New member
You are not worth talking to. Try someone else.
The preterism / dispy divide is just as nasty and the people's mindsets as far apart as the conservative/ progressive divide in American politics.
You are not worth talking to. Try someone else.
The preterism / dispy divide is just as nasty and the people's mindsets as far apart as the conservative/ progressive divide in American politics.
Don't just restate positions; if you don't accept a proposition, explain why the passage is not going that direction.
I guess they did (shut up). The 10 propositions stand true, then.
I guess they did (shut up). The 10 propositions stand true, then.
You're a totally strange group as in cult.
Your use of cartoons seriously limits your ability to articulate. It takes you directly to an emotion instead of to the rational question at hand. You then feel like you have dealt with a question when you have not. Feel like. That's the modern mentality--"everyone today talks about feeling like this or that, instead of actually knowing or doing things."--Margaret Thatcher
Lol; you even have that little bit backwords.
Fact is, my use of the :chuckle: icon does NOT "take" me "directly to an emotion instead of to the rational question at hand" as you put it.
Rather; the irrationality of your questions and or comments do :chuckle:
In other words, I find it humorous that you are as unaware as you are of the fact that you are unaware - this; even as you go on and on about how aware you are.
Since that will go right past you; I'll it lay it out...
This often stuck state of yours so often prompting my chuckle is what is referred to within my favorite study topic (the study of how one thing interacts with another) as unconscious incompetence.
You THINK you know what you are talking about.
Yours is what the Apostle Paul refers to as "wise in your own conceits" and "the vanity of their mind, through the ignorance that is in them" :chuckle:
Yours is the "rational" of looking at a thing from within an irrationality...
This here from Romans 1 is the very seat of your so called "rational."
Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Perhaps some of the guys here at TOL can take one of these apart, but I haven't seen it yet.
Speak plainly and stop writing in riddles.
I don't see where any of these have been broken. I would add that Acts 2:30 is 2P2P/D'ism at its worst. It completely denies what Peter is saying David is referring to, against the grammatical meaning, for the sake of the land promise.
Comparing and contrasting, juxtaposing and interjecting Eph3C and Heb10A with Mt24R, I have found that the Messianic Enterprise along with the Millenium Falcon have superceded all red dirt prophecies found in the dusty letters of the law and prophets when compared to the brilliant light and illumination of their fulfilments.