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  1. H

    Can man posses a libertarian freewill when his creator, God, does not?

    It's a tricky question. If we go by that verse, it suggests that God’s nature is fixed and unchanging, which might imply that God doesn’t have libertarian freewill in the way we think about it. However, humans are different, our freewill isn't constrained by an unchangeable nature like God's.
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    biden watch

    Well Trump beat this man, he can't even make a good sentence on his own.
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    How To Get To Heaven When You Die

    Appreciate the passion behind your message.
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    Quitting Smoking

    I totally understand you. Quitting smoking is tough, but it's possible, and you'll feel so much better once you're free from it. I was in the same boat a few years ago, smoking more than I wanted to admit. What helped me was gradually cutting down and finding something to replace the habit. If...
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    America And Its Warm Embrace of Anti Semitism

    The US is seeing a lot of spillover effects from the Middle East conflicts. Whether it’s political debates, increased security measures, or social tension, it’s all connected.
  6. H

    Honest Answers.

    Hello, I am a 17 year old male from the UK, and was brought up an atheist. I'm posting on here to ask a pressing question of mine. To me I don't feel I require faith, or religion however I'd like to try and understand why people do, so please, share your stories, why or how you have come to...