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  1. Jefferson

    Tithing or Giving?

    Theology Thursday: Tithing or Giving? This is the show from Thursday November 12th, 2015 SUMMARY: Jacob's Journey: On today's Theology Thursday, Bob shares from his verse by verse study in Genesis and tells of Jacob's journey to live with Laban and his family. On the way, the topic of tithing...
  2. Jefferson

    The Devil & The Details

    The Devil & The Details This is the show from Wednesday November 11th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Picture an 8-Year-Old Boy: Now have that picture in your mind forever altered when Bob’s guest host Doug McBurney reports on the startling tale of mom’s out clubbing while their 8-year-old murders their...
  3. Jefferson

    Blood in the Water

    Blood in the Water This is the show from Tuesday November 10th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Obama’s Illegitimate Children: Bob’s guest host Doug McBurney reports on the continuing rise of Barack Obama’s army of brainwashed, ignorant, suicidal children hell bent on destroying the institutions of America...
  4. Jefferson

    McBurney's Apology to Young Lili

    McBurney's Apology to Young Lili This is the show from Monday November 9th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Hands Up! Don’t Shoot! …said the former president of Mizzou, and just about every white moron at Yale as they became the latest victims of the children of Barack Obama, who’ve been brainwashed and...
  5. Jefferson

    Hey liberals, should these 20 questions be posed to Democrat candidates?

    1) Hillary Clinton, your husband has had numerous affairs, has had sex with an intern and he settled a sexual harassment case with Paula Jones. Incidentally, there are far worse accusations than that against him that haven’t been proven. So, isn’t it fair to say that your husband is part of the...
  6. Jefferson

    The Coming of the Lord

    Theology Thursday: The Coming of the Lord This is the show from Thursday November 5th, 2015 SUMMARY: Until He Returns: On today's Theology Thursday, Bob presents his verse by verse study of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. We learn about the rapture of the Body of Christ and how we are to live in...
  7. Jefferson

    Doug McBurney Sits In!

    Doug McBurney Sits In! This is the show from Wednesday November 4th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Vlad the Exhaler: Vladimir Putin isn’t buying the whole CO2, man made “Global Climate Change“ scam, and Bob's guest host Doug McBurney laments the fact that he finds Vlad’s views more often in line with the...
  8. Jefferson

    Ken and Jo Scott sit in for Bob

    Ken and Jo Scott sit in for Bob This is the show from Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 SUMMARY: * Ken and Jo talk about the Colorado Right to Life Banquet on Nov. 7. Isaiah, a 10 year old boy saved at Planned Parenthood and his brother Emmanuel will accompany Ken and Jo to the Banquet. They'll also...
  9. Jefferson

    BREAKING NEWS: The King James Only Debate Begins!

    BREAKING NEWS: The King James Only Debate Begins! This is the show from Monday November 2nd, 2015 SUMMARY: Doug McBurney and Bob Enyart report on the opening statements in the debate over the King James Only controversy that began today at high noon on So just go on over...
  10. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio in the UK with University of Liverpool's Steve Taylor

    RSR in the UK with University of Liverpool's Steve Taylor This is the show from Friday October 30th, 2015 SUMMARY: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart reporting on location from England talks with Prof. Steve Taylor who lectures in electrical engineering at the University of Liverpool. Dr...
  11. Jefferson

    The God Who Humbled Himself

    Theology Thursday: The God Who Humbled Himself This is the show from Thursday October 29th, 2015 SUMMARY: God Became Flesh: When the Son of God became the Son of man. It was a dramatic change for God because in becoming a man, He humbled Himself to be able to relate to us on our level. What...
  12. Jefferson

    Callers Help Bob Air Today's Show

    Callers Help Bob Air Today's Show This is the show from Wednesday October 28th, 2015 SUMMARY: These days we often don't ask for callers because at only 28 minutes long, the show goes by way too quickly to develop a topic and for callers to then respond with questions, and also, because a few...
  13. Jefferson

    Reason #1001 to Keep Your Kid Out of Public School

    Reason #1001 to Keep Your Kid Out of Public School This is the show from Tuesday October 27th, 2015 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney report the news the way only Bob Enyart Live does! You'll LOVE this show or double your money back!
  14. Jefferson

    Romney Out of Dan Rather's Closet

    Romney Out of Dan Rather's Closet This is the show from Monday October 26th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Mitt Longs for the Legacy Media: Bob & co-host Doug McBurney ask for an apology from RE-publican party loyalists now that Mitt Romney has come out of the closet as a Democrat. * Trump & Carson in...
  15. Jefferson

    7th-grader says teacher FORCED students to deny God is real or get a FAILING GRADE

    I'll bet this teacher first made sure there were no Muslim students in the class. -wk3ECtY90s&fmt=18
  16. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Student Sues College Because It Refused to Let Her Start a Conservative Club To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  17. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Wesleyan Students Will ‘Reduce Paper Waste’ By Cutting Funding to Newspaper That Printed Conservative Op-Ed To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio in the UK with a Research Professor from Leeds

    RSR in the UK with a Research Professor from Leeds This is the show from Friday October 23rd, 2015 SUMMARY: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart reporting on location from England talks with biblical creationist Prof. Andy McIntosh who has earned a Ph.D. in combustion theory. That work brought...
  19. Jefferson

    Exodus Code Pt. 3

    Theology Thursday: Exodus Code Pt. 3 This is the show from Thursday October 22nd, 2015 SUMMARY: God's Criminal Justice System: Today we present the conclusion of a special 3-part Theology Thursday from Bob's verse by verse Bible study "Exodus Code" where God introduced His criminal justice...
  20. Jefferson

    Exodus Code Pt. 2

    Theology on BEL: Exodus Code Pt. 2 This is the show from Wednesday October 21st, 2015 SUMMARY: God's Criminal Justice System: Today we present part two of the special 3-part Theology Thursday from Bob's verse by verse Bible study "Exodus Code" where God introduced His criminal justice system...