Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The Case Against Pot

    RSR: The Case Against Pot This is the show from Wednesday January 1st, 2014 Summary: RSR List of Research Showing the Harmful Effects of Marijuana Use Landmark 2012 PNAS study: pot permanently lowers IQNetherlands study of 2,000 teens show pot/psychosis linkSchizoid Psychosis during...
  2. Jefferson

    Be Careful What You Watch!

    Be Careful What You Watch! This is the show from Tuesday December 31st, 2013 Summary: * My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys: Says Bob’s loyal co-host Doug McBurney, but only if they sign ESPN’s latest acquisition, Tim Tebow! * Promoting Homos Fights HIV? That’s what the USAID bureaucrats...
  3. Jefferson

    Stuck in Antarctica and Safer than...

    Stuck in Antarctica and Safer than... This is the show from Monday December 30th, 2013 Summary: Global warming scientists are trapped in ice in Antarctica. However, they are safer than the child in the womb in Israel. Sadly, the Israeli government announced a $730 per child government...
  4. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: ICR's Fresh Fossils List Pt 2

    ICR's Fresh Fossils List Pt 2 This is the show from Friday December 26th, 2013 Summary: * The Institute for Creation Research and Brian Thomas: ICR and their staff science writer Brian Thomas (masters in biology) have cataloged a wealth of research that undermines the claim that these...
  5. Jefferson

    This One Was Born There

    This One Was Born There This is the show from Thursday December 26th, 2013 Summary: In Bethlehem: As the prophecy foretold in Psalm 87:5-7 And of Zion it will be said, “This one and that one were born in her; And the Most High Himself shall establish her.” The Lord will record, When He...
  6. Jefferson

    The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem

    Rerun: RSR: The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem This is the show from Wednesday December 25th, 2013 Summary: * Boulder, Colorado's Planetarium Show on Christ's Birth: For Christmas Day, we're enjoying this Real Science Radio rerun about the University of Colorado's Fiske Planetarium...
  7. Jefferson

    The Salt in the Season

    The Salt in the Season This is the show from Tuesday December 24th, 2013 Summary: * Christmas Apart from Christ: Bob’s co-host Doug McBurney covers the sad story of envy and greed at a Salvation Army gift giveaway! * Papal Section 8: With Rush and Sarah Palin just catching up with Doug’s...
  8. Jefferson

    Still the best flash mob ever

  9. Jefferson

    Duck Dynasty: Conservatives Quack Up

    Duck Dynasty: Conservatives Quack Up. This is the show from Monday December 23rd, 2013 BEST QUOTES OF THE SHOW: Summary: * Allegedly Conservative Talkers Insult Phil Robertson: All those defending Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson by reference to free speech and freedom of religion are...
  10. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio Reports on ICR's Fresh Fossils List

    RSR Reports on ICR's Fresh Fossils List This is the show from Friday December 20th, 2013 Summary: * The Institute for Creation Research and Brian Thomas: ICR and their staff biologist Brian Thomas have cataloged a wealth of research that undermines the claim that these fresh fossils are...
  11. Jefferson

    Why Liberals Hate the Holidays

    Why Liberals Hate the Holidays This is the show from Thursday December 19th, 2013 Summary: * DBC Top Ten List: Check out this 2002 Top Ten list from an ad that Denver Bible Church ran in the Denver Post. And below, see the Westword Award it won for Best Church Advertisement 2002. :)...
  12. Jefferson

    Activist Rusty Lee Thomas's book Abortion Violation

    Activist Rusty Lee Thomas's book Abortion Violation This is the show from Wednesday December 18th, 2013 Summary: * Bob Enyart interviews Rusty Thomas on his book, Abortion Violation: From page 189: "Professor Edward Kissi is an expert in genocide. He is an associate professor of Africana...
  13. Jefferson

    Bob's Back with the Globals (flood & warming :-)

    Bob's Back with the Globals (flood & warming :-) This is the show from Monday December 16th, 2013 Summary: Bob Enyart is back from his Indiana seminar on the global flood and the hydroplate theory with a report on the event and the latest anti-climactic :) news on global warming!
  14. Jefferson

    The Real Science Radio Christmas Show

    The Real Science Radio Christmas Show This is the show from Friday December 13th, 2013 Summary: Later this month, Christians in Bethlehem, in Israel, are remembering the birth of the Christ Child, 2000 years ago. We join them, and the hundreds of millions around the world,who with gratitude...
  15. Jefferson

    The Forerunner

    The Forerunner This is the show from Thursday December 12th, 2013 Summary: John the Baptist: In this week’s Theology Thursday sermon, Bob presents the story of the birth of John the Baptist, the forerunner that would prepare the way for Christ.
  16. Jefferson

    Finding Your Identity

    Finding Your Identity This is the show from Wednesday December 11th, 2013 Summary: * Malignant IRS: A cancer survivor finds out what happens when you speak out against Obamacare. Sure you might beat the cancer, but now you’ve got a potentially terminal case of stage 4 IRS audit. * Creative...
  17. Jefferson

    Ray Comfort on BEL on Evolution vs God

    Ray Comfort on BEL on Evolution vs God This is the show from Tuesday December 10th, 2013 Summary: Order of the Court: If you know he's a homosexual you've got to bake him a cake! Really. Then, an Iowa judge ruled that a man cannot talk about God to his own employees (in violation of Jesus'...
  18. Jefferson

    Satanists in the Public Square!

    Satanists in the Public Square! This is the show from Monday December 9th, 2013 Summary: * God vs Satan: Satanists in Oklahoma, (in league with the Oklahoma ACLU) have filed a notification of their intent to install a satanic monument on the Oklahoma Capital grounds right next to the...
  19. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: How Many Animals Were on the Ark?

    RSR: How Many Animals Were on the Ark? This is the show from Friday December 6th, 2013 Summary: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss a wonderful creationist article about the significant research project underway to identify the created kinds among land animals so...
  20. Jefferson

    What is a Church?

    What is a Church? This is the show from Thursday December 5th, 2013 BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: Summary: In this Theology Thursday sermon Bob teaches about what a Church should be.