Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Bob & Doug Question Obama's Faith

    Bob & Doug Question Obama's Faith This is the show from Tuesday, January 5th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Settling the Sunni/Shia Controversy: Listen in as Bob & co-host Doug McBurney sort through Barack Obama’s various "statements of faith" to settle the longstanding question: Is Barry Sunni or Shia? *...
  2. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The 360-Day Year

    The 360-Day Year on Real Science Radio This is the show from Friday, January 1st, 2016 SUMMARY: * Did the whole world once use a 360-day calendar? If so, why? RSR hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams look at the Mayans, Egyptians, Aztecs, Indians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans...
  3. Jefferson

    Who is the Weaker Brother?

    Theology Thursday: Who is the Weaker Brother? This is the show from Thursday, December 31st, 2016 SUMMARY: Romans 14: Are you the weaker brother that Paul talks about? On today's Theology Thursday we hear Paul referring to the weaker brother, but what does that mean? The answer to that...
  4. Jefferson

    McBurney's BIG 2016 Predictions

    McBurney's BIG 2016 Predictions This is the show from Wednesday, December 30th, 2015 SUMMARY: Bob’s guest Doug McBurney reveals his predictions for 2016 and talks about the broken American Family, the child pornography epidemic, a generation who hate their father, misogyny & Megyn Kelly, a...
  5. Jefferson

    Bob Passes Doug's Pastor Pop Quiz

    Bob Passes Doug's Pastor Pop Quiz This is the show from Tuesday, December 29th, 2015 SUMMARY: * On the Bus, or Off the Bus… Today Bob & co-host Doug McBurney update you on the coming automation of just about everything, (including city buses), and why you should not fear it, (unless you’re...
  6. Jefferson

    Bob & Doug at War

    Bob & Doug at War This is the show from Monday, December 28th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Introducing Speaker Romney Ryan: Listen in as Bob & co-host Doug McBurney review the Ryan/McConnell/Pelosi/Reid budget deal & grant Paul Ryan his new moniker, “Romney Ryan”! * Grains, Plantains & Automobiles: May...
  7. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The Star of Bethlehem

    RSR: The Star of Bethlehem This is the show from Friday, December 25th, 2015 SUMMARY:
  8. Jefferson

    Theology Thursday: God Became Flesh

    Theology Thursday: God Became Flesh This is the show from Thursday, December 24th, 2015 SUMMARY: God Became Man: As we celebrate Christmas Bob discusses what it means that God became flesh.
  9. Jefferson

    Bob & Doug to Tampa and Beyond!

    Bob & Doug to Tampa and Beyond! This is the show from Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 SUMMARY: * Ted Cruz’s Beard: Join Bob & co-host Doug McBurney as they discuss the blind spot Christians have for politicians like Ted Cruz who’ll say anything to bamboozle them. * Spreading Disease as a...
  10. Jefferson

    How Should CRTL Reply to the Billy Graham Association?

    How Should CRTL Reply to the Billy Graham Association? This is the show from Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart discusses a request from the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, to Colorado Right To Life. And in a related story, he shares a heartfelt thank you letter to the...
  11. Jefferson

    Robbers & The (Not so) Lost Ark

    Robbers & The (Not so) Lost Ark This is the show from Monday, December 21st, 2015 SUMMARY: * Diagnosis: Salt: Confirming the axiom that all scientists work for (proponent of the Hydroplate Theory) Walt Brown, Bob tells co-host Doug McBurneyabout yet another “earth-sourced” mineral found in...
  12. Jefferson

    The Real Science Radio Christmas Show

    The Real Science Radio Christmas Show This is the show from Thursday, December 18th, 2015 SUMMARY: * There is born a Savior, Christ the Lord: The few remaining Christians in Bethelehem will be remembering next week the birth of the Christ Child 2,000 years ago. We join them, and the hundreds...
  13. Jefferson

    Daniel & Nebuchadnezzar

    Theology Thursday: Daniel & Nebuchadnezzar This is the show from Thursday, December 17th, 2015 SUMMARY: Honoring God: In this week's verse by verse study of chapter four of the Book of Daniel, Bob explains the benefits of honoring God and the tragic results that come from dishonoring God...
  14. Jefferson

    More Liberal Censorship

    Ivy leaguers sign 'petition' to repeal First Amendment See The liberal attitude loving censorship continues.
  15. Jefferson

    Ed Hanks: How Your Politician Trains You

    Ed Hanks: How Your Politician Trains You This is the show from Wednesday, December 15th, 2015 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart welcomes Ed Hanks back into the studio, the political activist, former speechwriter, and press secretary to discuss another aspect of his great book, How To Train Your Politician...
  16. Jefferson

    "Home Alone" movie theory

    Home Alone Theory - Kevin Meets God and Gets Saved TDsUEpgF0YM&fmt=18
  17. Jefferson

    The Heterosexual Medical Doc Fired from a Boston Hospital

    The Heterosexual Medical Doc Fired from a Boston Hospital This is the show from Tuesday, December 15th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Dr. Paul Church Fired from Beth Israel Deaconess: You may have heard of the Christian Dr. Paul Church who was fired from Harvard-associated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical...
  18. Jefferson

    NYT: Government Might Knowingly Welcome Jihad Supporters (Allegedly)

    NYT: Government Might Knowingly Welcome Jihad Supporters (Allegedly) This is the show from Monday, December 14th, 2015 SUMMARY: Bob asks, What's your reading of this, from the New York Times, about California's female Muslim terrorist's pro-Jihad social media posts?" NY Times: "Had the...
  19. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: ICR's Dinosaur Tissue Expert Brian Thomas on RSR

    ICR's Dinosaur Tissue Expert Brian Thomas on RSR This is the show from Friday, December 11th, 2015 SUMMARY: * RSR Interviews a Leading Expert on Fresh Fossils: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews Dallas science writer Brian Thomas (masters in biology), the dinosaur soft tissue...
  20. Jefferson

    The Book of Isaiah

    Theology Thursday: The Book of Isaiah This is the show from Thursday, December 10th, 2015 SUMMARY: Bible Study: On this weeks Theology Thursday, listen to the entire chapter one of Bob just released verse by verse study of the book of Isaiah. Today's Resource: Isaiah Bible Study Vol. 1...