Churches never had to pay taxes in the history of the United States. They predate taxation and the tax exemption carved out for them was because the US government is constitutionally prohibited from interfering with the free exercise of religion.
"A call for ending tax exemptions for religious institutions is a call to close them down—or at least to plunder them of their property. That is what is going on here. Think of the irreparable harm that would follow if and when these many small churches are effectively forced to close their doors—harm that will come not only to these ministers and parishioners themselves, but also to the poor and vulnerable: lost foster-care services, tutoring of teens, material and spiritual relief for the poor, and character development, often in the places it is needed most.
I am wondering if the average gay-marriage supporter flying the rainbow on his or her Facebook profile knew he or she was signing-up for this when agreeing to support gay marriage? I doubt it. Surely we can come up with more sensible ways for people of good will to hold their differing views—ways that don’t involve annihilating one another. Oppenheimer’s suggestion is not an encouraging sign. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail."
1. Government can’t pick some churches to tax & regulate but not others.
2. If we tax churches, then we will need to tax all not-for-profit organizations.
3. To tax churches, government would need to have the (currently unconstitutional) authority to audit and regulate churches.
4. Taxation would benefit large churches and ministries and harm smaller ones.
5. It wouldn’t solve the problem.- See more at: