Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Political Spectrum and More Darwin Is Dead Scientists

    Political Spectrum and More Darwin Is Dead Scientists This is the show from Wednesday June 4th, 2014 Summary: After a note from Jeremy Clark, the executive director of Grace Ministries International,, saying that he and his eight year old son Jason "love Real Science Radio", Bob...
  2. Jefferson

    Love is Overrated

    Love is Overrated This is the show from Tuesday June 3rd, 2014 Summary: * What Does God Say? Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney hate what many say about love, and love what God says about hate. * Planned Parenthood Raises Question of the Bible and Abortion: So with Planned Parenthood claiming...
  3. Jefferson

    Christian Baker Forced to Marry Homosexual

    Christian Baker Forced to Marry Homosexual This is the show from Monday June 2nd, 2014 Summary: * Oops: Sorry, wrong broadcast date. The show title above is for the pre-recorded Bob Enyart Live program scheduled to air on June 2, 2024, not 2014. (We sometimes pre-record shows.) Sorry for the...
  4. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Earth & Mercury's Decaying Magnetic Fields

    Earth & Mercury's Decaying Magnetic Fields This is the show from Friday May 30th, 2014 Summary: * Boy do the atheists have a problem: Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart interviews physicist Russ Humphreys on the Earth and Mercury's rapidly decaying magnetic fields, and on Dr. Humphrey's...
  5. Jefferson

    Politically Incorrect

    Theology Thursday: Politically Incorrect This is the show from Thursday May 29th, 2014 Summary: Reaching the Lost: Bob tells of his experience appearing in ABC's "Politically Incorrect" several years ago and explains the benefits and possible dangers of going into the venue of the evil doers...
  6. Jefferson

    Iranian Guards Beat Pastor Abedini, again

    Iranian Guards Beat Pastor Abedini, again This is the show from Wednesday May 28th, 2014 Summary: * Now Before the UN Human Rights Council: Naghmeh Abedini returns to Bob Enyart Live on behalf of her imprisoned husband, Pastor Saeed, who is imprisoned in Iran for being a Christian pastor...
  7. Jefferson

    Jason Jones & the Motion Picture “Persecuted”

    Jason Jones & the Motion Picture “Persecuted” This is the show from Tuesday May 27th, 2014 Summary: * Movie to Movement: Bob & co-host Doug interview Jason Jones of Movie to Movement, and Jason encourages the BEL audience to join him as Theatre Captains to help make sure Christian movies get...
  8. Jefferson

    God Wins Where “Natural Law” Fails

    God Wins Where “Natural Law” Fails This is the show from Monday May 26th, 2014 Summary: * The “Natural Law” Concession: Bob reminds his co-host Doug that for a couple of centuries Conservative Christians have made a fatal concession to the humanists in that they choose to appeal to natural...
  9. Jefferson

    RSR's Annual Soft Tissue Show: The Deniers

    RSR's Annual Soft Tissue Show: The Deniers This is the show from Friday May 23rd, 2014 [updates at] Summary: * Soft Tissue Deniers / Science Deniers: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams list the soft tissue deniers, aka the science deniers, among leading...
  10. Jefferson

    Thou Doest Protest Too Much

    Thou Doest Protest Too Much This is the show from Thursday May 22nd, 2014 Summary: The High Cost of Legalism: Many Christians insist on putting themselves under the Law. Bob shows us the devastating consequences that often follow when they don't choose to live in God's grace. Today's...
  11. Jefferson

    Matt Wilder of Adam's Road on Mormons

    Matt Wilder of Adam's Road on Mormons This is the show from Tuesday May 20th, 2014 Summary: Bob Enyart learns more about Mormons talking again with yesterday's guest, Mark Cares, and Mark's associate, Matt Wilder, who is a son of our earlier guest, former Brigham Young University professor...
  12. Jefferson

    Getting to Know Mormons

    Getting to Know Mormons This is the show from Monday May 19th, 2014 Summary: * Bob Enyart finds out about the Latter Day Saints: Talking with Mark Cares, author of Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons, we learn about Mormons, and especially, how to reach them. This brief program will equip...
  13. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Darwinism: The Universal Acid

    Darwinism: The Universal Acid This is the show from Friday May 16th, 2014 Summary: * Acid Claim Based on PhD's Research: Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Jerry Bergman about the effects of evolutionism on the culture, including the Darwinist genocide that eradicated the...
  14. Jefferson

    What's in a Name?

    What's in a Name? This is the show from Thursday May 15th, 2014 Summary: * LOOK WHAT THE LORD HATH WROUGHT: This just in. Before getting to our Theology Thursday topic of the day, take three minutes and look at this latest animation from the anti-Darwinist (though old-earth) intelligent...
  15. Jefferson

    Project FRONTLINES Coming to East High

    Project FRONTLINES Coming to East High This is the show from Monday May 12th, 2014 Summary: * As the Stomach Turns: Bob was all set to come in to the studio this morning, until he went online to review the news of the day and was greeted by the NFL homo kiss seen ‘round the world, (so...
  16. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Hitler and the NAZI Darwinian Worldview

    RSR: Hitler and the NAZI Darwinian Worldview This is the show from Friday May 9th, 2014 Summary: Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Jerry Bergman about the leading influence that Charles Darwin had on the public policy and personal hatreds of the German Third Reich...
  17. Jefferson

    How Many Christians Does it Take?

    How Many Christians Does it Take? This is the show from Thursday May 8th, 2014 Summary: The Polls Say: Bob presents polling results from Barna that show a huge percentage of born-again teens think that Jesus probably sinned. Only a small percentage believed there is such a thing as absolute...
  18. Jefferson

    Pastor Clark Tells Bob To Overlook Exceptions

    Pastor Clark Tells Bob To Overlook Exceptions This is the show from Wednesday May 7th, 2014 Summary: One wonders if Pastor Clark's principles apply only to those who kill children, or if he would also be okay with a church hiring a minister who says he's usually faithful but cheats on his...
  19. Jefferson

    Return of the Eagle Eggs

    Return of the Eagle Eggs This is the show from Tuesday May 6th, 2014 Summary: Bob Enyart plays a voicemail message from a retired pastor in Colorado Springs who criticizes Bob for criticizing Christians. We also present MTV star Catelynn Lowell who posted a Personhood USA graphic showing the...
  20. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Breaking: Leading Whale Fossils Faked

    Breaking: Leading Whale Fossils Faked This is the show from Monday May 5th, 2014 Summary: * Filmmaker's Bombshell Report -- Forged Whale Fossils: Bob Enyart speaks with Dr. Carl Werner about the filmmaker's interviews with the scientists who supplied the primary whale evolution "fossils" to...