as self exposure goes.
That's why he avoided my "anyone on our side of the issue is an ally" and "it's easier to move people on an issue than to move them on a host of issues". Chrys' makes sense when you really look at him.
Else, some Dems and some Republicans are likely killing babies, as doctors and as individuals making the wrong choice. Some Dems have fought for women to continue to have the right to do the wrong thing. Fewer within that party have fought against it. And many Republicans have fought to restrict the practice. Fewer to actually end it and a few to support it, as many Democrats do.
And everyone on the side of the angels, regardless of party, is an ally. Unless you're motivation is other and entangled.
Unless you're Chrys, apparently.
town's misquote of me
arthur's misquote of me
both have been reported
I will wait to see what happens
Hardly any Republican or conservative these days is talking about "trickle down." This makes me believe that the entire concept is no longer held in such high regard these days.Isn't trickle down economics the core philosophy of the republican party (now referred to as "pro growth economics")?