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  1. ok doser

    Why I lost faith in science

    I stuck this in politics because more and more nowadays we see a blind faith by the uneducated general population in things that they are told are "proven" in science. Evolution, climate change, gender identification, Kung Flu policy, vaccinations and on and on and on. Hossenfelder's...
  2. ok doser

    Psychological Epidemics, trans, homos and anti-racists

    Peterson talks about transsexualism in this video but I think much of what he covers also applies to homosexuality and the current trend on the left to label everything as racist
  3. ok doser

    The Last of Us

    I've been watching the live-action television series TLOU lately. I've enjoyed Pedro Pascal in other productions, and had a very small degree of familiarity with the original video game source material. Enjoyed episode 1. Enjoyed episode 2. Enjoyed episode 3, even more so once I realized that...
  4. ok doser

    Tyre Nichols

    Unarmed 29-year-old black man, FedEx employee, beaten to death by five black Memphis cops. Caught on video...
  5. ok doser

    The danger posed by the modern social media led Left

    There’s a certain psychotic efficiency to the modern left, and it shouldn’t be brushed aside.
  6. ok doser

    Diamond and Silk - RIP Diamond
  7. ok doser

    US intelligence interference in 2020 election

    The report found that Chinese analysts (ie American intelligence analysts assigned to studying China) “appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward because they tend to disagree with the administration’s policies, saying in effect, I don’t want our intelligence used to...
  8. ok doser

    Daryl Brooks

    Just finishing watching on YouTube Brooks' closing statement. Haven't really followed the trial, just caught the ridiculous highlights occasionally. It goes to jury deliberation next. And then years and years of appeals, of course.
  9. ok doser

    Loretta Lynn, RIP

  10. ok doser

    It's only funny until someone loses an eye
  11. ok doser

    RIP QE2

    .. ☹️
  12. ok doser

    Kung Flu Lab Leak, Chapter 17

    The lab-leak theory isn’t dead The mother of all Covid conspiracy theories is true For more than a year after the onset of the pandemic, talking about the possibility that the virus might have been lab-engineered was taboo. Then, as the evidence continued to mount, it suddenly became...
  13. ok doser

    What happens when you mix "Dumb as a Swede" with "The Religion of Peace"?

    Sweden has in just two generations gone from being one of the safest countries in the world to being one of the most dangerous countries in Europe.
  14. ok doser

    This is why democracy had to be subverted. Without undermining democracy, we couldn't have saved it.
  15. ok doser

    Election Fraud? What Election Fraud?

    Los Angeles County reported Monday that over 27% of the signatures submitted on petitions to recall District Attorney George Gascón were invalid — after reporting that less than 1% of mail-in ballots were invalid in the 2020 election. The county reported that it rejected 195,783 of the 715,833...
  16. ok doser

    Roy Moore v Democrats

    Judge Roy Moore Vindicated, Wins $8.2 Million Defamation Lawsuit A federal jury awarded Republican Roy Moore $8.2 million in damages Friday after finding that a Democratic super PAC defamed him in an advertisement during the 2017 U.S. Senate race in Alabama. Conservative Roy Moore had won the...
  17. ok doser

    Maneuvering For The Midterms

    Court Orders DOJ To Cough Up Biden’s Election-Takeover Documents Before Midterms A federal district court ruled last week that the Biden Department of Justice must hand over documents related to Biden’s executive order federalizing elections before the 2022 midterms and not after. As a...
  18. ok doser

    Biden Collusion With Tech Giants

    The link takes you to a PDF file. I'll post screenshots of it later. If this investigation bears fruit, I would expect it to be grounds for impeachment on January 3rd.
  19. ok doser

    10-year-old girl crossed state lines to get abortion

    This has been in the news the past couple days. Joe the Rapist presented it as fact, but there was no confirmation of the incident ever having actually happened. Of course with the story like this it split on political lines - the left presented it as a perfect example of the inhumanity of the...
  20. ok doser

    President Taco Sez "Bring Back Orangeman! Senile Old Guy Sux!"