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  1. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Legitimizing Censorship: ‘Islamophobia Studies’ at Berkeley To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  2. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: NYC Endocrinologist Dr. Joel Brind on RSR

    NYC Endocrinologist Dr. Joel Brind on RSR This is the show from Friday May 22nd, 2015 Summary: National Cancer Institute Researcher Admits Abortion/Breast Cancer Link! This is a very Special Edition of Real Science Radio! * NCI Senior Researcher Louise A. Brinton Reverses Herself...
  3. Jefferson

    Church Splits

    Theology Thursday: Church Splits This is the show from Thursday May 21st, 2015 Summary: Leaving a Church: Bob explains some of the reasons why churches split and shows that many times, it's a good thing. Today's Resource: The Plot The Bible Gets Easier to Understand: Apparent...
  4. Jefferson

    Big News and an Invite to Join us in the Memorial Day Parade

    Big News and an Invite to Join us in the Memorial Day Parade This is the show from Wednesday May 20th, 2015 Summary: Bob Enyart interviews Susan Sutherland, vice president of Colorado RTL, in studio, and Leslie Hanks, president of American RTL, by phone, as the ladies deliver the big news of...
  5. Jefferson

    Jesse Lee Peterson about the Baltimore Mom

    Jesse Lee Peterson about the Baltimore Mom This is the show from Tuesday May 19th, 2015 Summary: Bob Enyart interviews Jesse Lee Peterson, the founder of BOND, the group that rebuilds the family by rebuilding the man. Bob and Jesse Lee have a friendship that goes back many years and the...
  6. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    SCHOOL TELLS GIRL SHE CAN’T QUOTE BIBLE To read the rest of the article click HERE
  7. Jefferson

    Homos, Drones & the End of Evolution

    Homos, Drones & the End of Evolution This is the show from Monday May 18th, 2015 Summary: * Travisty of a Debate: Bob & guest host Doug McBurney point out that while Travis Barlock’s pathetic regurgitation of alleged “evidence” for evolution may have impressed the giggling girls at D.U...
  8. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Uncovered: Wikipedia’s Leftist Ties And Its Censorship Of The Facts To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  9. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Bill Jack is Back, Now at DU Debating Evolution

    Bill Jack is Back, Now at DU Debating Evolution This is the show from Friday May 15th, 2015 Summary: * Bill Jack vs. Travis Barlock at DU: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews the inimitable Bill Jack, founder of Worldview Academy, guide with BC Tours, and one of the few bakery...
  10. Jefferson

    When Did Creation Happen?

    Theology Thursday: When Did Creation Happen? This is the show from Thursday May 14th, 2015 Summary: * At 997: We need just 3 more "likes" to hit 1,000 for our newly attended to BEL Facebook page. If you could help out, that'd be great! So please: - Like our BEL Facebook page - Like our Real...
  11. Jefferson

    Coming Soon: The Genesis Game from Covenant Media

    Coming Soon: The Genesis Game from Covenant Media This is the show from Wednesday May 13th, 2015 Summary: * Wow! Covenant Media Missions: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews a young couple furthering the Gospel of the Kingdom, Matt & Mercy Hasselblad. From working on box office...
  12. Jefferson

    Enyart, Deace, Jackson, All on Fire

    Enyart, Deace, Jackson, All on Fire This is the show from Tuesday May 12th, 2015 Summary: Burning Buildings and Half-a-Loaf is an article at American RTL that is must reading! Must! Please, if you haven't, read it now, over at Bob Enyart, joined by Gregg Jackson...
  13. Jefferson

    STD’s, Sermons & Screenings

    STD’s, Sermons & Screenings This is the show from Monday May 11th, 2015 Summary: * Tim Tebow Passes! Bob & co- host Doug McBurney talk about the Tim Tebow passed by...
  14. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Battle erupts over censorship of 3D-printer gun plans To read the rest of the story click HERE.
  15. Jefferson

    B.S. in Forest Mgmt; M.S. in Environment; Doctor in...

    B.S. in Forest Mgmt; M.S. in Environment; Doctor in... This is the show from Friday May 8th, 2015 Summary: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Grady McMurtry, tonight's speaker at Denver's Rocky Mtn Creation Fellowship on growing up on the Berkeley Campus (when his dad was a...
  16. Jefferson

    When Did Cain Kill Abel?

    Theology Thursday: When Did Cain Kill Abel? This is the show from Thursday May 7th, 2015 Summary: Mysteries Solved: Many Christians have questions about the Bible account of creation in Genesis. When did Cain kill Abel? Who did Cain Marry? When did Adam and Eve fall? When did Lucifer fall...
  17. Jefferson

    Which of these Malibu Celebrities will see Bob's Ad?

    Which of these Malibu Celebrities will see Bob's Ad? This is the show from Wednesday May 6th, 2015 Summary: * Malibu Celebrities: Bob Enyart, who is speaking at Pepperdine on Friday, lists many of the celebrities who live in Malibu and asks, Who among them is least likely, and who is most...
  18. Jefferson

    Bob Test Drives His Pepperdine University Talk

    Bob Test Drives His Pepperdine University Talk This is the show from Tuesday May 5th, 2015 Summary: * May 8th & 9th, 2015 Protest Conference at Pepperdine University: After Church-of-Christ founded Pepperdine University refused to include biblical creationists in their upcoming conference...
  19. Jefferson

    Dobson & The Fall of Western Civilization (circa 1992)

    Dobson & The Fall of Western Civilization (circa 1992) This is the show from Monday May 4th, 2015 Summary: * The Duke & Duchess of Normalcy: Bob & co- host Doug McBurney open the broadcast with thanks to the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge for not being homosexuals, for not killing their baby...
  20. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Fired Jet Propulsion Lab Admin on RSRF

    Fired Jet Propulsion Lab Admin on RSRF This is the show from Friday May 1st, 2015 Summary: * Bob Enyart to Speak May 8 & 9 in Malibu and West L.A.: You're invited! See below for details! * Bob Enyart Interviews David Coppedge: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart and former JPL employee David...