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  1. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 1/28/2013

    Here's something I never thought would happen. Serpentdove receives my pick today! :first:
  2. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 1/10/2013

    Psalmist gets my pick, today, for this post telling why he supports TOL. Well done, Psalmist! :BRAVO:
  3. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 1/9/2012

    Delmar gets my POTD, today, for this comment on gun violence.
  4. ebenz47037

    Nori's top ten of 2012

    Wow! That time of year again? It doesn't seem like it's been a year since the last one. Before I give my list, I have to nominate a thread for Nori's top thread of the year 2012. In this thread, you can see method to the madness that so many see in some of TOL's members. I actually gave...
  5. ebenz47037

    Did the presidential debates change anyone's mind?

    Really? They didn't change my mind at all. I still see Romney and Obama as being the same. I am not going to vote for either of them because there is no huge difference between the two of them. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to vote, though. Now, I know that some of you will say...
  6. ebenz47037

    Going to try making a menu for the next two weeks.

    I'm posting a menu for the dates October 2, 2012 through October 16, 2012 (We always eat out on the first and fifteenth of the month, when I pay bills and/or go shopping.). Hopefully, it will help me to save money shopping. :) I'm posting a tentative menu here and will work with it throughout...
  7. ebenz47037

    Nori's picke 9/2/2012

    Shasta makes an excellent point here about child molesters. As the mother of a molested child (and the ex-wife of a child molester), I agree with your wife on the effects of child molestation and what the punishment should be for molesters.
  8. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 4/30/12

    Today's pick goes to Spitfire for this response in Traditio's thread about women dressing conservatively. I totally agree with you on this part. I've noticed the same thing in a lot of Trad's threads. And, while I hate to speak badly about a lot of women, this is true as well. I've noticed...
  9. ebenz47037

    Nori's Pick 3/20/2012

    I usually just pick one post for my POTD. Today, I'm picking a thread and several posts in it (made by several people). And, although I think the thread was posted to antagonize a lot of people here, I think the poster's intent backfired on him/her. My pick is the thread Open rebuke is better...
  10. ebenz47037

    Nori's Pick 3/10/2012

    I don't agree with everything Nang says. But, she nailed it here. :first:
  11. ebenz47037


    Since Knight has seen fit to make me a moderator, again, I thought I should re-introduce myself to TOL; especially those who don't know anything about me. My name is Nori. I've been a member of TOL since late 1998. The reason my profile says 2002 is because Knight re-did the database about...
  12. ebenz47037

    Nori's SPOTD 1/1/12

    Although it's a long post and although I don't agree with him a whole lot, John W got my pick today for showing the difference between Christ's judgment and the judgment that Christians are supposed to make (And, he even said it in small enough words that most, if not all, people can understand...
  13. ebenz47037

    Nori's SPOTD 12/29/11

    Inzl Kett gets my pick for this post: I like the way you think. :thumb:
  14. ebenz47037

    Nori's SPOTD for 1/14/2011

    Vegascowboy got me smiling when he perfectly described the majority of greenrage's posts:
  15. ebenz47037

    Nori's SPOTD for 12/21/2010

    I never thought I'd live to see the day where I agreed with Squeaky on anything. But, here, he actually said something that makes sense and didn't list a lot of out of context scripture to back it up. Thanks, Squeaks!
  16. ebenz47037

    Nori's Pick for 5-8-09

    MaryContrary gets my POTD for the following post: Mary, you've said more than I could with this post. I have a really hard time with people saying that abortion is a woman's choice (And, for those who don't know, yes. I'm a woman.). It's the woman's choice to have the child or to abort the...
  17. ebenz47037

    Nori's Pick for 4-30-09

    bodhigirlsmiles gets my :first: POTD today, for this post: Very, very well stated! And, from reading it, I have to say that, in this case, I agree with you.
  18. ebenz47037

    Nori's Pick 4-20-09

    Stripe gets my POTD, today. :D I especially like the last paragraph. :first:
  19. ebenz47037

    Nori's Pick 4-19-09

    I think we've got a new star among Truthsmackers, here. Welcome to TOL, Sam!
  20. ebenz47037

    Anyone notice the timing...

    ...of these two news stories coming out? Green adviser calls for a limit of two children and 'A Risk.' Octuplets' mom took gamble that paid off All of the blogs I've been reading have comments about how this woman should have been limited to two children many years ago. But, how many of...