79 Percent of Evangelicals See Violence in Middle East as Sign End Times Are Near

79 Percent of Evangelicals See Violence in Middle East as Sign End Times Are Near

  • Yes, and I am a christian

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • No, and I am a christian

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • Yes, I am not a christian but have my own end times beliefs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I am not a christian and hold no such beliefs in any faith or lack of

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters

Totton Linnet

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Christians have been seeing "signs" for the past 2,000 years. Every generation from then until now has taken Bible prophecy and applied it to the times and events in which they lived, all for naught. We continue to do so today, but the end is not yet.

Again, Acts 2:16-17, Hebrews 1:2, 1 Peter 1:20 and 1 John 2:18 all state that the time the Apostles were living in was "the last days". These "last days" have lasted nearly 2,000 years and counting. There is no real reason to suppose they won't last another 2,000 years, or 200,000 years for that matter.

The trick is to see what signs they are giving as being in the endtimes,

Wars and roumours of wars were never an endtime sign

The regathering of Israel is and the explosion of gospel witness into every tribe and tongue.

Totton Linnet

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I was more interested in the Mayan calendar looking like an Oreo than the doomsday it was claimed to reveal.

False prophets getting people to sell their belongings or quit their jobs for a day that doesn't come.

It's surprising the amount of people, who live in the modern 1st World, who actually get suckered into these things.
I blame it all on 'pre-tribulation' theology. It causes people to act and speak crazy.

When the world undergoes the 'beginning of the end', you will know it. You won't need to find it hidden in something cryptic or theorize it, it will be evident to all those with a basic knowledge of the Apocalyptic scripture.

Right now, there is really nothing to suppose that the End Time is immanent due to Islam. We have experienced far worse, in reality. It's only because we're living in the most peaceful era of human history right now that it seems like recent events are so bad.

The rise of Islam is not an endtime sign...Islam will be destroyed, they are not endtime players...so will Catholicism.

Totton Linnet

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Does the political nation that now exists called Israel have a king sitting on David's throne or Levitical priests that offer sacrifices to God?

"For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel;" Jer 33:17KJV

"Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually." Jer 33:18KJV

Or is Jesus the once-and-for-all fulfilment of all things so that we should not look for any other?

So did God's word fail? and now we must cover it up by inventing a theology which can spiritualize [I was about to say twist] the scripture to mean something else.

When Absalom usurped David was David still king? Christ is still King of the Jews though they reject Him at the present time.

Totton Linnet

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you would know
there is nothing new about what we are seeing now
you know your history

And yet dear Chrys history keeps repeating itself more and more and bigger bigger...in other words history itself is the prophecy yet to be fulfilled on the largest scale.

Totton Linnet

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The only problem I have with it is what do we do with the 400 odd years between Zedekiah's death and the birth of Christ? I do not buy into British-Israelism in the slightest.

I have not solved this issue to my satisfaction.

Israel did not want for a man...what they wanted for was the opportunity and ability to enthrone him

Totton Linnet

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The only way I can see this is in light of Jesus being always 'available' to occupy the throne in that He is eternally at hand.

If I interpret this verse such that: "For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel" (because Jesus is that designated man and is forever available to fill that roll so that nothing is wanting of David's hope of God's promise; yet it pleased God, in the fullness of time, to bring forth His Son), then I don't have a problem with it - Jesus has the interregnum period covered.

We would surely disagree on this, but I see Jesus taking that throne at His first advent. I see it as an incorruptible throne called by Jesus the Kingdom of God ruled by spirit/truth and we should not be looking for a physical one.

But regardless of when Jesus takes possession of the throne, we can agree that He is the only 'man' of whom it can be said; He is the only rightful heir who is/was always alive and available to be crowned.

But there did not fail a man in God's sight

Totton Linnet

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The Babylonian captivity was the first exile of Jacob's Trouble.
The great tribulation is the last exile of Jacob's Trouble.

Jacob's trouble [the great tibulation] is the quarrel God has with the nations for how they have dealt with Jacob during the long years of their diaspora.

"Fear not Jacob...it is a day like no other but God will save him out of it" Jeremiah 30


Well-known member
But His kingdom IS Israel so far as it's earthly part is...there is no prophecy in heaven....we are made fellow citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel, partakers of the promises contained in covenants....yet without the law but in Christ.

He is STILL King of the Jews

And that Kingdom is where? Romans 2:28-29, Luke 17:20-21, John 18:36 etc.................The outward focus is a worldly programming, a distraction that will keep following that scripted scenario, an old age veil that trots out new age enemies.


New member
The trick is to see what signs they are giving as being in the endtimes,

Wars and roumours of wars were never an endtime sign
Jesus specifically said that these were not signs of the end and that we should not worry about them.

Matthew 24:6
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.​

The regathering of Israel is and the explosion of gospel witness into every tribe and tongue.
Those are definitely signs.


New member
Jacob's trouble [the great tibulation] is the quarrel God has with the nations for how they have dealt with Jacob during the long years of their diaspora.
What God does to the nations is not Jacob's trouble, the exile of the children of Israel and the desolation of Israel is Jacob's trouble.

Futurists often put Jacob's trouble and the wrath of God against the nations together, but these are sequential events.

First, God deals with the children of Israel through exile, desolation, and tribulation.
This happens during the opening of the seals in Revelation.

After that, God restores the children of Israel to their land with signs and wonders and plagues on the nations.
This happens during the trumpets in Revelation.

Finally, God deals with the nations for what they did to the children of Israel in the Diaspora.
This happens with the bowls of wrath in Revelation.

Totton Linnet

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What God does to the nations is not Jacob's trouble, the exile of the children of Israel and the desolation of Israel is Jacob's trouble.

Futurists often put Jacob's trouble and the wrath of God against the nations together, but these are sequential events.

First, God deals with the children of Israel through exile, desolation, and tribulation.
This happens during the opening of the seals in Revelation.

After that, God restores the children of Israel to their land with signs and wonders and plagues on the nations.
This happens during the trumpets in Revelation.

Finally, God deals with the nations for what they did to the children of Israel in the Diaspora.
This happens with the bowls of wrath in Revelation.

The term "Jacob's trouble" occurs just once in scripture that is in Jeremiah 30

"Alas for that day is great so that none is like it. It is even the time of Jacob's trouble....but he shall be saved out of it." Jer.30.7.

In that day God will

Break the yoke from off their neck
burst their bonds
strangers will no more feed themselves of him

They shall

Serve the Lord their God
and David their king who I will raise up to them


Fear thou not o Jacob My servant saith the Lord
neither be dismayed o Israel
for lo I will save thee from afar

[this word "from afar" indicates to me an as yet unsaved Israel]

and thy seed from the land of their captivity.


Jacob shall return and be in rest
and in quiet
and none shall make him afraid.

This is what GOD says about Jacob's trouble, a little different to what I hear others say about it.

Totton Linnet

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And that Kingdom is where? Romans 2:28-29, Luke 17:20-21, John 18:36 etc.................The outward focus is a worldly programming, a distraction that will keep following that scripted scenario, an old age veil that trots out new age enemies.

"Not NOW from hence"

The coming of the kingdom is inward and not with observation.

But it is real, it will come and one day it will be manifest, those of us who BELIEVE in it ARE the kingdom. But Christians suppose that it will never actually materialise, they preach the good news of the kingdom...and then subtract the kingdom.


New member
The term "Jacob's trouble" occurs just once in scripture that is in Jeremiah 30

"Alas for that day is great so that none is like it. It is even the time of Jacob's trouble....but he shall be saved out of it." Jer.30.7..

You are focused on what happens when the children of Israel are saved out of tribulation.

Find out what the children of Israel are in and you will see what Jacob's trouble is.

Jeremiah 30:10
10 Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the Lord; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid.​


Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You are focused on what happens when the children of Israel are saved out of tribulation.

Find out what the children of Israel are in and you will see what Jacob's trouble is.

Jeremiah 30:10
10 Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the Lord; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid.​

I agree Jacob will be in a panic.....terror

Jeremiah says so

For thus saith the Lord "we have heard a voice of trembling, of fear and not of peace"

But God asks WHY?

Ask ye now and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness?


It is not a man who travails in childbirth...Israel is God's firstborn son.

It is the WOMAN who travails in childbirth...the church, it is the church which goes through the great tribulation.

What WAS Jacob's trouble?

Was it not when he was fleeing Laban? in great terror? for he had accumulated Laban's wealth and was fleeing with it. Fleeing into the arms of Esau his brother who the last time Jacob saw Esau was trying to kill him...yes Jacob was afraid alright.

But he had no need to be.

For Michael had stood up, angels surrounded him and were between himself and Laban. And God had changed Esau's heart toward Jacob.

see also Dan.12.1.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The trick is to see what signs they are giving as being in the endtimes,

Wars and roumours of wars were never an endtime sign

The regathering of Israel is and the explosion of gospel witness into every tribe and tongue.

Israel has been "regathering" for nearly 70 years now, and the gospel has been preached for nearly 2,000 years. How much longer do you think it will take?

I think you're missing the point of 1 John 2:18. John wrote that they were not only in "the last days" but that they were in "the last hour" of the last days. In other words, he wrote that they were at the very end of the last days. That was 2,000 years ago. This has been one mighty long hour.
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79 Percent of Evangelicals See Violence in Middle East as Sign End Times Are Near

I have attached a poll, do you believe the end times are near? (poll results are private so please be honest, no one will see who voted for what)

Note: this is not a thread to debate the rapture or preterism. Anyone who attempts to turn this into a discussion on those things, i will ask that your post be removed, thanks.

The "end times" will never happen, it's a default theory concocted after the Son of God incarnate did not live up to the false expectations of a Jewish Messiah.

What will happen is eventually the original good news gospel, preached before the tragic cross (and subsequent new gospel remix) will once again be preached to all nations and people, eventually subduing the world.

The original gospel that Jesus preached to Jews and Gentiles will be preached again in Israel.


Well-known member
"Evangelicals" see pretty much whatever they want to see, whether it's there or not. And so they have a long history of predicting eminent doom that doesn't manifest. Yet that never seems to stop them from doing it, again.


Well-known member
How arrogant of Christians and anyone else to suggest that they have some inclination that the end times are near.

Even Jesus Christ did not make such outrageous claims.

Acts 1:7

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
How arrogant of Christians and anyone else to suggest that they have some inclination that the end times are near.

Even Jesus Christ did not make such outrageous claims.

Acts 1:7

scripture in 1 jon 2:18 says

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.