Search results

  1. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's Pick 09-01-2008

    Yes, I am months late on this one, but there is no way I am passing up these posts. Possibly the most amazing material ever posted on TOL. MaryContrary's personal testimony.... Life by Fives: 1980 Life by Fives: 1985 Life by Fives: 1990 Life by Fives: 1995 Life by Fives: 2000 A New Life...
  2. Nathon Detroit

    A key to understanding the Bible for a Catholic.

    I was raised Catholic. Therefore I feel compelled to help out my Catholic friends. I want to help you Catholics better understand God's word... the Bible. Catholics believe that their pope is directly appointed by God via the progression of popes that goes all the way back to Peter. Little do...
  3. Nathon Detroit

    Qwest Communications Customer Service Sucks

    Yes, I will stand up and cheer when Qwest Communications finally goes out of business. They are one of the most dishonest companies on the planet. Let me tell you my story.... First some history. I used to be a Qwest employee, well at the time it was called U S West Communications. I started...
  4. Nathon Detroit

    American Right To Life Unfurled World's Largest Protest Sign: DNC Sheets Of Shame

    DENVER, Aug. 26 An official Guinness Book of World Records attempt to display the largest ever protest sign has succeeded. The 530-foot tall and 666-foot wide message is being shouted from the mountaintops overlooking the Democratic National Convention with the leading 2008 protest message...
  5. Nathon Detroit

    I'm finally feeling like TOL is complete.

    It's funny, in all the years of running TOL I have always felt like there was something missing. Don't get me wrong I have always been happy with TOL but never like I am right now. I have been contemplating this upgrade for a long time. And I have been torturing myself about how...
  6. Nathon Detroit

    Welcome to the ALL-NEW

    What a huge day it is in's history. As of today TOL is running an a brand new dedicated server. The new server will mean that TOL's performance should dramatically increase! But that isn't all that has changed on TOL, we have installed a completely new forum software that is...
  7. Nathon Detroit

    A blog about the all-new TOL

    Well where do I start? There is so much new stuff to tell you about TOL I have no idea where to begin! First off, we are now on our own dedicated server. We have essentially 5 times the server resources that we had previously therefore you should notice much better performance. Thanks to...
  8. Nathon Detroit

    How do you like the ALL-NEW TOL?

    New server. New TOL software New TOL Logo New TOL everything! How do you like it?
  9. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's Pick 08-09-2008

    Worst posts of the year????? In regard to trying to save babies, trying to save women that are being raped, and other societal evils.... STP and Pettrix ....errrr.... Maximus stated.... In other words.... Let babies die, let kids become crack heads, let women get raped, let money be stolen...
  10. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's Pick 08-07-2008

    Top 10 material???? :think: :first:
  11. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's Pick 08-06-2008

    Perfectly stated!!! :first:
  12. Nathon Detroit

    Do you plan on helping with the 2008 TOL-a-THON?

    Let's get a feel for the mood of the membership shall we? Are we going to be able to meet our "lofty" goal? TOL-a-THON 2008.
  13. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's Pick 08-05-2008

    Well said! :up: :first:
  14. Nathon Detroit

    2nd Annual TOL-a-THON (2008)

    Welcome to the Second annual TOL-a-THON. We need to raise $4500.00 in the next two weeks or God is going to kill me.... errrrrr... God is going to "take me home" ..... errrr.... TOL will not be able to upgrade to a dedicated server. :noid: For more on why TOL needs a dedicated server read...
  15. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's Pick 07-31-2008

    Extremely creative.... this is good stuff. :up: :first:
  16. Nathon Detroit

    Knight's Pick 07-30-2008

    If I had the money I would hire Psalmist to be in the PR department. :D :first: