Search results

  1. ebenz47037

    I'm getting excited about spring time!

    I'm going to order some blueberry bushes next week. These are two year old plants that are guaranteed to produce fruit this year. I'm looking forward to fresh blueberries. I'm going to wait at least another two to four weeks to buy tomatos, cucumbers, and other plants for my garden. I'm just...
  2. ebenz47037

    Just got a call from my nephew...

    ...saying, "We're on our way there." By we, he means he and his girlfriend. They're about four and a half hours from here. I talked him into staying in a hotel when they get here because they're not going to be here until around midnight and I don't want to sleep downstairs because it's too cold.
  3. ebenz47037

    Winter's slowly but surely slipping away

    In southeastern Indiana, we're experiencing what they call the "roller coaster" days of late winter/early spring. By this term, they mean that one day it will be in the mid to high forties and then the next day will be in the twenties with snow. Right now, we have temperatures in the high...
  4. ebenz47037

    How many people actually caught measles from the vaccination?

    Because I've been reading the thread about no more personal choice exemptions for vaccinating children, I decided to as this question. You see, I caught both measles and mumps from the vaccinations when I was a kid and gave them to both my sisters who had also been vaccinated. I know that was...
  5. ebenz47037

    I have such good neighbors!

    I have to tell you all how much I appreciate them. I called Jill, at work, today to ask her if her son could bring my trash can up from the driveway to the front porch, wait for me to put my trash in it and then take it back down to the end of the driveway. I have six inches of snow in my yard...
  6. ebenz47037

    Bad weather's coming!

    The forecasters are predicting 4 to 6 inches of snow for my area and more for the people that live south of me. The high temperature predicted for today is 18 degrees with a wind chill of -6 degrees. None of my dogs are staying out for long during the day. And, I've already got dinner in the...
  7. ebenz47037

    Anyone in the Indianapolis/Shelbyville area...

    ...want to meet at the Denny's in Shelbyville on 2/11 around 8 PM? I have to drive my nephew up to the Indianapolis Greyhound station that day and, depending on weather and traffic, I should be back to Shelbyville around 8 PM on my way back home. I will give my cell phone number to anyone who...
  8. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 12-23-13

    Bybee got my pick, today. Here's her post. :thumb: :first:
  9. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 9-16-13

    Thunder's Muse gets my pick today for this post she made yesterday. Wtg, TM! Too bad that some other people couldn't have learned the same lessons that you have.
  10. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 3/23/13

    Angel4Truth gets my POTD for this post. I couldn't have stated my own thoughts any better than she did. :first: