Search results

  1. Sherman

    Who Cares About Creation Science? - Jan 12, 2024

    Who Cares About Creation Science? *Interesting Fact of the Week: What animal can make 276 facial expressions? (Don't ask how they are tallied...)? Surprisingly, it's not the obvious answer: the camel. Tune it to find out! *Why Are We Here? This week we ask the question that philosophers...
  2. Sherman

    ThThurs: 1 John Pt. 10 - Jan 11, 2024

    ThThurs: 1 John Pt. 10 It's telethon month! We are at $5,487 of our $25,000 goal! We're looking to fund a full-fledged media team for 2024. You may have noticed we didn't have a single telethon last year, because of supporters like you who have given us stability. But now, we're looking to go...
  3. Sherman

    Did Jesus Die on a Cross or a Torture Stake? - Jan 10, 2024

    Did Jesus Die on a Cross or a Torture Stake? It's telethon month! We are at $5,098 of our $25,000 goal! We're looking to fund a full-fledged media team for 2024. You may have noticed we didn't have a single telethon last year, because of supporters like you who have given us stability. But now...
  4. Sherman

    19 Random Reasons Why I'm NOT a Mormon - Jan 9, 2024

    19 Random Reasons Why I'm NOT a Mormon It's telethon month! We are at $5,098 of our $25,000 goal! We're looking to fund a full-fledged media team for 2024. You may have noticed we didn't have a single telethon last year, because of supporters like you who have given us stability. But now...
  5. Sherman

    RSR’s Man On The Street at Cherry Creek Mall - Jan 5, 2024

    RSR’s Man On The Street at Cherry Creek Mall * Flat Earth, Diamonds, Dinosaur DNA, and more. Fred and Ryan Williams grab a mic and camera for RSR’s first ever Man On The Street Interviews! See how the general public responds to questions about champs and man, C14 in Diamonds, whether or not the...
  6. Sherman

    ThThurs: Genesis Creation Pt. 13 - Jan 4, 2024

    ThThurs: Genesis Creation Pt. 13 It's telethon month! Today's day #4 and we're looking for $25,000 to build up a full-fledged media team. You may have noticed we didn't have a single telethon last year, because of supporters like you who have given us stability! But now, we're looking to go...
  7. Sherman

    The KEY to Understanding the Bible (Part 1) - Jan 1 2024

    The KEY to Understanding the Bible (Part 1) Jesus Christ was circumcised! (Yet we don't have to be!) God gives the topic of circumcision extensive coverage in the New Testament. The Old Testament only references this thirty-two times, while the New Testament mentions it seventy-six times. The...
  8. Sherman

    The End of Evolution with Sal Cordova + RSR's 2023 Bloopers! - Dec 29, 2023

    The End of Evolution with Sal Cordova + RSR's 2023 Bloopers! Catch RSR's Best of 2023 Bloopers! Watch Fred & Doug, and occasional guest host Ryan Williams, flub some lines or just having fun behind the scenes during show production. This show is only available on RSR's YouTube Channel. Be...
  9. Sherman

    The End of Evolution (Part I) Dec 29, 2023

    The End of Evolution (Part I) This week Fred and Doug welcome scientist and creation researcher Sal Cordova, a bio-molecular physics researcher. He has published with the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Springer/Nature, Oxford University Press, and Creation Research...
  10. Sherman

    ThThurs: Genesis Creation Pt. 12 - Dec 28, 2023

    ThThurs: Genesis Creation Pt. 12 Genesis-Creation: A rock cannot make itself and a fire cannot burn forever. Matter cannot come from non-matter and a perpetual motion machine cannot exist. Therefore, the universe could not have made itself from nothing, nor could it have always been moving...
  11. Sherman

    I Shall Not Be Moved (Psalm 30) - Dec 27, 2023

    I Shall Not Be Moved (Psalm 30) Dominic Enyart is on assignment, so today, we go back to 2010 to hear Pastor Bob Enyart's sermon on Psalm 30.
  12. Sherman

    The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem - Dec 22, 2023

    The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem * Boulder, Colorado's Planetarium Show on Christ's Birth: For Christmas, we're enjoying this classic Real Science Radio broadcast about the University of Colorado's Fiske Planetarium presentation of a live program, The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem, by...
  13. Sherman

    ThThurs: Christmas Intolerance - Des 21, 2023

    ThThurs: Christmas Intolerance * Merry Christmas! Today, we go back to 2004 to listen to Bob Enyart's Christmas sermon on the liberal's intolerance of anything that reminds them of Jesus Christ (And in 2023, things haven't changed)! * KGOV Karols: Stick around to the end to hear BEL's way...
  14. Sherman

    The Case for Christmas - Dec 20, 2023

    The Case for Christmas
  15. Sherman

    Trees Talk. Really! (Well, not REALLY, but... Really!) - Dec 19, 2023

    Trees Talk. Really! (Well, not REALLY, but... Really!) Like a thermostat talking to the furnace, trees talk to one another, and even to the neighbors' furnaces, so to speak, and by the analogy, to many other devices. Bob Enyart and Fred Williams highlight Real Science Radio's existing reports...
  16. Sherman

    The Pagan Christmas Tree is OK - Dec 18, 2023

    The Pagan Christmas Tree is OK * Why God Just Might Like the Christmas Tree: Some Christians have been taught that because there are pagan symbols and origins for various Christmas and Easter traditions, therefore believers should not celebrate such religious feast days, should not use pagan...
  17. Sherman

    Real Climate Change with Dr. Paul Homan Part III - Dec 15 2023

    Real Climate Change with Dr. Paul Homan Part III *Join Dr. Homan for some R&R this Summer: Paul Homan, PhD will be a featured speaker throughout the Officer's Christian Fellowship Summer R&R events running June 8-25th 2024. Spend your summer vacation at the Beautiful White Sulphur Springs...
  18. Sherman

    ThThurs: Deuteronomy Pt. 11 - Dec 14 2023

    ThThurs: Deuteronomy Pt. 11 Deuteronomy: Relive young Israel's crucial moments, from their refusal to enter the Promised Land to the miracles and battles of the desert years. The name Deuteronomy signifies the retelling of the law. And learn the major lessons and the nuances of the biblical...
  19. Sherman

    GEN Z | We Hate Porn - Dec 13 2023

    GEN Z | We Hate Porn
  20. Sherman

    Regarding the Lord's death, which day of the week was that? - Dec 11 2023

    Regarding the Lord's death, which day of the week was that? YouTube Milestone: Our BEL/RSR YouTube channel is about to hit 900,000 views! You're invited to click on over to help if you'd like to! Bob Enyart, host of Real Science Radio, grew up Roman Catholic and remembers wondering how Jesus...