Search results

  1. Jefferson

    The Book of Isaiah Pt. 4

    ThThurs: The Book of Isaiah Pt. 4 This is the show from Thursday, October 24th, 2019 SUMMARY: * The Prophet Isaiah: Thus saith the Lord. From the first chapter to the last, through this ministry in Judah, God’s voice is heard loud and clear. Not surprisingly, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah...
  2. Jefferson

    The Reliant in theaters tomorrow; BEL Reliable today on quantum computing!

    The Reliant in theaters tomorrow; BEL Reliable today on quantum computing! This is the show from Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 SUMMARY: See the film the anti-gun groups hate, The Reliant, one night only at a theater near you, tomorrow night, October 24th at 7 p.m. and hear on today's...
  3. Jefferson

    The Biggest Loser Canadian Is Again the Biggest Winner

    The Biggest Loser Canadian Is Again the Biggest Winner This is the show from Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 SUMMARY: Bob cycles through the Canadian victories and explains why those who dress up like somebody they're not are really the biggest losers. And then for something completely different...
  4. Jefferson

    Please Steal This Show

    Please Steal This Show This is the show from Monday, October 21st, 2019 SUMMARY: * I-25… Repentance Road? Bob and co-host Doug McBurney talk about the defacement of Colorado Right to Life’s Billboard along the freeway in Southern Colorado, (and the hope that the vandal...
  5. Jefferson

    The 360-Day Year on Real Science Radio

    The 360-Day Year on Real Science Radio This is the show from Friday, October 18th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Did the whole world once use a 360-day calendar? If so, why? From our archives, RSR hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams look at the Mayans, Egyptians, Aztecs, Indians, Sumerians, Babylonians...
  6. Jefferson

    The Book of Isaiah Pt. 3

    ThThurs: The Book of Isaiah Pt. 3 This is the show from Thursday, October 17th, 2019 SUMMARY: * The Prophet Isaiah: Thus saith the Lord. From the first chapter to the last, through this ministry in Judah, God’s voice is heard loud and clear. Not surprisingly, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah...
  7. Jefferson

    The Reliant, Coming One Night Only to a Theater Near You!

    The Reliant, Coming One Night Only to a Theater Near You! This is the show from Wednesday, October 16th, 2019 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart interviews the writer/producer of the Fathom Event film The Reliant, coming one night only to a theater near you, next Thursday. To see more about Doc Johnston's...
  8. Jefferson

    Who's the Biggest Winner? LeBron, Bezos, Trump, or You?

    Who's the Biggest Winner? LeBron, Bezos, Trump, or You? This is the show from Tuesday, October 15th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Bob's Friend's Film Coming to a Theater Near You: A once-in-a-lifetime currency collapse leads to rioting and anarchy throughout the nation. In the city of Zanesville, Ohio...
  9. Jefferson

    Bill Gates, Shep Smith, and the Hellbound Lot of 'Em

    Bill Gates, Shep Smith, and the Hellbound Lot of 'Em This is the show from Monday, October 14th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Bob's Friend's Film Coming to a Theater Near You: A once-in-a-lifetime currency collapse leads to rioting and anarchy throughout the nation. In the city of Zanesville, Ohio, one...
  10. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Cassini System Admin Coppedge on the Saturn Mission

    Cassini System Admin Coppedge on the Saturn Mission This is the show from Friday, October 11th, 2019 SUMMARY: * David Coppedge Cassini Mission Ground System Administrator: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart interviews David Coppedge on the stunning Cassini mission to Saturn and its stunning...
  11. Jefferson

    Epistle to the Galatians Pt 7

    ThThurs: Epistle to the Galatians Pt 7 This is the show from Thursday, October 10th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Bob's Friend's Film Coming to a Theater Near You: A once-in-a-lifetime currency collapse leads to rioting and anarchy throughout the nation. In the city of Zanesville, Ohio, one family...
  12. Jefferson

    Sherri Williams on So-Called "Hard Cases"

    Sherri Williams on So-Called "Hard Cases" This is the show from Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Bob's Friend's Film Coming to a Theater Near You: A once-in-a-lifetime currency collapse leads to rioting and anarchy throughout the nation. In the city of Zanesville, Ohio, one family...
  13. Jefferson

    Air Force turns women into pilots; iPhone turns caller into homo

    Air Force turns women into pilots; iPhone turns caller into homo This is the show from Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 SUMMARY: So what's a man to do? Years ago Doug McBurney asked, "What's the hardest thing about switching to a Mac?" to which Bob Enyat answered, "Telling your mother that you're...
  14. Jefferson

    The NY Times should join Alex Jones in Group Therapy

    The NY Times should join Alex Jones in Group Therapy This is the show from Monday, October 7th, 2019 SUMMARY: Plummeting abortion rates in California expose the pro-life industry's fraudulent use of statistics. See American RTL's article, Abortion Regs Don't Work, Say Cal's Falling Rates. Bob...
  15. Jefferson

    The Creator's Coding Library: Winston Ewert on Real Science Radio

    The Creator's Coding Library: Winston Ewert on RSR This is the show from Friday, October 4th, 2019 SUMMARY: Get ready to think. And brace yourself. Winston Ewert, Ph.D. from Baylor University in computer engineering, explains why Darwin's tree of life is being cut down ( as...
  16. Jefferson

    Epistle to the Galatians Pt 6

    ThThurs: Epistle to the Galatians Pt 6 This is the show from Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 SUMMARY: * Letter to the Galatians: For over twenty-five years Bob Enyart has studied God"s Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit...
  17. Jefferson

    Debunking 7 Myths with Pat Roy of Genesis Apologetics

    Debunking 7 Myths with Pat Roy of Genesis Apologetics This is the show from Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart interviews Pat Roy, creator of the great Jonathan Park Adventure Series, on the brand new Genesis Apologetics project, Debunking 7 Myths by G.A. founder Dr. Dan...
  18. Jefferson

    Trump Congratulates China's Genocidal Communist Government!

    Trump Congratulates China's Genocidal Communist Government! This is the show from Tuesday, October 1st, 2019 SUMMARY: Telethon Final: You guys did it! We're so grateful to you all and to the Lord! We hit $40,090 of our $40,000 goal! Wow! Thanks so much for helping! * The Ruskies and the...
  19. Jefferson

    "Build That Wall" God said to Nehemiah!

    "Build That Wall" God said to Nehemiah! This is the show from Monday, September 30th, 2019 SUMMARY: Telethon update: We're now at $30,400 of our $40,000 goal! Please help if you can! UPDATE: Dollar for dollar matching offer till midnight tonight from Wayne from Indiana to max out at our...
  20. Jefferson

    RSR's List of Doubts Christians Have

    RSR's List of Doubts Christians Have This is the show from Friday, September 27th, 2019 SUMMARY: For Real Science Radio's List of Scholars Doubting Darwin and the Big Bang please see and click to hear Bob discuss this on the radio. Telethon update: We're now at $25,800 of...