31 Reasons To Reject The Jab


Well-known member
Except we know that most of those hospitalized and dead were unvaccinated.
That is what used car vaccine salesmen like lying Fauci tell you, but they are lying for the money and they don't care how many people die as a result. Don't allow yourself to be fooled by those degenerate quacks.

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Greatest poster ever
I don't buy into Mark's game at all. His "prophecies" come out by automatic writing which is satanic in nature. But I find it humorous that you think conservatives should be "one thought wonders" like you marxists. Everyone marching in lockstep to a single idea and conclusion.
I find it humorous that you think I think conservatives should be "one thought wonders," as if any group is such. Ever heard of "never-Trumper" conservatives? I have.

What I also find humorous are pro-Trump propagandists spreading anti-Trump propaganda about the vaccines. That's guaranteed to come around and bite you in the butt and give you rabies.
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Well-known member
I find it humorous that you think I think conservatives should be "one thought wonders," as if any group is such. Ever heard of "never-Trumper" conservatives? I have.

What I also find humorous are pro-Trump propagandists spreading anti-Trump propaganda about the vaccines. That's guaranteed to come around and bite you in the butt and give you rabies.
Covid deaths were falsely blamed on Trump by morons who hated him because he was not a democrat. Likewise, morons who defend the vaccines against all scientific evidence and warnings to the contrary and blame Trump supporters for doing evil by not going along with Trump's support for vaccines are idiots.


Well-known member
Covid deaths were falsely blamed on Trump by morons who hated him because he was not a democrat. Likewise, morons who defend the vaccines against all scientific evidence and warnings to the contrary and blame Trump supporters for doing evil by not going along with Trump's support for vaccines are idiots.

Now now...don't jump to the conclusion that they're morons. It could be the simpler explanation to assume they're paid disinfo agents with a script of talking points piped to them daily.
I did some data research the other day, the results are more/less unremarkable. Note the results are percentages of population and so forth, they're not raw numbers.

Highest vaccinated of 225 countries Gibraltar..........5th highest case count per million

2nd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Cuba.........73rd highest case count per million

3rd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Chile........64th highest case count per million

5th highest vaccinated of 225 countries Malta......... 69th highest case count per million

37th highest vaccinated of 225 countries USA........20th highest case count per million

13th highest vaccinated of 225 countries UK.......19th highest case count per million

Current stuff, see if we can find something.
Highest vaccinated of 225 countries Gibraltar..........155th highest active case count per million.

2nd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Cuba............142nd highest active case count per million.

3rd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Chile.........40th highest active case count per million.

5th highest vaccinated of 225 countries Malta.........139th highest active case count per million.

37th highest vaccinated of 225 countries USA......9th highest active case count per million. Must be Trump's fault.

13th highest vaccinated of 225 countries UK.......11th highest active case count per million. That's Trump's fault too.

Mortality rates
Highest vaccinated of 225 countries Gibraltar..........129th lowest mortality rate

2nd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Cuba..........171st lowest mortality rate

3rd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Chile.........70th lowest mortality rate

5th highest vaccinated of 225 countries Malta.........145th lowest mortality rate

37th highest vaccinated of 225 countries USA........97th lowest mortality rate

13th highest vaccinated of 225 countries UK.......115th lowest mortality rate.

Or maybe:
Highest vaccinated of 225 countries Gibraltar..........ZERO new deaths to report. NICE right, the magic shot. A correlation? Nah!

2nd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Cuba..........43rd highest new deaths.

3rd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Chile.........42nd highest new deaths. Coincidence? - see Cuba.

5th highest vaccinated of 225 countries Malta.........ZERO new deaths to report.

37th highest vaccinated of 225 countries USA........1st highest new deaths. Trump's fault.

13th highest vaccinated of 225 countries UK.......4th highest new deaths. Trump's fault too

Highest vaccinated of 225 countries Gibraltar..........98th best new recovery rate.

2nd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Cuba..........75th best new recovery rate.

3rd highest vaccinated of 225 countries Chile.........41st best new recovery rate.

5th highest vaccinated of 225 countries Malta.........109th best new recovery rate.

37th highest vaccinated of 225 countries USA.......#1 best new recovery rate in the world. At this moment we should take a moment of silence to praise Biden for this achievement, and probably Obama as well.

13th highest vaccinated of 225 countries UK.......What a coincidence, UK #2 new recovery rate. This can be contributed to Obama & Biden, but they'd be #1 if not for Trump;)

I hear the left sing Spain's praises because they're so great COVID, socialized medicine and that....Spain claims to be #1 in the world for vaccination rates.
76th highest new deaths rate of 225 countries
89th highest mortality rate of 225 countries.
88th in active cases rate (per mil.) of 219 countries.
43rd in cases per million of 225 countries.
35th in deaths per million of 225 countries.
91st highest new recovery rate of 225 countries.


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Greatest poster ever
Your hateful obsession with Trump is clouding your judgment and turning you into a one-tune boy band wonder who cannot discuss anything else without somehow dragging Trump into the discussion.
Do you think Trump should denounce the vaccines and call for the arrest all those who "led him astray" on charges of treason and genocide? Why doesn't he do that? Instead, he is promoting the very vaccines that you claim are killing people by the trillions!