Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Bryant Wood on Excavating Jericho

    RSR: Bryant Wood on Excavating Jericho This is the show from Friday November 1st, 2013 Summary: * RSR Interviews the World's Most Popular Authority on Jericho: Based on Google search rankings, archaeologist Bryant Wood is the world's most popular authority on: Jericho excavation. Real...
  2. Jefferson

    Prayer Pt. 3

    Prayer Pt. 3 This is the show from Thursday October 31st, 2013 Summary: In this sermon, Bob teaches how to pray (and how not to pray) for 10 different things: 1 - praying for someone’s salvation 2 - praying for the weather 3 - praying for a marriage 4 - praying for a job 5 - praying for...
  3. Jefferson

    The Barber of Sir-ville

    The Barber of Sir-ville This is the show from Wednesday October 30th, 2013 Summary: Bob Enyart interviews Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel about sissies and predators honored with U.S. postage stamps, high school names, and keys to cities.
  4. Jefferson

    Dr. Michael Brown Interview on Bob Enyart Live

    Dr. Michael Brown Interview on Bob Enyart Live This is the show from Tuesday October 29th, 2013 Summary: Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Brown on his article, What the Sex-Change Industry Doesn't Tell You. Dr. Brown is also the author of A Queer Thing Happened To America. After many years on air...
  5. Jefferson

    Not Willing to Lose? You’re a Loser

    Not Willing to Lose? You’re a Loser This is the show from Monday October 28th, 2013 Summary: * Cuccinelli Goes Left… Loses to Vampire: Bob’s co-host Doug McBurney details the story of Terry Mcauliffe’s investment strategy of profiting from the deaths of terminally ill patients, before his...
  6. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: List of C-14 Everywhere It Shouldn't Be; Etc.

    List of C-14 Everywhere It Shouldn't Be; Etc. This is the show from Friday October 25th, 2013 Summary: * Since Carbon-14 is EVERYWHERE It Can't Be an Anomaly: Carbon 14 doesn't lie. Yet 14c is everywhere it shouldn't be. Unless from a secondary source, like contamination or neutron...
  7. Jefferson

    Prayer Pt 2

    Prayer Pt 2 This is the show from Thursday October 24, 2013 Summary: In this sermon, Bob covers 5 ways we should not pray: 1 - Do not pray using vain repetitions 2 - Do not pray to saints in heaven, nor to people listening to your prayers. 3 - Do not pray contrary to fact. 4 - Do not pray...
  8. Jefferson

    The Final FINAL Reason

    The Final FINAL Reason This is the show from Wednesday October 23rd, 2013 Summary: * The Case Against Public Schools: Bob Enyart presents the final final reason to make sure your child does not attend public school. And that is the second killing of a math teacher by a young student in two...
  9. Jefferson

    Death Panels Catch Up with Warren Hern

    Death Panels Catch Up with Warren Hern This is the show from Tuesday October 22nd, 2013 Summary: * Canada's Death Panels Praised by Bob Enyart talks about Canada's death panels, which are approved of and longed for over at Slate, that godless news and commentary website. Then Bob...
  10. Jefferson

    The FINAL Reason to Save Your Kids

    The FINAL Reason to Save Your Kids This is the show from Monday October 21st, 2013 Summary: Bob Enyart presents the final reason to make sure your child does not attend public school, and that is the killing today of the middle school teacher by his student, and then that student, in front...
  11. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Don Johnson on Programming of Life Pt 2

    Don Johnson on Programming of Life Pt 2 This is the show from Friday October 18th, 2013 Summary: * Don Johnson on RSR re: the Book: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart concludes his interview with Dr. Don Johnson. Have you noticed? In conversations with secular evolutionists, Bob and Don...
  12. Jefferson

    Prayer Pt 1

    Prayer Pt 1 This is the show from Thursday October 17th, 2013 BEST QUOTES OF THE SHOW: Summary: Praying to God: Bob presents this 3-Part series to help Christians have a more effective prayer life.
  13. Jefferson

    Reasons #489, 490, 491...

    Reasons #489, 490, 491... This is the show from Wednesday October 16th, 2013 BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: Summary: Bob Enyart presents the latest reasons to keep your kids out of government school.
  14. Jefferson

    Star Wars in Non Fiction; Public School Teacher in...

    Star Wars in Non Fiction; Public School Teacher in... This is the show from Tuesday October 15th, 2013 BEST QUOTES OF THE SHOW: Summary: Just when the liberals thought it was safe to turn on the radio... we're back! Bob Enyart is back in the studio with a brand new mixer board and plenty...
  15. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Don Johnson on Programming of Life

    Don Johnson on Programming of Life This is the show from Friday October 11th, 2013 Summary: * Don Johnson on RSR re: the Book: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviewed Dr. Don Johnson who earned Ph.D.s in both Computer & Information Sciences from the University of Minnesota and in...
  16. Jefferson

    Christian Worldview

    Christian Worldview This is the show from Thursday October 10th, 2013 Summary: In this sermon Bob shows how your world-view has a domino-effect on issues as diverse as animal rights, abortion, eternal life, homosexual marriage, premarital sex, no-fault divorce, and why the Christian...
  17. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Triceratops Soft Tissue with Mark Armitage

    Triceratops Soft Tissue with Mark Armitage This is the show from Friday October 4th, 2013 Summary: * Interview & Photo from iDINO's Mark Armitage: Fulfilling last year's promise, Mark Armitage of the CRS iDINO project presents Real Science Radio with a formerly unpublished photo (right) of...
  18. Jefferson

    Genesis Anew

    Genesis Anew This is the show from Thursday October 3rd, 2013 Summary: 4 mysteries solved: 1 - How was there night and day before the creation of the sun? 2 - Where did all that water come from for the Flood? 3 - Why did the waters continue to rise for many weeks after the rain...
  19. Jefferson

    Close Encounters of the Worst Kind

    Close Encounters of the Worst Kind This is the show from Wednesday October 2nd, 2013 Summary: Bob presents the encounters of Reason #482, Ben Carson, and BEL. Also, Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner was for Obamacare Capitol Hill subsidies before he was against them. And liberals...
  20. Jefferson

    If I Knew You Were a Murderer, I'd a...

    If I Knew You Were a Murderer, I'd a... This is the show from Tuesday October 1st, 2013 BEST QUOTES OF THE SHOW: Summary: Judge sentences a man to 53 years in prison for murder, and then, because really, he's just her customer, the judge baked him a cake and officiated at his wedding. Of...