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  1. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Stop the Tape! Stop the Tape: On Eye Evolution

    Stop the Tape! Stop the Tape: On Eye Evolution This is the show from Friday September 26th, 2014 Summary: * RSR Interviews a UC San Francisco Professor of Ophthalmology: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams analyze Bob's informal debate from two years ago with clinical...
  2. Jefferson

    If You Were God...

    Theology Thursday: If You Were God... This is the show from Thursday September 25th, 2014 Summary: * What would you do? So many people accuse God, saying that He should do things differently than He does. So now it's up to you. If you were God, how would you do it better? On today's Theology...
  3. Jefferson

    Robyn McLean: I told him no more...

    Robyn McLean: I told him no more... This is the show from Wednesday September 24th, 2014 Summary: "I had told my fiancé that I didn’t want to live sexually impure anymore: I wanted to wait until marriage. My conscience and deteriorating relationship with God were tearing me apart. Then he...
  4. Jefferson

    God Raqqa the Earth and Now We're Bombin' It

    God Raqqa the Earth and Now We're Bombin' It This is the show from Tuesday September 23rd, 2014 Summary: Bob Enyart and Darrell Birkey discuss the bombs that America is dropping on Islamic terrorists in Syria. As an aside, the guys note that the name of the primary target, the town Raqqa...
  5. Jefferson

    Chelsea’s Choice

    Chelsea’s Choice This is the show from Monday September 22nd, 2014 Summary: * A Transgendered What? Bob’s guest host Doug introduces India’s first transgendered news reader, and everyone ends up confused as to who is who, wearing what, and transitioning from...
  6. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio on the Origin of Trans-Neptunian Objects

    RSR on the Origin of Trans-Neptunian Objects This is the show from Friday September 19th, 2014 Summary: * A Rare In-Studio Interview with Dr. Walt Brown: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Walt Brown who presents the possible origin of the thousands of enormous Trans-Neptunian...
  7. Jefferson

    Are You a Moral Anchor?

    Theology Thursday: Are You a Moral Anchor? This is the show from Thursday September 18th, 2014 Summary: Moral Decline: On today's Theology Thursday, Bob explains the critical importance of having moral anchors to hold the line against the societal trend downward toward immorality. Bob...
  8. Jefferson

    Denver Police Let Suspect's Loaded Gun Go Unmentioned

    Denver Police Let Suspect's Loaded Gun Go Unmentioned This is the show from Wednesday September 17th, 2014 Summary: * See the Gun Being Unloaded in the Video Below: A Denver Police report from an incident at Planned Parenthood omits the fact that a loaded gun was found in the vehicle of an...
  9. Jefferson

    Antisemitism on the Rise: Never By Us

    Antisemitism on the Rise: Never By Us This is the show from Tuesday September 16th, 2014 Summary: Bob Enyart discusses the wave of antisemitism spreading across Europe and gives a quick test as to whether you might be one. Also today, Gregg Jackson's book, endorsed by both R.C. Sproul Jr...
  10. Jefferson

    David Limbaugh’s Sermon

    David Limbaugh’s Sermon This is the show from Monday September 15th, 2014 Summary: * God & Man at the EIB: Bob tells his co-host Doug about an interview with David Limbaugh on a national radio show. Hear how Limbaugh preached the gospel and talked boldly about...
  11. Jefferson

    Theology Club: James White Contradicts Himself on God the Son's Natures

  12. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Finally, Behemoth Discovered! Plus a Genome Update

    Finally, Behemoth Discovered! Plus a Genome Update This is the show from Friday September 12th, 2014 Summary: * You heard it first on Real Science Radio! Bob Enyart reports on the discovery of the actual species of animal described by God in Job chapter 40 called Behemoth. The paleontologist...
  13. Jefferson

    Top 10 time saving tech tips

  14. Jefferson

    Teaching Kids to Obey

    Theology Thurday: Teaching Kids to Obey This is the show from Thursday September 11th, 2014 Summary: * Unruly Children: Bob shows us the example of Eli, who neglected to teach his children to obey and the tragedy that followed. He also explains that children who don't obey their parents are...
  15. Jefferson

    Before You Die, 40 Things

    Before You Die, 40 Things This is the show from Wednesday September 10th, 2014 Summary: Bob Enyart interviews best-selling author Gregg Jackson about his book (to be released next week and already in its second printing and topping lists on Amazon), 40 Things to Teach Your Children Before...
  16. Jefferson

    I Love the Smell of Rain

    I Love the Smell of Rain This is the show from Tuesday September 9th, 2014 Summary: So, the libs have said for a century that our sense of smell, as human beings, is lousy. We're only able to distinguish between at most 10,000 smells. Wait, wait! This just in: The journal Science reports...
  17. Jefferson

    Bob & Doug on Divorce, Insanity & Romney

    Bob & Doug on Divorce, Insanity & Romney This is the show from Monday September 8th, 2014 Summary: * Arrest Ashley Madison: Bob & Doug kick off the week calling for the police to kick in the doors at the corporate headquarters of the adultery industry’s original...
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Cal State Scientist Fired for Dino Photos on RSR

    Cal State Scientist Fired for Dino Photos on RSR This is the show from Friday September 5th, 2014 Summary: * Mark Armitage on Real Science Radio: The scientist fired from California State University for publishing extraordinary photos of soft tissue from a Triceratops, talks to RSR host...
  19. Jefferson

    Theology Thursday: Sour Grapes

    Theology Thursday: Sour Grapes This is the show from Thursday September 4th, 2014 Summary: God's Justice: Bob shows that God does not punish children for the sins of their fathers. Christian Concert of the Year: Talent from NBC's The Voice TV show coming to Denver to sing at Colorado RTL's...
  20. Jefferson

    Advice for Corey Gardner & an ISIS Strategy

    Advice for Corey Gardner & an ISIS Strategy This is the show from Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 Summary: * Keep Bob on the Air: Hear about all the latest & greatest products available from “Bob Enyart Live” as Bob, Doug and their other brother Darrell discuss...