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  1. C

    Were there members of BLM in the Capitol building when protestor shot?

    Jefferson, the film footage beginning at 51:00 has been playing on multiple news outlets. They aren’t going anywhere. Also, who is this imbecile?
  2. C

    Covid Vaccination: I'm getting my first dose on Thursday

    I’m scheduled for January 5.
  3. C

    Highly regarded French professor thrown in mental hospital.

    “highly respected“ by whom?
  4. C

    masks work .. to infect you :(

    Mercola the quack? C’mon, Jefferson. You can do better than that.
  5. C

    Georgia Democrat Congressman Called Jews ‘Termites’

    He didn’t call all Jews “termites.“ He called SETTLERS “termites,” which they are.
  6. C

    What Are You Listening To Now VII

    Handel’s “Messiah.”
  7. C


    Roger Hodkinson is a pathologist. He may be “highly qualified” to look at my mole under a microscope, but he is not an expert on aerosol-borne pathogens.
  8. C

    How a Guy in Temecula Could Save the Election for Trump

    You’re whistling past the graveyard.
  9. C

    Joe Biden: Murder babies but save the terrorists

    it is ALIVE!!!