Search results

  1. Bright Raven

    Is Squeaky's theology correct?

    What say you?
  2. Bright Raven

    What happens to the Christian at the time of death?

    Slice it dice it, what do you think?
  3. Bright Raven

    Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian?

    Slice it, dice it any way you want.
  4. Bright Raven

    The divinity of Jesus Christ.

    Is Jesus divine or not. Support your position with scripture.
  5. Bright Raven

    Happy Birthday Chickenman

    Happy Birthday! :drum::the_wave: Miss you Bro.
  6. Bright Raven

    What will happen?

    What will happen to the church within the 30 to 60 days considering the Supreme Court decision on Same sex marriage?
  7. Bright Raven


    What's up with the reputation system? I have watched a hundred points evaporate today with no negative reps. Not that important, just curious.
  8. Bright Raven

    Happy Father's Day

    Happy Father's Day to you Tol'ers
  9. Bright Raven

    Happy Birthday Jonah of Akron

    Happy Birthday! :drum::the_wave:
  10. Bright Raven

    ECT Who died for the Church

    Acts 20:27-29 King James Version (KJV) 27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. 28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own...
  11. Bright Raven

    ECT Predestination or Free Will

    Does God choose us to be conformed to his will or do we of free will choice choose God?
  12. Bright Raven

    Happy Birthday Godrulz

    Happy Birthday! :drum::the_wave:
  13. Bright Raven

    ECT The Sufficiency of Christ.

    Is Jesus all sufficient? What do you think?
  14. Bright Raven

    ECT Who is Jesus?

    Who is He? Give scripture references.
  15. Bright Raven

    What does TOL mean to you?

    For me, this forum was a god send.
  16. Bright Raven

    Jesus is God

    Do you believe it?
  17. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: What are the basics of MAD.

    I would like for someone (STP/John W) well versed in MAD to list the basics. I think it would be very helpful considering all the MAD threads in the religion forum.