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  1. JudgeRightly

    Has the Church Replaced Israel ?

    There is no requirement for someone to know someone's heart in order to call them a liar when they lie. False. I recommend watching the videos linked below. You too, Tam.
  2. JudgeRightly

    Has the Church Replaced Israel ?

    Now you're bearing false witness. Stop it. Truth is not arbitrary. Jesus says to judge with righteous judgement. He says to not judge based on appearances. If someone is lying, and you call them a liar for lying, then that is a righteous judgement, not a false accusation. You're telling the...
  3. JudgeRightly

    Has the Church Replaced Israel ?

    If someone lies, and it's actually a lie, then does it take knowing the person's heart to call them out on their lying? (hint: no, it doesn't)
  4. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    No, He's not. If He were, it would be UNDENIABLY His handiwork, and what your saying would line up perfectly with the evidence. But it doesn't. In fact, your arguments aren't even consistent with each other, let alone the evidence! That's a sure sign that what you're teaching is false doctrine...
  5. JudgeRightly

    Can a Christian lose their salvation

    Just an fyi, Gary is ffreeloader.
  6. JudgeRightly

    Scientists Discover a Secret Ocean Floor And good to see you again!
  7. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    Saying it doesn't make it so. There are three pieces of evidence at the link provided. If the article I linked to ONLY gave the argument "it's tradition," then you would be justified in calling my evidence an appeal to tradition (a logical fallacy). But it's not the only argument presented...
  8. JudgeRightly

    Wokey McWokeface

    Betcha they replace him with a *retch* homo *retch*!
  9. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    Why only you? What makes you so special? Sounds like you failed to test the spirits to see if they are actually from God...
  10. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    You ignored what I posted. Here it is again:
  11. JudgeRightly

    A little comedy break....

  12. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    If someone doesn't have the patience or ability to focus for more than a few minutes, they probably won't last long here anyways.
  13. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    So in other words, you have nothing for evidence, just assertion after assertion.
  14. JudgeRightly

    Can a Christian lose their salvation

    That's not what it says at all. It says: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. There is no law...
  15. JudgeRightly

    Can a Christian lose their salvation

    With what, specifically? Because I was quoting scripture verbatim in some of what I said in response to your claim that "we are required to follow the law too." Galatians 5:22-23 does not say that the Holy Spirit enables us to keep the law.
  16. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    Supra. What is? What claim? Because you say so? Prove it. Prove it. Prove it.
  17. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    How about the fact that they're called "Matthew" "Mark" and "Luke." Luke wrote Luke, and he also wrote Acts. Not "who." "What." Saying it doesn't make it so. Saying it doesn't make it so. And why should we trust your...
  18. JudgeRightly

    Can a Christian lose their salvation

    Now you do. Gary, would you mind not using the "QUOTE" tags when quoting scripture. It may seem counter-intuitive, but it actually makes it more difficult to respond to what you quote. If you feel you must differentiate scripture by some means from the rest of your words, use the "BOX" tags...
  19. JudgeRightly

    Eyewitness Testimony

    Make the argument yourself. Don't expect others to do your homework for you. What data? This is an appeal to authority. Right back at you. Again, don't expect others to do your homework for you. Make the argument yourself. What fact? You haven't established any "facts" yet, you've only...
  20. JudgeRightly

    Can a Christian lose their salvation

    Paul says the law is a tutor to bring us to Christ. After which, we no longer need a tutor, and are no longer under the law. If that's not conversion, I don't know what is. "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness" according to Paul. Did you somehow miss that...