Search results

  1. fool

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    WOW! It all makes sense now.
  2. fool

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    What about all the modern people that go to the Station there?
  3. fool

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    What happens if we go to the edge? Has anyone ever been to the edge?
  4. fool

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    No, they would never see the sunset. No, it would change angle as well as waxing or waning once every 24 hours and midnight would have the sun visible to your direct North.
  5. fool

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Right, we're all on the same side of the record, the side facing "up" and the center of the record is the north pole and the outer edge of the record is the coast of Antarctica. So when you go north you're going towards the center and when you go South you are going towards the edge. Cause it's...
  6. fool

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    It would never set. Imagine your new "Globe" is a flat disk like a record player with the North pole being the center and the Coast of Antarctica is the outside edge. Now take a small light bulb to be the sun and suspend it over the record. We know it's always noon somewhere so put the light...
  7. fool

    There is no "Popular Vote" winner.

    I've seen people citing the "Popular Vote' results of this past election and I felt a need to point out that we don't know what that is because we didn't have one. The Electoral College Election is a different stimuli than a Popular Vote Election. Like offering teenagers Pizza and expecting...
  8. fool

    Mass shooting in Orlando, Florida USA 20 dead
  9. fool

    Obama is leading America into the toilet

    So; Just like the title says Obama is keeping the POT in POTUS and leading us into the bathroom to explain how he wants us to use it. That's right, if you're a school anywhere in the United States that receives federal funds you'll have you funds cut off unless you let any body use whatever...
  10. fool

    Ferguson Missouri a war zone, again..........
  11. fool

    10 people shot at party in Detroit
  12. fool

    You're a cop and you should shoot a fleeing suspect when he has your...........

    Don't answer until I've posted the poll Don't do it. Or I'll have to start a new poll about what to do to people who answer poll threads before the poll is posted and that will not be pretty. Edit; Poll is up, vote away, your votes are public, vote for as many as you want.
  13. fool

    Celebrity nude pics leaked So, a bunch of movie stars got their iclouds hacked and now their nekked pics are everywhere. Of course, cause that's where they keep them. I'm 43, there are no naked pictures of me anywhere. "Some things you...
  14. fool

    Riots in Ferguson MO. USA We got a situation. Thoughts on this? I'm sure THall and Christ's Word are too busy stuffing 300 BLK into their ARs on their way to defend the citizens of Ferguson to respond. Unless they're still holding the line at Bundy's ranch...
  15. fool

    One on One; Granite and fool on the Zimmerman Case

    Sweet! Here we are with our own thread to figure this all out. The Zimmerman case will go down in history as a study of how the media can spread misinformation like wildfire until the public is ready to lynch someone, but once you start to gather the facts you find out that half of what you...
  16. fool

    OMEGA Knocks it outa the park!

    OMEGA calls it; And it happens! Good show OMEGA.
  17. fool

    The NEW-UPDATED 10 TOL Commandments

    You reported yourself genius. Then I reported you for reporting yourself. If you had a subscription then you could see who reported you. It's only three dollars a month, you get a bigger PM box and a free golf cart when you play at the TOL golf course.
  18. fool

    What's up Bob

    Have you worked your way thru the impasse too #5? You broke that conversation off, not me. Why invent this new apologetic if the first one was sound? What if something else you're standing on isn't sound?
  19. fool

    ATTN!!! Vote for fool in the Bob Enyart poll!!

    Bob has decided to include a fool vote in his poll about how sweet Knights ARTL logo is. A "no" vote means it's not the coolest logo. A "my name is fool and I don't count" is an option. I'd like you all to choose the "my name is fool and I don't count" vote. For no other reason than to see how...
  20. fool

    fool thinks he's an expert on anti-abortion tactics

    Admin note: The following was split from this thread about the effort to deter The Weitz Company from building Planned Parenthood's new abortion supercenter in Denver. -- :turbo: This is wrong