2P2P owes everyone one clear NT paragraph saying the land promise stands

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Well-known member
Rom 3 has a paragraph on justification.

Titus 2 has a paragraph on what the Christ event means and brought.

2 Cor 5 has a paragraph on God being in Christ reconciling the sin-debt in the new covenant.

NOWHERE does the NT have such a thing validating the land promise after all the turmoil of the coming 1st century destruction of Jerusalem.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
2P2P owes everyone one clear NT paragraph saying the land promise stands

So you quote Paul who says I am not inheriting land to make the point that Israel does not have inheritance?

10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

You said the Lord Jesus Christ did not teach or preach from the Old Testament. You were telling lies, and I posted it. You are shown, and you ignore it and start a new thread.


Well-known member
Rom 3 has a paragraph on justification.

Titus 2 has a paragraph on what the Christ event means and brought.

2 Cor 5 has a paragraph on God being in Christ reconciling the sin-debt in the new covenant.

NOWHERE does the NT have such a thing validating the land promise after all the turmoil of the coming 1st century destruction of Jerusalem.

Hi and where is the NEW COVENANT mentioned in 2 Cor 5 ??

Do you mean Heb 8:8 or Jer 31:31 OR Ezek 36:24 where God will bring them BACK into your LAND , how about that IP , BACK TO NTHEIR LAND !!

Ezek 36: 24 DROWNS YOUR SHIP !!

dan p

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Rom 3 has a paragraph on justification.

Titus 2 has a paragraph on what the Christ event means and brought.

2 Cor 5 has a paragraph on God being in Christ reconciling the sin-debt in the new covenant.

NOWHERE does the NT have such a thing validating the land promise after all the turmoil of the coming 1st century destruction of Jerusalem.

1P1P owes us one clear paragraph showing that the land promises were annulled.

We have hundreds of land references in the OT. The burden of proof is on you to show us they have been cancelled out.


Well-known member
1P1P owes us one clear paragraph showing that the land promises were annulled.

We have hundreds of land references in the OT. The burden of proof is on you to show us they have been cancelled out.

Hi and he has no answer , just as he has no answer as to what is the GOSPEL in a 1P @ 1P program NOR explain how he was saved under that program and will just EVADE AGAIN , and says he is just CALLOW type of guy !!

dan p


New member
1P1P owes us one clear paragraph showing that the land promises were annulled.

We have hundreds of land references in the OT. The burden of proof is on you to show us they have been cancelled out.


The burden of proof is the responsibility of both opposing sides.

Where is his concrete evidence in the NT?

True. His is his reading into things.

But ours appears our reading into things also.

Where is our concrete evidence in the NT?

And such that the evidence of either the one, or the other is "without controversy."

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Romans 15

8 Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made to the fathers,

What promises to the fathers?


New member
Romans 15

8 Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made to the fathers,

What promises to the fathers?

Too vague a question.

In that it appears earlier in that chapter that God has not only done just that...but has continued His intent in that, forward from there...at least on its' surface...

The very surface that ends up far too many in one version or another, of the "replacement" error.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The NT talks about the city and the heavens, I agree. But I need to see a clear cancellation of land promises in the NT before I write off land promise after land promise found in the OT.

The Bible goes: Land, land, land, land, land, land, city, heavens. Instead of writing off the land, let's ask why the change of focus.


Well-known member
Too vague a question.

In that it appears earlier in that chapter that God has not only done just that...but has continued His intent in that, forward from there...at least on its' surface...

The very surface that ends up far too many in one version or another, of the "replacement" error.

Hi and to VAGUE you say , so what does " TO CONFIRM THE PROMISES MADE TO THE FATHERS " than mean ?

Is , He is the Son of God , VAGUE ?

dan p


New member
Hi and to VAGUE you say , so what does " TO CONFIRM THE PROMISES MADE TO THE FATHERS " than mean ?

Is , He is the Son of God , VAGUE ?

dan p

Lol - details, bro.

Neither Paul nor the Godhead were who I was addressing that too.

Rather; to the poster of that post.



New member
Hi and maybe that is why I can not understand you , you are to VAGUE !!

dan p

Context, bro - I was responding within the context established by that poster (who I was responding to, in the first place).


Romans 15

8 Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made to the fathers,

What promises to the fathers?

Too vague a question.

In that it appears earlier in that chapter that God has not only done just that...but has continued His intent in that, forward from there...at least on its' surface...

The very surface that ends up far too many in one version or another, of the "replacement" error.

MAD is based on the finer details within one thing or another, is it not?

With the exception of a slip up on such details...the slip up of having failed to go back a few posts for the context in which people were going back and forth in.

And then there is the bigot - who right away steps in and turns such mis-reads (absent of their context) into the service of their agenda against anyone who does not hold their view, or who they perceive as their enemy merely for having called them out on one thing or another.

Not surprisingly, this latter of those two has rightly come to be known as Trumpism.


Well-known member
Romans 15

8 Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made to the fathers,

What promises to the fathers?

If you know Paul, it's not the land off X000 years in the future. It's the Gospel, the resurrection, so that they could be missionaries to the world, like he always means, and why he used Ps 68 in Eph 4, so that that whole world would recognize and obey Christ Jesus.


Well-known member
So you quote Paul who says I am not inheriting land to make the point that Israel does not have inheritance?

10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

You said the Lord Jesus Christ did not teach or preach from the Old Testament. You were telling lies, and I posted it. You are shown, and you ignore it and start a new thread.

lol, how could I say he did not do that? I say/said: the NT uses the OT 2500 times.
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