Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Epistle to the Galatians Pt 5

    ThThurs: Epistle to the Galatians Pt 5[/b] This is the show from Thursday, September 26th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Letter to the Galatians: For over twenty-five years Bob Enyart has studied God"s Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can...
  2. Jefferson

    Sinking the U.S. Navy's Three (Alien) UFO Videos

    Sinking the U.S. Navy's Three (Alien) UFO Videos[/b] This is the show from Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 SUMMARY: Telethon update: We're now at $25,685 of our $40,000 goal! Please help if you can! Preferring to ignore the apoplectic media and congress, and having no dog in that fight...
  3. Jefferson

    BEL's Quantum Supremacy Over the Media

    BEL's Quantum Supremacy Over the Media This is the show from Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Telethon Update: We're now at $25,075 of our $40,000 goal! Please help if you can! * How Do Quantum Computers Do It? Here's the Explanation that Helps You Grasp It: The entire world of...
  4. Jefferson

    Google's and BEL's Own Quantum Supremacy :)

    Google's and BEL's Own Quantum Supremacy :) This is the show from Monday, September 23rd, 2019 SUMMARY: Telethon Update- We're now at $24,575 of our $40,000 goal! Please help out if you can! The entire world of science journalism has been unable to explain in a way the public can understand...
  5. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio and the 23.7 of 40 Ratio

    Real Science Radio and the 23.7 of 40 Ratio This is the show from Friday, September 20th, 2019 SUMMARY: Our telethon's at $23,700 of $40,000! [Update: $24,000 of $40k!] Thanks so much! And to others, please help! :) Bob Enyart reviews the RSR list shows that we're considering producing...
  6. Jefferson

    ThThurs: Epistle to the Colossians Pt 9

    ThThurs: Epistle to the Colossians Pt 9 This is the show from Thursday, September 19th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Epistle to the Colossians: Our telethon's at $23,200 of $40,000! Thanks so much! And to others, please help! :) Paul's Epistle to the Colossians brings Christians to consider Christ's role...
  7. Jefferson

    1/2 million mosquitoes released weekly for years by mad scientists (not really, but)

    Half a million mosquitoes released weekly for years by mad scientists (well, not really, but... :) This is the show from Wednesday, September 18th, 2019 SUMMARY: Telethon's at $23,100 of $40,000! Thanks so much! And to others, please help! :) Thanks also for helping us hit two minor...
  8. Jefferson

    Liberals hate Christians as Germans hated Jews

    Liberals hate Christians as Germans hated Jews This is the show from Tuesday, September 17th, 2019 SUMMARY: Our annual September telethon is at $21,500 (corrected) of $40,000! Please help! On today's program, Bob talks about American liberals hating Christians as much as 1930s Germans hated...
  9. Jefferson

    Pride vs Humility

    Pride vs Humility This is the show from Monday, September 16th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Telethon: Our annual September telethon is at $21,000 of $40,000! Please help! * Correction: Sean and Ellen Masters! On today's program, Bob mentioned friends ffrom Indiana who played a major roll in closing down...
  10. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio's Echolocation Pt. 2

    RSR's Echolocation Pt. 2 This is the show from Friday, September 13th, 2019 SUMMARY: Note: Bats do not have hollow bones. Their delicate bones have proportionately much less marrow than most other mammals. * How'd Bats and Dolphins Evolve This?[/b] (Make sure to start with Part 1. And our...
  11. Jefferson

    ThThurs: Epistle to the Colossians Pt 8

    ThThurs: Epistle to the Colossians Pt 8 This is the show from Thursday, September 12th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Epistle to the Colossians: Paul's Epistle to the Colossians brings Christians to consider Christ's role in the Godhead and the very nature of the Trinity. Find out why Paul refers to the...
  12. Jefferson

    The Muslim Problem 18 Years Later; And Palin, Still a Problem

    The Muslim Problem 18 Years Later; And Palin, Still a Problem This is the show from Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 SUMMARY: $19,400 of $40,000! We're getting there! Please help if you can! Bob Enyart reminds the audience of how they were lied to by Christian and pro-life leaders including...
  13. Jefferson

    Weinstein Case Twists and Turns: Bloom & Canosa

    Weinstein Case Twists and Turns: Bloom & Canosa This is the show from Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 SUMMARY: ($7,150 of $40,000. Thank you so much, and to others, please help if you can!) Trading sex for work spawns more victims as surely as those who pay kidnappers breed more victims. Two...
  14. Jefferson

    All the Lonely People and Where they All Come From

    All the Lonely People and Where they All Come From This is the show from Monday, September 9th, 2019 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart reports briefly on two studies, falling marriage rates in the U.S. and loneliness in England. Look at all the lonely people. We know where they all came from. At least, if...
  15. Jefferson

    Another scientist doubting Darwin and other expected (i.e., awesome) developments!

    Another scientist doubting Darwin and other expected (i.e., awesome) developments! This is the show from Friday, September 6th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Yale's Dr. Gelernter: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart reports on the latest headlines. Another scholar, Yale University Prof. David Gelernter has...
  16. Jefferson

    The Book of Daniel Pt 4

    ThThurs: The Book of Daniel Pt 4 This is the show from Thursday, September 5th, 2019 SUMMARY: * The Book of Daniel: Meet Daniel and his associates through this great BEL Bible study. You'll enjoy understanding this part of ancient Israel's history. Beginning almost exactly 600 years before...
  17. Jefferson

    Reason #1,126 and Another Relapsed Ex-Homosexual

    Reason #1,126 and Another Relapsed Ex-Homosexual This is the show from Wednesday, September 4th, 2019 SUMMARY: Bob explains why a government school, per se, is even more evil than a godless school, as he shares yet another reason to keep your kids out of a public school. The BEL Telethon...
  18. Jefferson

    If it's a choice between Dorian and KGOV...

    If it's a choice between Dorian and KGOV... This is the show from Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart thanks the listeners who have already given $2,000 toward our $40,000 telethon goal but urges everyone to especially consider giving for the hurricane victims in the Bahamas...
  19. Jefferson

    Laboring for the Lord, for You, and for $40,000

    Laboring for the Lord, for You, and for $40,000 This is the show from Monday, September 2nd, 2019 SUMMARY: For this Labor Day Bob Enyart, born in Paterson, N.J., the town of the father of Labor Day, talks through the more than quarter century of labors in our studio and describes how you can...
  20. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio's List of Problems with the Evolution of Echolocation

    RSR's List of Problems with the Evolution of Echolocation This is the show from Friday, August 30th, 2019 SUMMARY: * How'd Bats and Whales Evolve This? This program on bats and whales fits into our List of Genomes that Just Don't Fit and our Evolution's Big Squeeze series. For example, do...