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  1. This Charming Manc

    Black History Month

    nah, Those christian on the center and left think american right wing Christianity has gone completely nuts atm. Many people I know to be good and decent are believing things i know to abhorrent, vile and evil. I would never doubt there salvation and often would describe them as decent. But I...
  2. This Charming Manc

    The time has come...

    At the end of the day if the medical community are wrong and wearing a mask isn't significant, is it such a hardship to wear a mask in public for a few months, I doubt they are, I see they have no motive to lie to me about wearing a mask, but if they are mistaken, whats the cost to me? Not...
  3. This Charming Manc

    Constitutional Monarchy

    Have you guys read the book of chronciles and kings? The kings were a disaster, read your bibles....
  4. This Charming Manc

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    I'm more open in heaven coming to me at this juncture...
  5. This Charming Manc

    Acts 2:38 and the gift of the Holy Spirit

    I don't care what revelation you've had if you speak of a man like that using gods name to insult, character over knowledge every day of the week.
  6. This Charming Manc

    Think food shortages are something of myth in our world?

    Well as someone who lives in Europe, considering we have a pandemic for 12 months and the puigs ear we call Brexit. I havent noticed a significant long term noticable difference in food stocks. There are issue around food poverty but that's about the economy and government cuts to the benefit...
  7. This Charming Manc

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Hopefully not just yet :0
  8. This Charming Manc

    Acts 2:38 and the gift of the Holy Spirit

    Hi not met before. Should we really be proud of what has been revealed to us by grace? Howvere watch me get into it with someone on another thread and im sure you call me a hypocrite on this score :) Jon
  9. This Charming Manc

    Think food shortages are something of myth in our world?

    I could do with alittle less food in lockdown... ive grown and not in the ways i want. How are you?
  10. This Charming Manc

    Think food shortages are something of myth in our world?

    Europe, starving apparently :)
  11. This Charming Manc

    Think food shortages are something of myth in our world?

    lol strange in living in europe atm, and my fridge seems quite full, Just which Europeans are starving?
  12. This Charming Manc

    Think food shortages are something of myth in our world?

    Maybe we don't like being really obese.. :). Saying that i've put a few pounds on over lockdown.
  13. This Charming Manc

    Why i'm a socialist...

    Over on this side of the pond I would not choose to describe myself a socialist,( maybe a centerist dad.) but within the political spectrum of TOL I definitely fulfil that role. I enjoyed reading the definition of conservatism thread that going on and thought we need a rival one for us...
  14. This Charming Manc


  15. This Charming Manc

    6 Murdered in random shooting in US, not worth a mention?

    I wonder why... is it because its so frequent its not worth comment? or not mentioned it because he wasn't muslim so didn't suit agenda? or because the gun fans can't keep rolling out the same old same old an keep face?
  16. This Charming Manc

    Why are american angry? accurate or inane limey ramblings?
  17. This Charming Manc

    Let the abuse begin

  18. This Charming Manc

    Trump not banned from britian

    Just so you know this isn't a joke article. The British Parliament debated banning Donald trump from entering the UK yesterday...
  19. This Charming Manc

    Something for our muslim haters

    You should watch this