10,000 Reasons…


Well-known member
439. He was tempted in all things just as we are yet was without sin
440. It is His delight to give us the kingdom
441. We are not tempted beyond what we are able to bear
442. There is a way of escape
443. He gives grace to the humble
444. We can cast all of our cares upon Him


Well-known member
455. the armor of light
456. the helmet of salvation
457. the breastplate of righteousness
458. the belt of truth
459. the sandals of the gospel of peace
460. the shield of faith
461. the sword of the Spirit
462. bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ

Eagles Wings

New member
466. I was specifically asking God for hope before a difficult medical test. I had time to pray and walk a bit beforehand. Twin boys, about the age of 3, were playing at a nearby park and they came up to me to say hello. One of them said, "Here, this is for you", and handed me a beautiful flower. It was yellow, the color for hope. Thank you, Father, for Your covenant friendship.


Well-known member
466. I was specifically asking God for hope before a difficult medical test. I had time to pray and walk a bit beforehand. Twin boys, about the age of 3, were playing at a nearby park and they came up to me to say hello. One of them said, "Here, this is for you", and handed me a beautiful flower. It was yellow, the color for hope. Thank you, Father, for Your covenant friendship.

467. He remembers us in our frailties

Eagles Wings

New member
468. One of the nurses helping with a test would frequently touch my hand to assure me. Afterward I asked her if she was Christian and she said, yes. I said I had been praying for her, for God to supply all her needs and bring her peace. She started crying and was so grateful. So, I thank our faithful God for His promise in Romans 8:28.


50. Sunshine!

Close the blinds
(Stupid screen glare)



Well-known member
475. a pearl of great price
476. leaven
478. a lost coin
479. a dragnet
480. a hidden treasure
481. a mustard seed
482. a still, small voice
483. Peace
484. Rest
485. Brokenness
486. Unity
487. The Invitation - Matthew 11:28-30